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Reply [ RP Zone ] The Underdark
[PRP] A New Family (See first post)

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Antagonistic Strategist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:40 am
This is a private rp between my Yuki, Shakti, and Kotonaru, ~Latonia de la Courtel~'s Natesa, Silver Metallic Dragon's Sadar, and krusnik05's Arjun Rama.
Will add certs as I get them.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:05 am
Shakti watched his children from where he lay, one wing draped over his mate's back, the other tucked tightly between him and the smooth edge of the wall he was laying against. It was early yet, the sun had barely passed the horizon and the children were already ready to get out, go and play or hunt or whatever it was they thought they were doing. He suppressed a small smile, happy with his family and their desire to run and play. Leaning over, he licked his mate, and settled in to wait to see which would approach him first about going outside.

Yuki looked up at her mate in amusement. It was like this everynight, waiting to see who would dare ask to leave the den first. Not that they ever stopped them, but the one that asked first, left last. It was to teach them patience, really. They would need it if they were to become great hunters. Yuki thought that if they wanted to become great hunters, it was better to get out there and hunt. But, she did all her hunting during the day. She already knew how to wait. So, she leaned against Shakti and waited.

Kotonaru sat calmly at the edge of the den, watching the darkness of the cave with rapt fascination. There were lizards out there, rip for the picking. Her eyes darted around, watching them move, running to hide for the night. Soon, one of her siblings would be impatient enough to ask Dad to leave, and then she could roam, see what she could find tonight. Although anticipation ate at her, she didn't mind the wait, watching everything. Maybe she's even get to sneak attack on of her siblings tonight.

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Silver Metallic Dragon



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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:37 pm
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It was a horrible wait. He couldn't handle waiting to get out of their den after having a perfect sleep that recharged his batteries. Giving a look of utter impatience the white male cub with purple markings on his smooth fur and golden eyes finally couldn't take it anymore. Getting up he bounded toward his parents with that grumpy look and wings held tightly against his body then stopped. "Mama, papa Can we go out now? It's already dark outside and I want to go out." He stomped his tiny paw with impatience. It was utterly cute.

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Silver Metallic Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:55 pm
Thank goodness his brother asked first, because the little black male was just as antsy. He was just better at keeping his mouth shut. Sadar turned to his parents, watching with subdued excitement. He loved to play with his siblings, and chase lizards, and all of that they got to do, out of the den. Spending hours stuck in a cave could be kinda boring, but they found ways to keep themselves entertained. They'd become master cave spider hunters, among other things.

Tucking his wings tightly against his back, Sadar grinned at his brother and waited for their father to release them for the night. It was going to be fun, he just knew it!



~Latonia de la Courtel~

Silver Metallic Dragon

Hygienic Hunter

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:38 pm
Since waking from her afternoon nap, Natesa had firmly decided she would not, - would not- be the one foolish enough to beg her parents to release them into the sweet embrace of the dark. Not tonight... One of the others could fall into that trap! She'd made that mistake the night before, and having to sit and wait, watching her siblings race about without her, had been excruciating. She would learn patience, she would! But she didn't have to like it.

'Which is rather fortunate, 'cuz I don't.' She grumbled to herself, folding her wings more tightly to her back as she stared morosely out into the world... Waiting, waiting for the slow-coming dark. It was on her way, approaching with a stately presence Natesa could almost feel if she closed her eyes and concentrated.

Inching closer to the mouth of the cave, she tucked her paws under her, wrapped her tail about her gathered feet, and closed her eyes. Wings tucked close to her back and brow furrowed, she drew a deep breath and held it for a moment. There, it definitely smelled of coming night... Of cooling air, and perhaps a hint of rain? She could hear insects lazily droning, and frogs beginning to croak and rustle the grasses in their search for dinner... Nightbirds would begin calling soon, the world singing under the pleasant cover of night.

Of course, if it rained, it would be altogether different.

'Oh don't rain yet!' She pleaded silently as she heard Arjun lose the battle and ask their parents for freedom. 'Don't rain when we haven't even had a chance to run and play!'

Tail beginning to lash back and forth, the small female stared intently toward the outside world and hoped that fate would be kind. If she had to spend all night inside with her parents, she'd do something drastic... Like, like gnaw Sadar's ear off!

