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Reply [ RP Zone ] The Endless Plains
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...ether way, it's still a Rock Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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...it's a rock.
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[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:48 am
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???: --- words
Cain: 1638 words
Total: --- words

[This is a PRP, didn't have enough room in the title.]

Siting on a hill top, under the grace of a tall tree a lone Balam sat peacefully over looking his flock grazing in the valley. A tan tail idly and peacefully sweepers back and forth as the Shepard remaniced his time with the few other Balam that he had met. One under this vary tree, he had hoped he hadn't hurt her feelings too much. There would have to be a time when he could apologize for coming across so bluntly and ignorant.

Tail flicked and bobbed, as a stray feather of some kind of grass wobbled back and forth in the Tahtill maw. It was getting close to sunset and the animals he looked over had mellowed down and began to heard together for the night. The sky had taken a liking to a beautiful rouge of purples and red. White and gray cottenballs of clouds swirled into the sunset, taking on the appearance of, and for lack of description....sherbet Icecream...if a b'alam could grasp what that even is..

Releasing a breath, his day job was almost over...why the weaver put it in his heart to watch such a flock, he didn't know-but it was almost as if this helpless herd needed someone to watch over them and preserve them...

They where so helpless and gentle, it was easily observed they needed a protector...

Lazily the Shepard stretched out forepaws and laid down his brown maw. With a deep relaxed sigh, the b'alam took in the gentle reward of a good days job, well done.

A beautiful sunset, and the gentle coes of his flock as they prepared for a peaceful nights rest.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 1:05 pm
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The blinding abomination of the Weaver's was finally returning to its nest below the horizon. Cain's light-sensitive eyes were finally beginning to see more details of the world around him, to include colors and recognizable shapes. This was enough to grant him a safe flight.

As the sweet current held Cain aloft he surveyed the land below. The vanishing light left a lingering trail between the mountains in the distance. Cain's eyes moved from that abomination to what was now cast in a dark shadow. One easy for his eyes to grasp. It would appear as if there was little sustenance to be held within the lands close by. However, there was a strange scent on the winds. Something guided him forward. Somewhere opposite the setting sun.

While he flew his mind continued to dwell on events past. That one fateful morning when he had lost his sight and crashed to the earth. When Morning Star saved him from the brink of death. It was than that he learned how cruel the weaver could be. It was something that Cain had often let his mind ponder on.

Cain's wings spread wide a second before he lept from the cliff's side. The wind's currents caressed his frame and lifted him upward.

The night's task was not only to regain his own energy, but to bring back something for his own guardian to regain his energy. That in itself made the night's mission one of high priority. Such care was given to him when he was on death's door, and now he was forever in debit. His own life would be the payment for his eyes being opened to the truth.

It wasn't but five minutes into the flight until Cain caught the sound of something he had never heard before. The gentle sound was soothing to the ear. What a strange sound!

The sound was enough to pull him from his deep thoughts. Something about it. It was soothing, peaceful, and alluring. Perhaps it was because of the chaos that swelled within his mind that this was so appealing to him? Cain had no idea. All he knew was that he wanted to see what this noise was. It was as if the sound itself chased away the thought of what had happened to cause his disdain for the Weaver. Perhaps it was the fact that it was something new that caused such a distraction. Regardless, Cain doubled his efforts in scanning the ground for the source. His ears perked forward and swiveled about while he searched for the source.

His eyes glanced downward to the grassy lands he had managed to happen upon. Because it was not fully night yet, he could not see as clearly as normal. A good portion of what was on the ground was still encased in a strange glow as if they reflected the sun itself.

The golden light leaked just on the grassy plane where he spotted odd shapes among the shadows. Cain squinted and strained his ears further to get a good read on what he might be looking at. It seemed new. Certainly nothing he could remember encountering before. Unfortunately he would have to brave treading in near faded light to get a closer look. There was no fear as the thought crossed his mind to land within the dwindling light.

But the strange shapes were intriguing. Perhaps this would be acceptable for a meal? They did not 'feel' like they were b'alam. They felt different, as if they were meant to be a good meal. There was a b'alam near by. How wonderful, he could gain two meals in one area.

Cain's wings folded tight agains his body while it tipped downward. He had made a point to practice such a maneuver as it blessed his approach with surprise on whomever the target was... or at least granted him a quick decent upon the earth....

A good maneuver when hunting from the sky. Cain had hoped to master the art of flight so that it might better serve his Lord. One who was not blessed with wings. Today it seemed to have served him well.

Quietly he made his decent upon the earth, a good thirteen feet away from where he could sense the other B'alam. Details were still slightly obscured by the light, but not enough to cause confusion.

