Author's note: This is a story long over due to have been finished and posted. It's essentially the beginning moments of Avani Shah and her awakening. I will warn you to say that it isn't one of the best works but it has been something that nagged at me to do and to finish it now. I hope that it was decent enough to be read. Thank you.

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Scent. Sound. Sight. Sensation.

All of these things filtered through this body of a smooth chocolate brown that webbed slightly into markings in certain spots over a medium desert sand or perhaps it was beach sand tan coat and thick, luxurious bangs that fell over a slumbering, kind face of an Earth Tribess*. The sun stretched its warm rays through the green leaves over the canopy of thick trees in a cozy surrounding of equally thick shrubs. There were some rocks that kept guard in their natural places adding an edge to the otherwise soft and serene environment.

The birds over head sang to each other while the squirrels gossiped over nuts and acorns. The shadows of the birds flew over the Earth Tribess’ closed eyes of which they began to flutter open from the movement. Slowly, thick lashes flashed up to reveal pale golden eyes that were clouded from sleep and looked around at everything blurry. Blinking several times in the hopes of chasing the sleepy fog the female lifted her head slowly.

Looking to the left.

Looking to the right.

Looking straight ahead to take in all of the now bright and vivid colors that were becoming crystal clear as she focus, the female stared at each item from the trees to the rocks, the shrubs and to the grass. The sounds of everything graced her ears: birds with their songs, squirrels with their chittering, and the soft rustling of leaves from above when the wind blew gently through their branches, all of which made her ears turn every which way to catch those sounds. The scents from all around went through her and filled the female B’alams’ lungs with more life giving air. It was there she began to feel the sensations of touch from her physical body which made her looked down to the where she lay. The grass below was soft and welcoming like a dreamy bed that pushed her mind to focus onto her own self. Her body was lean and strong, perfectly formed in the eyes of the Great One from high above with a fur coat that was soft even in the open elements.

Slowly and with some caution she lifted her head up blinking a few times. How did I get here? Where am I? Who am I? These were her very first thoughts upon Awaking.

Everything felt odd to her. Looking down at her front paws the female slowly wiggled each toe which caused her nails to elongate then retract as slowly making her perk up some at how sharp they seemed! Even her tail moved and that was a curious thing as it curled, uncurled then wrapped around her hind feet. Smiling at the tail that tucked against her, Avani stretched out her body slowly and began to stand up on her paws. Every part of her felt naturally stiff because this was the first time of using her limbs but the realization to this female was that….. I stand up. With each leg she stretched them out and shook them to get more feeling through them especially that tingling sleeping sensation that affected limbs after a period of inactivity.

Avani took a step forward from her standing position and stumbled to the ground. While she might stand, stretch and shake them out it was completely different to try and walk on them. But that was alright. Furrowing her brows the earth tribess flexed her muscles to stand up again. Taking in a deep breath, she took that step forward and placed her weight on that leg feeling the sturdiness of the ground which helped boost her confidence up. Doing the same things with each of her legs, Avani looked absolutely ridiculous with her legs stretched out to get a good bearing on the ground and moving like a lizard in the side to side motion. Luckily for her she only had the occasional bird or squirrel….or a rabbit that scurried away either in fear or laughter.

Whatever the rabbit or the other animals that lurked felt about her learning to walk it didn’t faze Avani at all. In fact it only encouraged her to be better at her walking until finally she was able to walk normal. Straight and poised. I can walk. I wonder what else I can do? Came her next thoughts as she smiled some more….. Oh she knew what she wanted to do. Avani looked around her area and became to explore the nooks and crannies of her birth place. Everything was even more vibrant and beautiful with each press of her nose against the grass and dirt, with the touch of the rough textures on rocks and tree bark and there were even more things to listen for such as the breeze against her ears which tickled them and her bangs.

After several more moments of curious exploring in this area, she found herself wanting to explore outside of it. It wouldn’t do to simply stay here in one place because there was only so much that could be enjoyed here and survive without needing to go further for sources. Staring at an opening pathway, Avani debated on it for a bit longer until she finally went forward to see that the grand expanse of the earthy world continued. Yet this time it was much more different in the placement of the trees, rocks, the animals and of course the way things touched on all of her senses. If anything it was even more beautiful or rather a continued beauty that awed the earth tribess.

Avani was so inspired by this that she felt this sudden need to collect and create that something instinctive pulled her towards this idea of making something. What that thing was, she would have to ponder it while she was on the exploration of this world and while getting used to herself. All Avani knew was that she needed to create something while also figuring out her name. A name that had meaning, just as awakening and this instinctive pull to create had meaning.

It was the beginning of a long journey for Avani Shah.

"In the Beginning"- RP
Characters: Avani Shah
Players: krusnik05
Wordcounts: 1,027
→ krusnik05 || 1, 027 words | 1 Complete RP's |
1, 027 words total