I want to share this video that I saw on facebook but I don't know how to share the link (because I can only share the post on fb) and I can't find it on youtube...

Basically it's a asian life insurance ad (I think). A little girl gives a letter to her dad. The dad is reading it while taking her to school.
His daughter wrote a letter about how she loves her dad ( he is sweet, handsome, kind, smart) then he reads 'but he lies'
He lies about having a job (you see the dad running to attend interview, he gives CV)
He lies about having money (you see him working hard to earn money, giving flyers, scrubbing toilets, transporting heavy bags... )
He lies about not being hungry (he buys food for his daughter but he doesn't eat)
He lies about not being tired (you see him exhausted from physical work).
He lies about his own happiness ...

Anyways, it makes me think about my parents and all the parents that are struggling to earn money to be able to bring the essential for their children.

I know some people would think about their financial status before having children because it is expensive. However, there are people who have children unexpectantly and they struggle more.

Watching that video made me tear up.

I also watched vlogs of my favorite youtuber that got a child. A newborn that cries every 2 hours is very exhausting.

I admire you all parents.