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[PRP] A hook and a hawk | In Progress | Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Vice Captain

Conservative Seeker

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:17 pm
RP Counter

Characters: James, Cain, & Hook
Players: Thalion, GunSniper & [ Radical Dreamer ]

→ Thalion || Words ||
→ [ Radical Dreamer ] || Words ||
→ GunSniper || Words ||

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:19 pm
Not all B'alam were as fortunate as the woven-adults. Some were woven at an earlier, more vulnerable stage of life. With only the most basic of instincts, they were left for the world to shape rather than shaping the world for themselves. Some the weaver saw as shapers, others were meant to be shaped before they could contribute to the grand design. Every kind and sort was needed to strengthen the bonds that would one day lay the foundation...

But James didn't know that.

He knew he was hungry. He knew he was alone. He knew he knew very little beyond that. His name had been imprinted in his mind but that was about it. The first days of waking were rough learning experiences and a lot of scraped paws. He learned how to climb to escape a larger moving shadow. He learned how to duck and hide, keeping very still when the sun set and the night woke. He learned where to drink and how, that he could catch the little crunchy things that darted out from under rocks and eat them. At one point, he learned he could eat the little fuzzy things with bald tails too.

They were good but they were hardly filling. After dealing with the bones and fur there was less than a mouthful of meat to be had. He found himself nibbling on anything to stop the raw ache in his belly, even on the roots of several trees and bushes. Not a good idea. Earthy and gritty wasn't his sort of flavor by a long shot. Unfortunately, earthy and gritty was just what he was.

Too many attempts at trying to use his wings, learning his claws, and scraping under rocks and fallen logs had left him dirty and uncomfortable. At least the sun was due up in only a few hours. The morning birds were already beginning to chirp and stir in the trees. Cautiously, the cub poked his head out of the small shrub he had found shelter in and took a few slow steps forward. His dirty, dew covered wings pressed in close as he lifted his large ears and moved them slowly, listening. The birds continued to chirp. The shadows kept right where they were.... it seemed safe enough.

Shaking off the dew from his back, James moved forward, stepping into a sliver of late moonlight. Perhaps he'd be lucky and nab himself a few mice...

[ Radical Dreamer ]


Vice Captain

Conservative Seeker

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:45 pm
Unfortunately, not all b'alam sought to shape the worlds for the greater design. Some found it was destiny to shape the world for others and their claim to a high purpose. Though small in numbers now, the basic ideals of these 'some' were slowly infecting those who relied on the world to shape them.

Cain had been carrying out such tasks for the one he desired to shape the world for. The ieas of the one who had saved his life and open his eyes were wirtten on Cain's heart and ran through his mind.

His grand wings stretched wide and moved very little as he rode the air currents of the late-night sky. Though the moon was basking the land in its easy glow, Cain's fur allowed him to remain more of a shadow against the sky. However, there were some featrues he was cursed with that prevented total concealment. Bright pink fur along his back and white markings along his sides that resembled the bones of snakes were such preventions. Cain had long since learned to use the illusions of his markings to his advantage, but still took note to be caustious.

Brigt deep pink eyes scanned the lands below for any sign of a stray 'patch'. Night was almost over and he would need to return to Morning Star before the sun stripped him of his sight... He promised himself that would never happen again.


Cain tilted his wings downward as he begun his decent. Yes, this was definately a cub! Finally, after hours of searching, and in the good graces of time. Thankfully he had managed to have a bit of blood before this find. Strength was an asset no matter which tactic he would employ to gather this one. Reguardless, it needed to be done without injuring the cub.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:25 pm
Soaring above and though the clouds, Hook wobbled slightly as his wings attempted to straightened out in a glided.

Wind Ba'lam took a glance down at what was the hindrance of his flight pattern. A curved peice of metal that paturdied elegantly at the base of a stub that a paw use to be attached to, was the cause of his 'drunken flight.' The metal of the hook, gleamed in the fading moon light-and was still vary much a bother to get use too while flying. It's weight had been greater then his paw and threw a 'iron' in flying. It was going to take some getting use too.

With a balancing flap, Hook wobbled to a smoother glide, before turning his head to his best mate.

