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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

[ORP-Drabble] A returning student (open to anyone!)

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Enoh Love

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:52 pm
Marati - better known as The Moon, Queen of the Black Kingdom - left the chamber of statues with an item in hand: a necklace, carrying a pendant with the likeness of a spider. She made her way through the room of treasure and golden seeds, her bare feet soundless on the ground as they carried her towards the door that would take her back to the hallway. The pendant was lifted over her head, and as the chain settled around her neck and the pendant against her chest, her form began to distort. Patchwork flesh darkened and elongated, and the half skeletal face mutated and twisted, until nothing was recognizable any more.

What stepped out into the hallway was not Amrita, or Marati, or anything remotely similar to what they had been.

A creature with jet black skin and long flowing hair emerged, four red eyes scouring the hallway for signs of life. Behind her, arachnid legs twitched, stretching before curling over her shoulders and around her middle like a shield. Clawed fingers fixed the long, draping purple dress she wore, fixing some of the wayward folds in the wake of her back spider legs adjusting themselves.

She was fidgeting, trying to get used to the form that was not her own; she was taller, thinner, and had extra limbs to keep track of. It was not easy, but she would make it work. One way or another, she always did. Her head tilted from side to side and her shoulders rolled, setting herself into a casual stance, forcing herself past the discomfort of working a new body to feign a lifelong comfort. It was easy; all she had to do was walk like she owned the place which, in her mind, she would soon.

With a satisfied smile that showed sharp teeth she turned, her heels clicking against the ground as she walked through the empty hallway, heading towards the cafeteria to go make some friends.

The OOC!

What's happening: Amrita's other half, The Black Queen (now calling herself Marati), has gotten her hands on a transformation artifact. She looks absolutely nothing like Amrita or the Black Queen, and doesn't sound like her either; even her closest friends wouldn't recognize her. Marati is taking this body out for a small spin before she gives the artifact to it's actual owner.

Anyone who would like to meet this 'new' character is free to RP here with me! It will be drabble-style, so short, and the ultimate goal is to give this student some quick acquaintances. Whether or not something comes from it in the future will be up to you!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:04 pm

"Did you know-" she began, looking up at the other ghoul. Why was everyone so tall? "-that the doomfish sandwich is often the tastiest cafeteria food and it sells out quite quickly?" Hollandaise's arms hugged her sides.

"Did you also know that you consume a lot of space?" Hollandaise was, in fact, referring to the other student's extraneous limbs and how she did not want to duck around them for a plate of mediocre food.  

The Semblance of Unity

Predestined Victim

Enoh Love

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:20 pm

The spider creature jumped, startled by the sudden voice somewhere below her direct line of vision. She looked around, then looked down, focusing all four deep red eyes on the ghoul at her side, who was already going on about doom fish sandwiches. Why that was anything important was beyond her, but the creature still smiled nonetheless, hoping to at least come off as polite.

"If they are as good as they used to be, I agree." Amicable, she decided, was the best course of action. It was the safest. Which was why, as the shorter tree child commented on her apparent abuse of the local space, she kept smiling, and even offered a short laugh. "I am aware, yes." She even leaned in a little, finding balance on the heels that plagued her, to share a secret with her new acquaintance. "I will let you in on a secret: people do not get in my way much, so I am a master of crowds." Two of the four eyes winked - thankfully, the pair was on the same side of her face - and she straightened, pointedly adjusting her limbs to consume another couple of inches around her person.

There was certainly a benefit to this body, she decided.

"Are they hosting doomfish sandwiches today? If so, you may jump the line and go ahead of me. I care not for fish." Actually, she didn't like any food; but that was a minor detail for Marati, not for the arachnid.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:55 pm
Unfriendly Face

"Vatch it!" He growled, having bumped into something, or rather, somebody, in his beeline to get in and out of the crowded cafeteria and it's irritating sounds of ghoulish chatter as quickly as possible with his tray full of food.  


Ice-Cold Hunter


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:01 pm
a presidential welcome

Llyr had stopped the ghoul in the hallway, a wide smile gracing his pale face.