Ok, she probably wouldn't gnaw it off completely... He'd look ridiculous with one ear and she'd feel bad about it... And he'd certainly yowl.. And then Mama and Papa would be upset with her... Which she certainly didn't want! She just wanted to go run!!


Silver Metallic Dragon

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:35 pm
Shaki looked down at his son with a raised brow, fighting off the urge to smile. It was always one of them. They hadn't learned yet that it would be better to wait until he got impatient enough to want to go outside. Which, while he was a good hunter and knew the value of waiting for a long time, he also knew there wasn't a point in waiting around in their den. And he was almost as eager as the cubs were to get out into the night. Shakti stood up slowly, flexing his wings and walking to the front of the den where the others were waiting, nodding at each of his children solemnly , still fighting off that urge to smile. "Alright, Kotonaru, Natesa, and Sadar, you can go out. Do not stray far, your mother and I will be watching."

Yuki smiled and nuzzled Arjun Rama. "And you will wait until they are out of sight before you can follow." She got up and followed her mate, leaning against him for a moment and peering out into the dark. Since she didn't have their sight in the dark, she would stay in the den. She did her venturing out during the day. Her schedule was half in the day, half at night. And she would sleep later, keeping herself awake incase her children needed her. She sometimes would follow them out into the night, just to keep an eye on them. Not tonight, though. She's been hunting earlier, and was tired. Still, she'd be awake if she was needed.

Kotonaru bounded forward as soon as her father gave permission, and if her pelt was darker, she would have vanished into the night as silent as she was being. As it were, she stood out a bit in the dark, with her gold fur. She ducked behind a rock, spying over it to see if she could see one of her siblings. Koto wanted to surprise one of them if she could, that was one of the best things ever. She loved it. It was probably going to be the best thing about hunting when she was old enough. It was her favorite part of play time, and hunting lizards, the surprise.

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Silver Metallic Dragon



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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:42 pm
Arjun saw his father get up and go ahead of the den to announce that they were going to go out. Except of course that his name wasn't mentioned with his siblings with made his tiny face scrunch up with a grumpier if not scowling look. Even when his mother nuzzled him, it wasn't enough to soften his ruffled wings at being told he had to stay back only because he was absolutely stubborn to be softened up by his mother's touch. Perhaps when he stopped scowling Arjun would trudge over to cuddle close to his mother but right now....He was the one in trouble.

Falling over onto his side with a whine he glowered at the den entrance then at his siblings, wishing they would hurry up to be out of sight. Then again that might be difficult since both of his sister's weren't dark; one was golden and the other white like he was. Only his brother was dark like their father. "Seriously?! Oh come on mother! Ugh!" Arjun covered his head waiting now for his siblings to be out of sight to join them in their adventures.


~Latonia de la Courtel~

Silver Metallic Dragon
PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:01 pm
Taking off like a shot the second his father sent them on their way, Sadar was ready for some peace and quiet. Maybe a little bit of calm so he could catch a lizard or two. He liked his siblings well enough, but it seemed like his sisters jut loved to chew on him, and his ears! Huffing, the little male scuttled up a tree and perched on a branch, melting quickly into the shadows. Being a black as the night had several advantages, and Sadar liked the blending in best of all.

The cub sprawled on the high branch, peering down at the earth below. It seemed like the small animals knew the 4 were coming, and had taken off their own homes for protection. That was probably a smart call. Reaching out with a black paw, Sadar pinned a lizard that hadn't seen him as it scuttled by on the branch. Scooting the lizard closer, the male lifted his paw and peered down at the reptile. He felt a smidgen on sympathy for the tiny thing as he brought it to his mouth, but not much. After all, this was his job. To hunt, and it was the lizards job to be the prey.

Plus, he needed to eat it quickly, before any of his siblings got any ideas. And knowing his sisters, he wouldn't be alone for long.



~Latonia de la Courtel~

Silver Metallic Dragon

Hygienic Hunter

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:01 pm
Natesa shifted on her paws, trying to make herself comfortable as she waited to be released from the cave. They would be free to go, all in good time... And at least Arjun had gone ahead and asked. It meant he still had to learn the lesson, but at least the rest of them could take advantage of his mistake. At least there was a chance they could play before any stupid rainclouds rolled in and ruined it.