"Good evening." Cain greeted calmly, emotion near non-existent in his tone.

His great wings folded at his sides as he slowly made his approach.  

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:25 pm
Hearing a strange faint flapping, that was weird it almost sounded like a bird or a bat...

Turning his head, the Male Balam looked to see another dark and strangely color Balam. Wait, how did...where did he come...

No matter, they was another and it was only polite to greet them as they did him.

"Oh, hello and Salutations Brother!" The polite and friendly Tahtil rose to greet this new guest. As the other approached, The Tahtill turned his head to the side as he noticed something strange even in the dark on the other's back. Where those wings? Weird! But yet, the Grand weaver was a brilliant creator, how could one limit him not create another with wings. After all there was birds of the air, why not b'alam.

"Wow! Thank the Marker are those wings on your back!?" The tan b'alam almost pranced to see and get a better look this new b'alam. Tail curiously curled upward as he approched.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:36 pm
"Salutations... brother of mine." Cain greeted with a slight nod. He had never meet the other and would hardly consider him any relations, but may as well greet as had been greeted...

Cain held his head proudly as the other b'alam took notice of him and his wings. Though the words and manners of the other pricked at Cain's upper-lip, he was resolved to not show even the slightest hint of disgust on his features. Instead he offered a speck of a smile, a slight upturn of the corners of his lips. This was a mere earth B'alam after all, there couldn't have been much in the way of thought happening within the confounds of his skull.

"Yes, they are my wings." Cain answered as he spread his wings wide for the other to see clearly.

His tail flicked, giving the illusion of the marking of a bone-snake slithering about in the gentle breeze. Long bat-like ears swiveled about, and constantly listened to the clamoring of the strange beasts at the base of the hill.

"What are those beasts at the bottom of the hill?" Cain turned his head to look at what he could see of the strange creatures.  

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ] generated a random number between and ... !

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:47 pm
The Tathil' ears perked happily as the other greeted him, as well. Green eyes wondered about the other and his markings. Noticing the tail, attention quickly bounced back to the wings. Surprised the Balam took a quick step back.

Wide eyes took in the grand sight.

"Wow." The B'alam repeated himself as his tail curled and flexed in a curious curl.

"The Weaver must'd really like you, to give you such a grand and wonderful gift!" The brown and purple Shepard commented happily, he wasn't jealous but only Marvled at such a blessing.

"Are there others like you, and what is you name?" The Tahtill had to ask, before looking toward the flock below them.

"Oh! Those are Whool. I watch over them..." The kindred spirt replied happily. "They are pretty helpless." The Tahtill chuckled happily turning his head to look over at the flock.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:53 pm
Cain couldn't help but gain a flick of pride as his wings were being praised, just a flick. The other b'alam seemed to have no idea how to halt his maw, however. Right, what a miracle these wings were. A good sight in the day's light would have been nice as well. The weaver favored him so much that the mere sight of the sun had nearly taken his life as he fell from the sky. Right.

"Unfortuneatlely, it requires a certain method to keep up with having such wings." ... but more on that later.

Cain's nostrils flared a moment as he drew in a deep breath. He was master of his own emotions, and he need not lash out yet. This was a simple earth B'alam.

"There is another like me." Cain spoke with his attentions still on the whool. "Helpless? How kind of you to care for them... but what do they have to fear? Do they taste good? are they pray to another?"

Cain continued to prod. Perhaps these creatures could be a good food suply to bring back for Morning Star.  

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:13 pm
"Really?" The other Balam commented questionably as the other commented on the wings up keep. The Tahtill couldn't help but wonder what that possibly could be as he sat back on his hunches.

"Oh, alright..." The Balam's ears flatten, this other seemed a bit...odd and distracted. It was almost like he had something else on his mind. Green eyes couldn't help but dance more over the other Balam's body and pelt. He had never seen another Tahtill before, his spirit felt..different compared to the Nahtill he had met...

"Really?" The Tahtill ears where quick to bounce back up, as the other spoke of more like him. Wow! That was so exciting...

"Yeah-er..." Quickly attention turned to his flock with a swiveled ear. "Yeah, it's like they kind of -need- me. It just feels right looking after them, you know?" The Shepard moved to all fours once more.

"Um, nothing as of yet-I keep a good eye of them, make sure they don't get lost and what not." The b'alam went on to say, what a strange question to ask, perhaps the other was just as curious about the Whool as he was of the other's wings

"Ah...yes." He then answered about how they tasted, he ate one when he had too, though ears went down at the reminder. It wasn't something that he liked doing but it was nessasary at times. A B'alam couldn't live on grass alone.