"You are not familiar!" he said eagerly, with a voice that sounded strangely airy, a little distant almost, in spite of the fact that he was standing right next to her. "Are you a new student, perhaps?"

enoh love
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:04 pm

It'd been so long since she been to the creepateria. Jack, it had been so long since Piper had even stepped foot on Amity grounds at all. The past year and a half had been spent not on a sabbatical, as she had told her friends through her various letters, but rather as a protracted form of overbearing parental meddling: that is, the ghoul had been sent to another school to try her luck. After all, Amity wasn't known for having the most sound security, and her parents had been a little leery of sending her over from the very beginning.

But of course, Piper was Piper. She caused some trouble and merely flipped her hair back at the consequences. A new surrounding hadn't cowed her at all; rather, the reaper had grown in rebelliousness just to spite her parents. She didn't want new friends, she didn't want a second chance, she just wanted to get back to her old room with her old minipets and whine to her actual friends about how unfair her life was. (Bad grades, terrible punctuality, barely any seeds left in her account, little direction, one larger than life attitude that didn't belong to someone in her position.)

She'd squabbled and dug her heels and caused a fuss util finally, finally she was allowed back at Amity. And then, that first night--she had that weird, weird dream.

And now she didn't know how to feel yet again. The space was filled with a self-conscious restlessness.

Much like a ghost, Piper hovered on the edge of the crowd, seated by herself with her eyePhone for company. Her tray had the bare minimal amount of food, but her glassy gaze went outwards, accidentally staring at and through the drider as she contemplated what the heck do.

Enoh Love


Anxious Spirit

Enoh Love

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:11 am
Unfriendly Face

The arachnid, now jostled, looked around to see what had run into her - and spotted a rather small jackalope scampering away with a tray of food.

"Rude!" She called after the creature, half heartedly and not all that loudly, and went right back to the line.



a presidential welcome

Well, well. If there were ever a contest for laid back, soothing voices, Marati was fairly certain that this one would be a top contender. He had stopped her in the hallway after her trip to the cafeteria, and though it didn't take long for her to place the face - this was Llyr, their student body president - she feigned ignorance, and hoped her baffled expression was convincing.

"Something like that, yes!" She brushed her long white hair over her shoulder, though pieces of it caught in one of her bent spider legs, and then held her hand out for him to shake, should he wish. "I'm Tajana, and I'm a returning student, actually. I graduated from here five years ago. Just came to see what happened to the old place."




Between the curiously airy tree girl and the rather rude little vermin, Marati wasn't entirely convinced that this whole scheme of hers was a good idea. There was still the hope that there were diamonds in the rough so to speak, and certainly those she had met could be won over, but the fact remained: so far, on this little excursion, she hadn't seen anyone that was, wellā€¦an easy mark.

That was until she spotted the Reaper, sitting alone with that lost look in her eyes. She was staring right at her, and yet right through her.

Now that was promising.

The driver, free of everything but a minimally stocked tray between her jet black hands, weaved her way through the crowd. She kept in line with the ghoul's glassy eyed stare, and headed right towards her and her table, pausing in front of it, holding her tray up slightly in question.

"May I sit with you?"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:29 am
a presidential welcome

She seemed quite nice. Llyr reached out with a smile and accepted the hand she offered, wrapping long, pale fingers around hers and giving it a little shake.

"Tajana is a lovely name," he said, a pleasant smile on his face. "My name is Llyrendil; I'm the Student Council President here at Amityville, and I just wished to welcome you! But you are returning," he added with a note of awe. "That is quite wonderful!"

His fingers fell away from hers and Llyr tucked his hands behind his back and gave her a curious look.

"What do you think of the place so far after having left it?"

enoh love


Dramatic Marshmallow



PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:41 pm

"You look like this ghoul who usedta go here," West told the spider, flicking at one of the chitinous appendages jutting from her back. He had only returned to Amityville to get a couple of copies of his transcript and sign a few things, but he was making the most of his visit. The demon had what looked like half of the food the cafeteria had produced that day teetering on a tray in one of his hands. The other continued to poke at her spider arm. The limbs themselves were familiar, but that was really where the similarities ended. Still, he persisted.

