Discussion thread for KnB!
Does anyone else watch it or plan to watch it?
I've been pretty obsessed with it for the past year.

Summary from Wikipedia:
The basketball team of Teikō Middle School rose to distinction by demolishing all competition. The regulars of the team became known as the "Generation of Miracles". After graduating from middle school, these five stars went to different high schools with top basketball teams. However, a fact few know is that there was another player in the "Generation of Miracles": a phantom sixth man. This mysterious player is now a freshman at Seirin High, a new school with a powerful, if little-known, team. Now, Kuroko Tetsuya- the sixth member of the "Generation of Miracles", and Kagami Taiga- a naturally talented player who spent most of middle school in the US, aim to bring Seirin to the top of Japan and begin taking on Kuroko's former teammates one by one.

Well, something like that. So let's discuss?
Please keep spoilers in spoilers though! <3

Also, if you're feeling too shy to jump in, answer these questions in your first post smile It'll start up a convo~

Favorite Generation of Miracles member? Any reason why?
Favorite team?
Favorite match?
Favorite minor character?
How'd you get into this anime/manga?
{ based on your answers to these questions, I have a plethora of videos to show you xD }

If you don't watch it:
why not Were you interested before or should I convince you?
Do you have any questions? 'cause I'll be able to answer lol.