Your name is HAITES ALTRAZ and you are a DISGUSTING FREAK. There aren't a lot of things you like. Honestly, you could probably count on a single hand the exact amount of things that make you smile... not that you'd tell anyone outright what they are. You live with your lusus, CROWFATHER, in FOUR FRONDS. You have a large, mansion-like home with a tall LOOKOUT TOWER your lusus has claimed as his NEST. The rest of it, however, is all your's. You find enjoyment out of BOSSING AROUND TROLLS of lesser blood status and your ways are often described as SADISTIC. You gorge yourself on ESCARGOT and FROG LEGS while watching your favorite HORROR MOVIES. You COLLECT things that interest you and your mansion is filled with SHINY OBJECTS, mostly taken from trolls you have DEFEATED.

                Name: Haites Altraz

                Blood colour: ████, (#730087) soul-sucking purple

                Gender: androgynous, they/them

                Symbol: hagalaz


                - narcissistic
                - parasitic
                - sadistic
                - immoral
                - vengeful
                - degrading
                - greedy
                - gluttonous
                ± curious

                What is your troll like? Are they a joker? Short-tempered? Shy? Do they have any quirks? Hobbies? What are their feelings about the hemospectrum? How do they get out and interact with other trolls? Think of a personality for your troll at it's kid stage, as that is when you begin to roleplay. If in the future their personality goes through a change you will be able to submit personality changes for approval, so don't worry about predicting how they will change when they become teens/adults.

                Strengths: two minimum, four maximum. think of strengths as things other trolls would admire about your troll, or that help your troll in some way during everyday life. try and keep strengths and flaws balanced in number.
                Flaws: two minimum, four maximum. think of flaws as things other trolls would dislike about your troll, or that hinder and hurt your troll in some way during everyday life. try and keep strengths and flaws balanced in number.

                Weapon: bulletkind

                Appearance: what does your troll look like? what hairstyle do they have? clothing/style? feel free to use photo/image references. if you want to design their outfit, please focus on kid stage, and keep it simple. troll outfits only get elaborate once they're adults. remember! trolls have black hair, orange horns, grey skin, and tend to have outfits that are mostly grey and black.

                Home: where has your troll chosen to build their first house? locations currently available: forest, city, suburb, desert, mountain, lakeside, plains, beach, cave, ocean and lake (ocean and lake available to aquatic trolls only). please check the thread on alternia locations in the information subforum for a more in-depth explanation on where you are placing your troll!

                Lusus: what strange creature has taken your troll under their wing? maybe something that your troll might have picked up habits from? if you are uncertain of what to do for a lusus, check out the lusus information thread. as a kid, your lusus will accompany your troll on all trips away from home or, depending on it's temperament, bar your troll from straying too far from it's hive. while your troll will have the freedom to go where they like as a teen, as a child you lusus will always try and accompany you!

                Power: optional. see power section above for more information.