"She was all cotton candy n' happy s**t. Y'know any fluffy spider ghouls like that?" Because all spider ghouls were related. Obviously.  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:45 pm
a presidential welcome

"You're very sweet." Tajana smiled, shaking his hand, and letting it slip away as necessary. "And just as charmingā€¦it's no wonder you're the President!" Llyrendil certainly made up for his airy look with his seemingly genuine personality. It was something she stored away for later use.

"It's certainly different than when I left." She lied easily, four red eyes lifting to the ceiling, and looking down the hallway, pretending to look at the intricacies in the wall until, finally, her gaze returned back to him. "I've only just arrivedā€¦perhaps you would be so kind as to give me a full tour?"


Enoh Love

The Semblance of Unity

Predestined Victim

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 6:36 pm

"I am Hollandaise. Do you have a name?" He toes curled against the floor. A spider-ghoul, and not one Hollandaise had seen before. It was not uncommon for her to see creeple she did not recognize.

She tilted her head curiously, deciding this spider ghoul was strange enough to be interesting, even if she was not green, nor planty, and had no tail. "You said the sandwiches were good, and then said that you care not for fish. Which is it?" What an odd thing to both like and dislike, Hollandaise thought - it must be like cold mud: refreshing and yet, kind of disgusting.

"How long have you been a student here?"

enoh love
PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 8:09 pm

Suddenly, someone was poking her back legs. She jumped, and looked, and clicked her limbs back into place, the joints on the extra legs adjusting themselves in a rippling shudder.

"Yes, because every spider is related." Sarcasm dripped from her voice, as she willed one appendage out, lightly nicking against the precariously balanced tray. "But no, I can't say that description brings anyone to mind." She added, sweetly. "I imagine she was fantastic, though. All us spiders are." A fanged grin followed, and the already taller female seemed to straighten slightly with pride.




"I do." The drider confirmed, with a small smile. "And it happens to be Tajana. Pleasure to meet you I'm sure, Hollandaise." Well, that was certainly a mouthful. Marati's mind briefly wandered as to how one would spell that, but simply assumed it was a great mystery that she could handle later. Her mind snapped back as the little tree ghoul caught her in her lie, and at first, she looked surprised - then, she looked quite pleased. What a sharp young thing! No doubt that would be useful down the lineā€¦if not a great deal of work.

"You caught me." The spider ghoul chuckled, shaking a hand. "It is the latter, I do not care for fish. However, my friends used to rave about it, and I recall many a riot. Forgive my poor attempt at conversation." She waved a hand in dismissal, and then dropped it back down to her so far empty tray, tapping her long fingers along the bottom of it.

"Actually, Hollandaise, I graduated from here five years ago, I am simply returning to see what's become of the old place. And yourself? What year are you?"

the semblance of unity

Enoh Love

The Semblance of Unity

Predestined Victim

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:31 pm

"Tajana," she said slowly, feeling the word out in her mouth as thought it were a never-before tasted food. "It is nice to meet you, although you do not need to lie in an attempt to hold my interest." he smiled, although, in fact, Hollandaise found it intensely puzzling that the ghoul would spin such a small lie. Lies were for needed secrecy and sparing feelings and any number of other things she had read about. And, she mused, the best lie of all was subtle avoidance. She supposed it was some odd quirk.

She hummed for a moment, watching the metered tap tap tap of Tajana's fingers. "I am a second year. Shall we acquire food and sit somewhere?" Hollandaise spoke, thoughtlessly inviting herself to eat with the spidery ghoul. "Do you still recall where everything is within the school or does it seem as though it has changed?"

enoh love
PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:07 am

Piper didn't realize the accidental object of her gaze had drawn near until the dryder spoke, at which point she jerked out of her reverie and knocked her tray aside a few inches. "Sally's stitched tits--I-I mean--"

She coughed and righted herself like nothing had just happened. "Yeah, uh, sure, I guess. Didn't mean to stare at you like that..." With another cough under her breath, like that was a good enough conversational buffer, Piper turned her gaze back to her food, which she listlessly began to turn over with her fork.

Enoh Love
more than a month later oh god i'm so so sorry


Anxious Spirit


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