For those who are not aware of what tektek is (really?),
Tektek is a site created by techy gaians to help create profiles, rainbow text and most importantly avatar design as well as item rates in the market place values.
Its mostly known for us to help Avis since every update it includes each new item that is released on here as well as carrying many old and current items. This supplies us with many base Avis and premade base Avis as well. While creating these Avis we also see the amount the item cost while seeing the total amount we would need to get the whole set up (sadly its usually never accurate with the price and it molds all items together while vs in the mp avi view most of the items don't mold).
It was taken down recent at the near end of January since it came offline.
Now news all over chatter box spreading that its coming back. If it does come back then the easter events that are being planned now will have a change for the tektek contests instead. Now I hope Gaia doesn't add another f-u when they fix the site....