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Reply [ RP Zone ] The Walking Waters
[FIN] Call of Duty [Gundisalv x Verya]

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Romantic Warlord

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:30 pm
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A large blue male with braided tuffs along his head and neck, with one against his cheek and a feather threaded through it laid down on the tall, tall water grass at the edge of the lake in the area he could always be found at. It over looked the great expanse of the lake and the tribe. Yet it held more meaning than just the view to this large male as it was the place he chose from his awakening to mediate. To bring his recruits here for training and that mediation.

Gundisalv rested in the tall, tall water grass welll hidden with his tail peeking out and slightly curled waiting for more of his recruits. Make no mistake he was a very dutiful male. Every early morning before sunrise he would make his rounds of the whole territory of the water tribe. He would then train his first recruit Sahasi and interact with their Magi Stillwater. Then he would mediate and wait for others to come find him if they truly wished to join his army to serve and protect their tribe as one unit.

It would be nice but then of course there was one thing to consider. Water B'alam were awakening in first learning about themselves and the world they lived in. Then would come the time for their souls and instincts to let them know what their calling is in life. At least he hoped so since that was what happened with him in knowing what he wanted and needed to do in this life...So it would be the same for everyone else.

Therefore what Gundisalv had and exercised during his mediations was patience...The patience to wait. The patience of waiting when to act and when not to. Especially when it was necessary in the most dire and toughest situations! No, no, Gundisalv was getting ahead of himself and feeling his fur stand up by the passion that was stirred. No, no he had to be composed for those that came by answering his call of duty. The call he gave out when asked and when there were large groups, if one could call it that, together to hear it. Who is next to join him?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:44 pm
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Verya, patrolled the water tribe land. Since she had awaken she had took it upon herself to patrol the surrounding area, but she was a very inexperienced warrior and she needed to train some more, but she needed the aid of her leader. She may be a student under his training, he was known to be strict and have his warriors trained until they could not. So, she had an idea of his reputation. She swished her tail to and fro as she padded around, and paused as her claws lightly groom the dirt, she felt she was being watched. She quieted her treads her ears were flicked upright to hear any sounds.

She took a few moments to survey the area, to see if there were any signs that showed she wasn't the only one here. She took a second before she noticed a tuft of a tail peeking out of the tall grass, well it seemed her instincts were right she was being watched. She tried to get a look at it but had no success so she decided to approach in a very cautious matter, her instinct told her that it was better not to turn your back on a potential enemy, whether or not the being present was friend or foe she could not tell.



Interstellar Moonwalker

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Romantic Warlord

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:01 pm

Paw steps. They were heard by the great male even if they were on the ground. It was his profession that made him alert to those sounds even if they quieted down. There were other signs that allowed him to know that he wasn't alone. The shift in the air along with new scents was one of those signs. For another he was watching in the direction of the female that appeared so indeed that was the more obvious sign that Gundisalv knew he wasn't alone.

Watching the female approach his spot....the male waited until he slowly pulled his tail from sight to be fully hidden by the tall grass, becoming silent. When he waited a few more moments longer his deep voice sounded, loud and powerful. "You have a lot of gall, female to come here. If you are lost turn back around to the Palace. If you are here for something important than stay where you are and state that purpose." Came his words with a hint of a growl of warning that he was not going to entertain anyone who might be here for games. Gundisalv was not waiting for that."
PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:11 pm
Verya let a small but brief smile grace her features before she went serious again and stopped her approach before answering the questions that the company asked. She stood still for a few moments before shifting her gaze to were she saw the tuft. She figured it was better to listen and follow the request so she stood her ground firmly. She was still unsure whether not the presence was friend or foe.

"If you must know, I 'am not lost and well aware of where I am." she said lightly trying not to show a hint of annoyance "My name is Verya Vanadessë and I'am a student of the Brave leader and I'm looking for him to continue my training" she stated firmly. "I'am also well aware of his reputation of strict training for his recruits" she stated firmly once again.



Interstellar Moonwalker

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Romantic Warlord

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:30 pm

Ah so this intruding female was not intruding at all. Instead she was here to be his student considering this is the first time he has seen her at all. Then again since he was hidden she possibly thought him some stranger and would claim to be his student. Yes that is what it is. Growling low Gundisalv slowly rose up from his hiding spot showing his fierce expression.

"Oh? You will be a student when I deem you worthy of such a place. Whatever training you think you have is nothing compared to what I teach." The large blue male walked out of the tall, tall grass and stood before the female like the fierce warrior that he has become since his awakening. "If you know my reputation then you know not to listen to most of it. If you wish to be one of my students then you must answer me questions truthfully. They must not be false words to gain you a rank or other nonsense because I will give you such fear of me, you'll know me by another reputation." Not that he would do anything other than deny this female access to becoming a Brave.

Gundisalv wasn't that kind of a male to intimidate others smaller, weaker, or of a different gender than him which some might assume for his size and profession at first. But once everyone got to know him they would see he was a really great individual to be around.

Walking around Verya he looked over her with intense blue eyes to gauge her muscle tone and whether she would be fit to handle his training and nothing romantic about his look. "You could be a crafter, a scribe or a tanner...or a multitude of other trades in our tribe. Why do you wish to be a brave?" The last word was said with Gundisalv finished with his physical look over he narrowed his eyes with that fierce furrow of his brows. "Again I request you speak honestly or this encounter will be a very short one."
PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:43 pm
Verya evened out her breathing before she decided to speak, she didn't expect this ecounter to be so intense, but she reminded herself not to show any form of weakness or she would give him the impression that she was not fit for the job of a brave.

