User ImageKuldruch blinked his eyes lazily in the late winter sunlight. The ground was damp, muddy even, but not mucky enough to sink his paws into. Certainly muddy enough to get himself completely covered in it, though. The thought satisfied the tahtll in ways that he couldn't adequately explain. He didn't pretend to be a complex fellow--he let his sworn-sister be the complex one, all "I want to burn everything" one second and all "you must show respect to another's property" the next. Weird. Did she have a complex or somethin'? Eh. Just as well. Her being the crazy one let him be the normal one. The thought satisfied him as he wriggled down further into the mud, feeling it squish noisily between his toes. Water dripped from the needles of the trees up above and onto his nose and neck. He ignored those water droplets with an idle shake of the head. It dislodged even more water, this time from the bush in which he had hidden himself in anticipation, whatever--and there was a surprising amount of water gathered on the bush. Of course, it only made the mud even squishier, so in all, a net gain.

Kuldruch did not really have any plans for this bush. He did not expect to see anyone today. Maybe a rabbit or two, enough to provide dinner, or perhaps a bird or jackalope. Something to pounce on--heck, he'd settle for a leaf. Just something to spring out upon and savage with his fearsome growls. Kuldruch grinned. That sounded like just the thing to do today. But though the season was growing late, it was still winter, and most prey preferred to avoid the ground. Leaves were dead, and the pine needles above were in no danger of falling. Despite himself, the lively Earth triber's eyes began to fall, and soon he was dozing, tail languidly twitching at his half-baked thoughts.

Khit Khat
Shall we test the waters?