'Dunken' was too a odd word, one he had unwittingly came up with after he had 'drunken' too much of that rich magical brew Chronos had concocted. Tripping over paws, it was the only 'educated' thing he could say in place of 'I might have drank too much' as he trip over paws and slurs. It seemed like the best sort to explain such a sensation. 'Drunk' and 'drunken'...curiously it too was how the name of the drink 'rum' came up, when Jolly at the time tried to say 'yum'.

Ah such pleasurable fun times, when rum was used to discribe 'yum'.

"Gah." Killian grumbled, as he brought the hook up slightly. "I am still getting use to this Blasted thing!" The airborn Balam called over to his Friend Chronos. No doubt he would have something to say about his wibble-wobble flight pattern.

The dark pattern's of the earth bellow gave evadence to more shape as the evening started to fade into light. They would have to turn back soon, his friend Chronos could only be out for a bit longer, and they had still yet to find any suplies for their hand schem.



[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Conservative Seeker

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:38 pm

The cub slank out, padding through the under brush and over risen roots. He could smell water nearby, there was a small stream. He remembered seeing fish there....and there were quite a few vole holes in the dirt. Maybe if he dug at them a bit, he'd find the juicy little critters hiding deep underground. The cub froze as a flicker of movement jumped out of the otherwise still landscape. He dropped to his belly, his wings pressed in close and his ears flattened back against his skull.

A small, fat beetle waddled up the blade of a leaf. Its deep blue shell caught the dim moonlight, sending an arch of silver off of its back. He licked his maw and took a slow step forward. The beetle turned, opened its back, and launched into the air on a pair of shimmering wings.

James jumped at it, swiped at the air, and watched it buzz off. Chestfallen, the cub turned himself about. Something moved again. This time the shadow was massive. The cub bristled, his fur rising up off his shoulders and back. His wings flared out, puffing up to make him look twice as large. "....what are you?"


[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:15 pm
Cain's wings spread wide just before the land was too close. HIs wings fluttered a few times before his paws were securely toucging the ground. From there his wings tucked against his body. All this he executed as silently as possible. Even his step was as quiet as possible. However, he could not mask his spirit. Clever cub.

"I am like you." Cain responded in his deep-bold voice. "Just appear differently."

His ears perked foward before he lowered his head just sluightly. The small scars on his nose were a constant reminder that it is wise to be cautious even around cubs.

"And what are you doing out here alone? The world is a very dangerous place."


"You'll get used to it eventually. Just don't think about it friend!" Chronos called over the wind with a laugh.

"Landing will be quite the experience I imagine!!"

His wings flapped once before catching the wind again. It seemed he had an easier time gliding on the winds. Perhaps it was the structure of the wings itself? Chronos often spent their flying time observing the difference. Yeah, they looked different, but they behaved differently as well!

So many interesing finds, so many that were not relivant now.

Now, stuff. They needed to find stuff... His eyes, better tuned for the night, turned attention to the earth. There had to be something... something... Oh

"Hook!" He called over to his friend before nodding downward. "Somethin' there friend!"

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:45 am
Hook's keen ears, turned toward his friend. Listening closely, the B'alam once more swayed about finding a grace of wind. As he did, Killian felt his eyes roll slightly. Forgot get about it? Oh yes, that was a wonderful idea. Just forgot that not too long ago, you had your paw snapped off by a blasted chrocodille named Gabriel. However, as much as he hated to admit it- the folly was all his own-and the punisment extreme it was deserved...

Hook, was just lucky to have a best mate like Chronos.

An ear swivled once more to his Friend. Landing...right, lucky for Killian hadn't taken such a thing into consideration. Chrono's was right, It was going to be...adventurous, indeed.

Eyes turned downward, to the dark shapes of the Earth. Killian had a hard time noticing anything-his eye sight not being that great in the night.

"At your lead then, Mate." Hook answered, knowing he could keep Chrono in sight. His wings prepared for a swoop and dive.

A first landing, he was not looking forward too.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:57 pm
The shadow dropped down to the ground. Jim's gut twisted as he took another step back. It was a creature like himself...but much larger, much older, and much more fowl. Something deep inside of him trembled. The creature spoke gently, but his eyes and his maw said two very different things. He had never encountered hostility before. He'd been afraid, he had felt as if he was in danger, but he had never felt something... wrong.