"Well, I wouldn't know because I've only just met you but I've heard chi chat about your reptuation, but most of it I decided I would make my judgement if I met you person." she told him and nodded her head "I will be truthfully honest with you" she told him. She enjoyed her patrols but the very thing she enjoyed would be changed depending on how this encounter went.

"I agree, I could be a crafter,a scribe or a tanner or the other variety of trades in the tribe. But, I do not find joy in any of those, I find joy in patrolling the areas surrounding the place in which the water tribe calls their home. I value the idea that in order for our tribe to thrive, they must be protected by the select few who choose become braves. I also care for the safety of the tribe members, even though it may be brutual and we may see things that could change those who become braves. At the same time a tribe cannot thrive if there is no means of defense." she said, hopefully that answer was good enough. "Should I qualify for this trade, I will be completely devoted to it." she added.



Interstellar Moonwalker

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Romantic Warlord

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 3:20 pm

Listening to the words of Verya attentively, Gundisalv was quite impressed with her words. The male was impressed with her point of view that was similar as his first recruit, Sahasi. Another similarity was that....Verya was also a female. Mentally shaking his mind from the tally of two females and zero males the fierce warrior tilted his head ever so slightly to the side watching her even closer.

"Correction....This is not a trade. As braves you devote yourself to a life time profession that one can only get out of in one of three ways. All of which I hope never visits either of my braves but one cannot see the future in order to change it." Gundisalv shifted in a calculating way that made his body looked more balanced as well as a bit relaxed to not scare the poor female half to death.

"However you have impressed me with your words Verya. Allow me to share my words." This time the male sat down to look at her directly. "I will take you on as my student. You will learn to be the best of the best because I deem it so. If you want to continue to patrol our borders then you must take my training seriously so as to ensure protection to the best of our abilities.

We are not perfect. No, I do not expect perfection however I expect dedication, loyalty, honor and respect for the tribe, the culture, our purpose and to your fellow braves. I expect it as well just as I will give you all those things in return.

I will have you aware that you are a female. As such if and when male braves begin to reveal themselves to this profession they might treat you differently because you are such. That under any and all circumstances must be directed to Sahasi as she is the first female and then to me. Know this, I will absolutely not treat you special because of your gender. We are here for one purpose, for one cause. Your gender means absolutely nothing to me during training and in this profession unless of course you feel you wish to live a life as a mate and parent. That I will take into consideration and lower the amount of tasks when that time comes so that you can be with your family.

If you understand all of that then please express yourself so."
Said the elder male as he stood up once again pressing his lips together slightly. "You will address me as Sir until ranks are implemented and earned." Gundisalv wanted to let her know the basics of what Verya was getting into to see if she still would continue with this. "Are you lake, river or storm minded? It is important to know this so as to better know what tasks I see fit for you to do."
PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 3:44 pm
Verya, in turn listened to his words intently and nodded every so often to acknowledge the fact that she was still listening to what he has to say. He seemed really passionate about his profession and he enjoyed it. That was always good to have when you were going into a profession or a trade. The passion to do your best and the enjoyment you got from doing your job.

" I apologize for calling it a trade." she told him and nodded her head she could do with that, its not like she was planning on settling down anytime soon, she still had things she wanted to do before she even thought about settling down. Her breathing remained evened out as he talked and she felt some relief as he relaxed if only slightly. She really hoped that she wouldn't encounter any of the 3 ways he was mentioning. But, she was certain that training under him would prevent that from ever occuring.

She nodded her head acknowledging his words and showing that she was absorbing it before she spoke up "I intend to Sir" she told him firmly. The tension in her muscles when she first encountered the intense male relaxed a little but not enough to show that she wasn't paying attention. She really needed to stretch but she would not move until the male was done speaking.

"That I can guarantee that I will show, and I will give it my all" she said wondering if he would actually put that in his code for his braves. She was being careful not to speak to him informally or that would disrespect him altogether and she had no intention of doing that especially at this crucial time when he was telling her important things. She could live with not being treated special that she knew already it was common knowledge in anything military related no one was treated special because of certain things and she had lived like that since she awakened. So she was use to it.

She glanced at him in a non-romantical way before speaking up " Yes, I understand all of it, Sir" she said firmly. She was not willing to take chances on making a movement to show that she wasn't listening. "I'am Lake minded, Sir" She told him.



Interstellar Moonwalker

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Romantic Warlord

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 4:22 pm
"There is no need to apologize. I merely wish you to know the difference. There is no shame in the other trades for they are a great necessity to us and this tribe. Those trades are important into what makes us all unique and what makes us thrive. Our profession is to protect those unique traits and every single member in our tribe but also those who are river minded. Those that travel far need our protection as well." Gundisalv said standing up as he turned to look at the lake.

This was promising. Very promising and it was another sparkle in the lake to know that the braves were increasing, one water b'alam at a time. "I am glad that you understand, Verya. It is very important that you know what this all means and that you do not enter this blindly. I would recommend that you get to know Sahasi as she is another female that just started her training." The male turned to look at Verya. "Welcome Verya to becoming a brave in training."

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 3:12 pm

Characters: Gundisalv & Verya Vanadesse
Players: krusnik05 &Starshineangel101
→ krusnik05 || 1,577 words | 1 Complete RP's |
→ Starshineangel101 || 1,004 words | 1 Complete rp's |

2, 581 words total  


Romantic Warlord

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[ RP Zone ] The Walking Waters

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