User Image The sun was at it's highest point in the sky, yet there was still an odd chill brought by the winds from the North. This weather was new to the wandering Earth Tribe female, and she did not like it one bit. Be hot, or be cold, don't look hot and feel cold; such a juxtaposition worsened the female's already sour mood. Not that she really needed a reason to feel one emotion over another, as she figured it was her right to be grumpy whenever it suited her. And she held no shame in sharing her position on feelings with anyone who seemed disturbed by her foulness (which of course, only made her happy).

It was not as if anyone had ever wronged her in her life, when she awoke as a cub she was alone. No one taught her how to hunt, nor what was edible and what was best left alone. She held no refinements of another's bad habits, nor popular opinions. As far as she figured, she was meant to be alone. Chasing off those who wished to help raise or teach her was her idea of fun as a young one.

Now as an adult, it became a defense mechanism. No longer did others look at her with a sympathetic eye, but one of condemnation. This tickeled her ribs. Up to this point she had met B'alam from the Water, Earth, and Fire tribes, but that was it. She had only heard stories of the Wind, Light and Dark. She was told there was a tribe up in the chilly mountains, but that just seemed like a tale made up for cubs and the naive to believe, not the alternative, strong Avalon.

Today's adventure was the same day as the last, find someone to argue with. But the icy wind was chapping her lips and nose. She needed to find water, the only stream she knew of was not in this part of the plains, so it was a hearty task indeed.