"Not usually? I have only seen them eat grass." The other spoke, his tail shifted a bit uneasily at all the questions.

"Um, did you.." An ear swiveled, as a paw picked it's self up as if to about turn away. "Want to see them, a bit closer?" He asked, the other seemed so curious..perhaps he would like a closer look.

"They are quite friendly." The tan Balam smiled, to the other. It would be harmless right?  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:39 pm
Cain could only feel satisfied at the thought that, though there were only two now, there would be many more like him. Just as soon as their eyes opened. Perhaps, this one could be too? He may just be an earth tribe, but perhaps this flock could be used permanently to their cause.

One the focus shifted away from his wings to the grazing Whool, Cain folded his wings securely against his sides.

"Yes, if my brother would not mind. " Cain's smile widened a bit, allowing his thin needle-like fangs to peek from under his lip further. They were so long that they always "peeked, but now they were even more noticeable than just there mere tips.

"They are fascinating creatures. And you take care of all of them? The must have an ear for your words... So they remain just to hear it. " Cain side-glanced the other while he proceeded to walk forward. Perhaps he could be useful.  

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:01 pm
The Shepard Tahtil turned with his 'brother' as he shifted, so he did want to see them.

"Yeah and Maybe, they are funny creatures after all. Regardless, I do like looking after them." The Tahtil stated as he walked with the other and to the flock of Whool that nestled in the grass.

The corner of his green eye looked at the other, he still didn't give a name. Though, neither did he.

"So what is your name?" The Shepard thought to ask once more, as it slipped his own mind to introduce himself. Tail shifted behind him pleasantly as he made an effort to be by the other's side.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:09 pm
Cain followed along silently at first, simply listening to the other b'alam prattle along about how silly animals were. None of it was important in any. All he cared about was if they were edible or not. They were. Now to take one back, and possibly take this earth tribe as well... A new recruit, another family member.

"My name is Cain." He answered proudly. The name he had received was among his most valuable possessions... the very few he still had.

"And is there a name that I may call you, my brother?" Cain glanced to the side as he inquired.

He honestly didn't care what this one called himself. "Brother" seemed to be working just fine, and perhaps would allow for a way to bring him to Morning Star. He seemed clueless, but perhaps he would listen to reason.  

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:25 pm
"Cain." The other repeated with a smile. It was a good name.

"I like, 'brother.'" The Shepard smiled as Cain asked what he should be called, it was vary 'homey' sounding. This tahtill had never met another to be called brother, but the maker just seemed to instill it in his heart to call another Tahtill such.

As they approached the Whool, gentle coes and bahs could be heard, as well as the gentle shuffling of movement as they acknowledge the other's approach. They started to shift and move as their protector approached. However as the a
Dark shadow followed, the Whool quickly begain to drop back and huddle closer together. Their crys grew louder as well as their distance from the two.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:39 pm
Cain watched the creatures shuffle about than seem to cower away from his presence. He found a sort of satisfaction as the huddled together in fear. These were simple creatures, but they seemed to know their place. A wonder when they could get B'alam to act in such a matter.

"Very well, Brother." Cain nodded slowly before turning attention to the huddled Whool.

"Are you here alone?" He continued to watch the sheep as he inquired.

His wings shuffled a bit before settling at his sides once again. Perhaps they could be all sent back to Cain's 'home' for easier pickings. Yes, Brother, despite being of the earth, he might have some use after all.  

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:47 pm
Brother, he really did like the sound of such a title. His ears perked happily.

The Shepard's head tilted as he paused in step as the Whool coward from them. That was strange they have never acted such a way before.

"That's strange, they have never acted like this before." The Tahtill spoke, turning his head to the side once more. Perhaps it was just the night, and they couldn't see them vary well.

"Shush salem, Whool." The Shepard coed In hopes of settling them down, attention turned back to Cain.

"Ah, yes..." The Tahtill spoke, pulling his attention from the Whool to Cain. He had a few visitors from time to time.

"I think your wings are startling them..." The Shepard spoke innocently pulling his attention back to the Whool  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:49 pm
"Perhaps... apologies, I do not mean to frighten your friends." But he also did not regret it.

Mindlessly, Cain placed a paw atop a decently sized rock and allowed his claws to unsheathe and sheathe at the ridged surface. He wanted to see if he could get the fuzzy creatures to pack any tighter togeather.

"That is unfortunate, to be alone." Cain stated as he continued to watch the Whool cower from him. Seriously, it was addicting to see such a sight.

"I have a place where you and your whool could go." Finally his attention turned downward to the young B'alam. "You would not have to be alone."  

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ RP Zone ] The Endless Plains

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