"Feh... like me." He took a slow step backwards. His tiny wings lifted up off his back and every feather rose. His fur bristled up along his spine and fluffed his tail out. It made him look larger, and in his mind it made him look dangerous. Perhaps it would be enough to drive the stranger away from him. "But uglier. What the hell happened to your wings?" He glanced between the hideous ribbed things. They looked... so wrong. A twisted version of his own feathery wings. He had flown on them...but there had been so much noise.

"I've managed just fine..."


[ Radical Dreamer ]

Vice Captain

Conservative Seeker

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:54 pm
Cain remained unmoved while the young cub begun to puff. Even as the insults were tossed his way, there were like water on a duck's back. What did the words of a little cub mean to him? He was new to this world and knew nothing of what he spoke. As for his wings...

Cain stretched them out wide for the cub to glance at. With them stretched to their fullest the dark b'alam seemed to be twice the size he was just moments ago. Perhaps it was for the sick satisfaction of seeing the cub's eyes widen in fear? Or the further attempt by the cub to be brave. Regardless, Cain would be taking him by force or willingly.

"My wings can carry me further than any wing made of feather." He responded stoically.

"So you say... What do you know about the world around you?"

Cain's lips pulled back enough for the young cub to get a good glance at the long and obviously very sharp fangs just waiting for a taste of blood.

"What do you truly know of danger?"


Chronos gave a laugh to the uncomfortable response from his friend. Well, he didn't expect it to be easy. The lad did lose a paw not too long ago. This was to be a learning experience, which was going to be the fun part. Actually having to go through the landing, not so much.

But, true, he would have to go first. Just in case he needed to 'help' his friend not dive-bomb the world and possibly lose something else. It would be a shame. Chonos was quite fond of his friend.

"Alright, be careful now, remember to distribute your weight!" He called just before tucking his wings and beginning the decent.

He didn't want to land too close to whatever it was down there. This would allow any quick corrections Hook needed in his own landing, and a recovery period in case whatever it was was dangerous. Chronos could fight, but he would rather avoid anything too dangerous for Hook's sake. Not that he wasn't confident in his own abilities. Just didn't want to put Hook in a bad position.
[ Radical Dreamer ] rolled 1 20-sided dice: 14 Total: 14 (1-20)
PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 8:43 am
(1-2 broke something. 3-5fail. 5-10 super clumsy. 10-15 clumsy 15-18 not bad 18-20 nailed it.)

Distributed weight....

That was the thing! wind B'alam where not accostumed to weight, except what they 'procured' from others. What was it, maybe if he thought the hook attached to his stumpy paw was nothing more then a snatched item. That was it!

Eyes turned to watch Chronos tuck and dive down to the earth. What he could make out of his silver mane, fading into dark. Taking in a deep breath, the B'alam sure didn't care about the dark...the fobia was better now that he was best mates with a dark clan, and he hoped a few others someday if they managed to not be so...vengeful toward him. He hoped they could at lease cope to work together.

Fanning out his wings in a glide, Hook paused in the air in a unsure wobble. His tail remained outward and stright for a perfect natural rutter.

His thoughts lifted the lantern that dangled on his tail, (tokeep the light behind them and not hindering his friends sight too much.) The light lifted by some unseen set of paws and its handle rested at a hang on his hook.

Hmm, that was rather handy...

Moving the lanterns light focus, the B'alam's own wing tucked and he turned downward toward the earth. Comming in for a landing after Chonos.



[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Conservative Seeker

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:42 pm
The sight turned the cub's insides to jelly.

Dark, shadowed wings stretched thin, leathery skin out to its limit. Long claw-like limbs tipped in short barbs curved dangerously his way. The scarce light shone through the thin skin. Somehow the adult B'alam had doubled his size and cast the light away from his features. Fierce, angry eyes bored down on him.

Mantling, feathers fluffed out and fur rose up off of his back. The cub bared his teeth and flattened his ears. Death was not a reality he faced nor even considered but pain he knew. His nerves walked the razor's edge and his mental state stood teetering between sanity and madness.

"I know you're in a whole lot of it if you come any closer!" He spat. "Leave me alone, ugly, or I'll wreck what's left of the mess you call a face!"

[ Radical Dreamer ]


(Hawk WC: 932)  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:50 am
"You should never utter a hollow threat. Someone might realize it's no more tha n a cub's desperate mewling." Cain once more spoke void of any tone meancing or not. It was as unemotional as a rock.