"Thanks Papa!" She crooned joyously, capering to the large male's side and winding herself about his legs affectionately.

She lingered within the shelter of the cave for a moment, giving her mother an affectionate smile. With a final playful purr she bolted out into the night, wings spread wide to catch wind as she hopped about. It let her glide for a moment here and there, an illusion of flight that made her giggle happily. She leapt and danced about in the space immediately in sight of the cave, trying to pick a direction to explore in and hopefully avoid being Koto's hunting practice at the same time.

She had no idea where Sadar had gotten off to, but he was lucky with his dark coat and his keen ears. If she had been paying more attention to him than her own joy of freedom, maybe she could have listened to his departure... Could have a better idea of which tree he'd skirted up or sheltered behind.

"Nothing for it." She muttered as she trotted over to a nearby boulder and scrabbled up to the top. Spinning about, she frowned to herself, attempting to find a sibling or two to coerce into a game. They might as well make the most of their nightly freedom, morning time would come too soon and then they would be trapped in the cave again.

'Why can't we have a cave in a forest? Then we could have shadows all day long, and things to chase...'


Silver Metallic Dragon

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 12:45 pm
Shakti smiled slightly, more of a smirk, as three of his children darted off into the night. He could see them just fine, even his dark son. He knew he didn't have to worry too much about them, but he was going to go out to make sure there was nothing going. Stretching out, he yawned widely, showing off bright white teeth. Shakti ran a tongue over his fangs and padded out into the night. He knew Yuki would be settling down, half sleeping half awake, leaving him to watch over their children. "Come on, Arjun" He said softly, turning to look back over his shoulders. "The night awaits."

Yuki smiled as her mate left the cave, and she settled down to rest. Hunting had really tired her out during the day, so she was relieved at the respite the night would bring. She normally slept more during the day than she had that day. Mating with a nocturnal male was difficult at first, but she was used to it most of the time these days. And with the cubs running around all night, she was more nocturnal that diurnal. Yawning, she settled in to watch the den while the others ran around.

Kotonaru watched her brother scamper up a tree and frowned, loosing sight of him when he stopped moving. He wouldn't be a good target for her tonight, since he would see her coming before she could see where he'd stopped. Arjun would be easier to spot, but he hadn't come out yet. Her sister, however, was perched on top of a nearby bolder, bright white in the darkness, and Koto crouched, mantling her wings over her back for the added lift they would give her, probably enough to knock her sister off the bolder. Koto snuck forward, silent, and pounced, leaping up over the rock and landing on her sister.

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Silver Metallic Dragon



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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:15 pm
Perking up at the voice of his father the young male looked over his sleepy mother nuzzling her paw lightly then bounded after his sire, trotting at his side with a huge smile full of mischief. Maybe he would cause trouble with his siblings or better yet find a way to sneak off and explore farther away than their normal haunts. Of course he would have to be very careful since he didn't exactly blend in and frankly that was a horrible disadvantage for him. Arjun somehow knew that since his other siblings, besides his pale coat sister, and father were better at hiding than he was in the shadows. Stopping the cub stretched his little body then ran off after his siblings to see what they were going to do...


~Latonia de la Courtel~

Silver Metallic Dragon
PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:24 pm
The trouble with Sadar getting such a good headstart, was that if he hid himself in even a passably decent location, he was invisible if he closed his eyes or turned his head away. Which meant that even from her perch -low as it was- Natesa was having very little luck in locating him. One the one paw, it gained him some -rather grudging- credit... On the other, she deeply wanted to propose to Koto that girls band together and hunt him down. And maybe pounce Arjun, if the opportunity presented itself once hewas free of the cave.

Then again, maybe she and Arjun should team up, as their coats were the lightest of the family. Koto was patterned close enough to be an ally, which meant in theory they could all hunt down Sadar and chew on his ears when they found him. Of course, Sadar had keen ears like Natesa herself did, which meant he he had a certain advantage...

"Drat." She muttered crossly, straightening on her perch-

Just in time to be tackled by Koto.

With a whining yowl, Natesa tumbled off of the rock, her golden-pelted sister sending her flying. "DARN IT KOTO!"

At this rate she'd NEVER find Sadar.


Silver Metallic Dragon


~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

[ RP Zone ] The Underdark

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