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[PRP] Of Fruits and Flowers... (Nasiri and Necuametl Tlaloc)

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Silver Metallic Dragon

Hygienic Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:22 pm
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"Now... what sort of flower are you?" A dark nose bumped the dark purple petals, trying to catch a scent. Maybe she could discern what species it was from the scent the beautiful flower put off. When she didn't catch any aroma from the flower, Nasiri settled on her rump to inspect the plant the flower was attached to. Nothing special to report about the plant itself either, just plain green leaves on an normal stem. It wasn't exactly large either, small enough that she had to lean down slightly to sniff the flower. Perhaps it was a crop of some time.

Scanning the area around her, Nasiri realized she was in someone's garden. Hoping she didn't disturb any of the beautifully growing plants, the brown coated female backed herself out, and located the edge. She couldn't believe she'd missed the obvious edge where grass turned into the fertile soil. Bright blue eyes scanned the garden, and where she'd seated herself. No damage to be seen, thankfully. Just the paw imprints she'd left behind on her entrance and exit, along with a tell tale rump impression in the soft soil.

Peering around, she didn't notice the owner of this beautiful garden, and hoped whoever it was would be nice enough to tell her what the lovely purple flowers were! Deciding to follow along the edge of the garden, Nasiri recognized a few of the plants, deciding that this must be a garden for crops. The area was much larger then she'd first thought, being much longer then it was wide. Defiantly a crop garden.

"Someone defiantly has a green paw... or four."

Caitlyn Hellstorm
Forgive me, I'm quite a bit rusty at this starting thing! XD
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:41 am
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As the sun began to rise over the horizon, the earth-toned male is already out and about before the sun peeked over the horizon, flittering from one garden to other, checking on different kind of plants and trees while making mental notes to which ones needs watered, fertilized and whatnot. In his opinion, his job to the plant-life will never be done and he will always be on go all day ensuring everything is thriving because there are so many creatures that relies on those plants as well. Humming softly, Necuametl Tlaloc moves among the flowering trees in an apple grove and he began to sing softly because he have a strong belief that plant-life are alive and is capable of emotions, hearing and those things b'alams could do except talk and move. The male makes several trips to the nearby stream and sheep field to grab water and fertilizer for series of his gardens and groves before he bid them farewell, moving on to next one.

The male moves toward his largest garden which is his first one as well, knowing that this garden will take up majority of his day because there are different things he needs to do in there. At this point, he's becoming really exhausted because of excessive usage of his telekinesis ability but he knows that its necessary to keep those gardens and groves going.. it will be his mark on this world. As he proceeds into watering and ensuring each plant have nutrition they need, he hears a soft feminine voice nearby murmuring to a flower. His ears perks up curiously as he looks around to find the source of the lovely voice and he pauses after taking few steps, sniffing at the air, momentarily forgetting that the scent of flowers covers other scents. Giving himself an sheepish grin, Necuametl Tlaloc finally spotted a dirt-colored female carefully backing out to edge of the garden and that sheepish grin evolved into an amused smile.

As the female moves around the edge of garden, admiring every plant in her way.. the male couldn't help but to admire her because he thought he was the only one that is into this kind of thing because all of b'alams he have encountered doesn't seem that interested in plants and the mystery behind growing the plants and whatnot. Every time the female moves on to next flower, he gradually moves closer to the female just in time to hear her last comment and he chuckles. "Admiring my garden, are we?" He steps up beside the female's side, his moss-green eyes glinting with laughter and admiration. "I am Necuametl Tlaloc... may I have the honor of knowing my lady's name?" He inquires with a crooked charming grin.

Silver Metallic Dragon
You did perfect. I am in love with that female already XD!

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

Silver Metallic Dragon

Hygienic Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:37 pm
Humming softly, Nasiri continued to inspect the foliage and flowers, unable to suppress the smile that pulled at her maw. Someone certainly spent quite a bit of time on this garden, and it showed! These flowers were so well taken care of, Nasiri wanted to learn from whoever was growing them. They obviously knew their plants. Tilting her head, Nasiri noted a small grouping of plants that were wilting slightly. Wanting to be helpful, and to make up for the rump sized imprint in their dirt, the brown coated female turned to scan for a water source, Instead, she found a male.

Blinking owlishly. Nasiri took in whom she presumed to be the owner of this beautiful garden. The male that smiled and greeted her was a stout, strong earth colored male, with a kind smile. Giving him a sheepish smiled, Nasiri nodded in response to his question. "I was, actually.... I've never seen such a beautiful garden before! Do you keep this all up by yourself?"

She was impressed by this male, she knew how taxing it was to use telekinesis to preform simple tasks, she couldn't imagine doing all this work by herself. Maybe she could offer her assistance to him, she did so love plants and gardening, she enjoyed learning about and watching them grow. She hadn't met any other b'alam, in any tribe, that enjoyed the earth the way she seemed to, it was nice to see she wasn't alone in her love of nature and all its wonders. "Ah, its a pleasure Necuametl Tlaloc. I am Nasiri. My apologies for venturing into your garden, but I was entranced by the beautiful flowers!" Giggling softly, Nasiri leaned down to sniff at another small flower.