He had learned that cubs were sharp. The tiny scars on his nose could attest to that. Though the threat was more hollow and this cub could be dealt with, he had to be careful not to have more kitten scratched on his flesh.

"Come with me and you will be able to fill those hollow threats."

Despite the puff in feathrs and fur, Cain was obviulsy unfazed by the agressive display. Brigt pink eyes remained locked upon the intended targe. If anything he could just drain the blood from it. This one might be a struggle to pin, but he was still small.


Chronos had given his full atention to be sure his "pawdy-capped" (ah ahah) firend would make the landing safely. Ears perked forward while his wings had fanned out just a little in case he needed to leap and come to aid the landing.

However, a tiny voice reached his ears and caused that undivided attention to tug his ears in another direction.

That voice... Well, one of them. He recognized it very well. They other sounded younger, as a precious cub. Well, precious in tune. He sounded to have some spirit! As glorious as that was, he could not fear for what the young thing was up against. The traitor!

For the second time in his life Chronos's brows furrowed deeply and his teeth barred.

"Jolly one! Watch your landing and come after me when you do!" Chronos called before turning and springing toward the voice of th traitor.

(Cain: 746
Chronos: 456)  

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:33 pm
Hook's paws moved from their tucked state to posie for a landing.


Right, he was going to do that in a few seconds. His hooked paw...er nub stretched out timidly with his other whole paw. Swallowing the captain felt uncertainty flooded over his being.

This was not going to end well.

Bad form! Bad form! bad form!

A little squeak and grumble would have been caught by his ears-if! The chanting: 'bad form' wasn't so loud in his thoughts. Eyes closed and his body braced as the landing came hard and heavy....

But, surpingly not bad. Paws scrambled to cetch themselves-even as he favored the tinder hooked one-others reacted as if they knew what they where doing. Hook's own uncertainty and attempt at control from this mindset caused him to stumble and almost maw plant the ground.

Paws strighted out in the ear, and puffed raised tail rose with his head.

Whoa! He did it.

Ear, flicked to the sounds and Chrono's roar. Right.

Head back in the game, Hook with a leap and a three leg hobble moved to catch up to his friend.

(Hook: 906)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:18 am
Hollow threats? Fulfillment? What was this guy on about? James might have been new to the world but there was nothing warm and welcoming about the dark-winged stranger that loomed over him, walking ever closer, driving him to the edge of the water. His back paw slipped on a muddy slope, nearly sending him into the water itself. James flicked a glance over one shoulder, risking a precious moment's distraction to assess his situation.

He couldn't swim... he couldn't run... his back was figuratively to the wall.

H"I don't know if you were woven crocked or you bumped your head recently- but I'm not going anywhere with you, guy." As unimpressive as his display was, James wasn't about to go down without a fight. He spat and swatted at the air, making a squealing attempt at a roar as he did so.


[ Radical Dreamer ]

Vice Captain

Conservative Seeker

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:12 pm
Cain had a feeling this was going to go the 'hard' way when the little brat opened his maw. This was was a scrapper, which would be very useful. If he would co-operate. Which might take time.

"I would not expect your intelligence to be so great so early in your life." Cain spoke without a hint of emotion. "You have a choice; drown in the water or come with me. It would be a pity to loose such a small cub, but not worrisome in the least."

Cain took another step forward. As his paws meet with the earth he flexed his ebony claws and raked at the ground.

As his paw lifted he heard the familiar, and unwanted call of a fellow tribesman. Long ears swiveled backward, but his bright and cruel eyes remained on the brat before him. His eyes widened a little to the surprise. This was, unwanted. But perhaps he could make an example.

"Cain!" Chronos roared as he ran toward the exiled criminal.

His long wings stretched outward while the fur along his back bristled. There were few things that could make this B'alam mad; Cain was one of them.

As he drew closer he could see the bristle ball of puff on the brink of being either torn apart or tossed into the river. Neither seemed a fair destiny to such a young cub. His brow furrowed even more to the sight. Chronos always had a soft spot for cubs. There were such an inspiration for creativity!

Chronos watched the edge of the bank, the distance between Cain and the cub carefully. He had to be ready for any scenario that fate may toss at them. He was not going to allow this cub to be harmed.

"Do leave that cub alone, or else I will have a wonderful new model for my darling puppets." A menacing grin managed to form on his lips past the snarl. "Lord Gabriel was looking for you."
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