Caitlyn Hellstorm
Thank you! I'm loving him too! heart
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:29 pm
The male watches different kind of expressions flicker through this female's face with a grin on his own, liking the fact that this female is so entranced with the garden. "We should cover that imprint with something to preserve it." He says with a light teasing tone as his moss colored eyes meets hers with amused glint in them. His mind is already turning the gears over as he ponders on what kind of supplies he could mix together to make plaster because he genuinely do want to preserve that rump imprint due to the fact that he feels like this meeting will be a really significant one for him.

The second the question the female fired off about him keeping the garden cared for along with compliment, he felt his chest puff out with pride and he flashes her a proud yet humble grin before he nods little bit, not sure where he will start in explaining to her about how he keeps the garden well-maintained. "Yes, this garden is not just only garden I maintain, there are many other gardens along with groves out there. Maybe I will send you off on a mission to find them all." He says with a mischievous smile on his face as he looks around at the garden with love and pride in his eyes while his smile grows more bigger as his eyes lands on each plant he personally nurtured. With a small content sigh, he turns his head to the female and flashes her a small sheepish smile while realizing that he probably were in his own little world for who knows how long while leaving the female standing there waiting for him to come back to her. "Sorry.." He whispers as he keeps his eyes on the female, trying not to look at any other plants because he knows he is probably being impolite right now.

"Nasiri..." He repeats the name to himself once quietly as he smiles at the female, dipping his front body into a brief bow. "Its definitely my pleasure meeting you, my dear Nasiri." His eyes softens as he watches the female lean down to smell a flower and he leans to her ear, whispering lightly, "you are smelling Dahlia right now. Beautiful is it, no?" He takes in her unique scent that reminds him of flowers that he surrounds himself in on daily basis. 'Do you have any questions about this garden, m'dear?' he inquires while knowing that the female is brimming with so many questions.

Silver Metallic Dragon
I am starting to think they are a match made in heaven XD

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

Silver Metallic Dragon

Hygienic Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 7:44 pm
Catching the teasing tone in the male's voice, Siri grinned, peering at the imprint. It was a neat spot in the dirt, and judging from the males face, he was serious about keeping the imprint. Thank the spirits she'd sat down like a normal soul, and hadn't flopped down and sprawled out like some sort of heathen. She'd considered it. The brown coated female watched him for a long moment, having a strong feeling this was an important meeting in her life. She'd met several others in her time since awakening, but none had seemed quite as important as the one she was currently experiencing. That was a thrilling feeling.

Staring at him in wonder, she couldn't help the amazement that crossed her face as she took in his statement. He had MORE gardens? She imagined they were just as well taken care of, and just and loved as this one was. This was some male she had run across. Smiling widely, she faced him, giving him her own teasing grin. "Why go searching, when I have the male who created them right here? A guided tour would be much better."

Smiling at his bow, she returned it with a bit of flourish. "Its nice to meet someone with a common interest, I never thought I would!" When he entered her personal space, she couldn't help the blush, and the smile that broke out. Oh yeah, it was obvious to her now, exactly what this male may be. "It is beautiful..." Humming, she tapped her nose gently against his cheek and bounced back a step, grinning widely. "I have a few... For starters, give me a tour?"

Caitlyn Hellstorm
Oh, I am LOVING them!! XDD
PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:47 pm
Quirking his eyebrow, the male grins at Nasiri as she gave him an answer he wanted to hear, a guided tour and an opportunity to have a good conversation about the plants that is surrounding them and covering land as far as their eyes could see. Necuametl Tlaloc's eyes glints with happiness and something that could be considered affection because its really rare to find another individual to share his passion for gardening and he clears his throat, grinning more at her. "Guided tour eh, Nasiri? It will probably take us few days just to get through all of gardens before we start on groves.." He pretends to ponder about it, obviously is teasing the female.

"Only if you have around 7 sun cycles or so to spare for me then we shall have that tour.." The male says with a chuckle as he looks down at the female, humming little bit like hummingbirds would because hummingbirds follows him around to find choice nectar all the time so he picks up that little quirk from them. When the female started humming as well, his eyes went wide as his heart skipped the beat and he stares at the female wondering if she's a female version of him right down to colors. "Oh..." He blinks as he gets little bit distracted from that light tap on his cheek and he grins down at her impishly.

"Tour.. yes... yes.. but I still think I should send you on that mission and follow you to see how many you can find." Necuametl Tlaloc couldn't help but to tease the female with a grin as he nudges her body lightly with his. "Let's show you more of this garden and other gardens, shall we?" He licks Nasiri's cheek quickly as he leaps forward, trotting up ahead. "Let's see what we can start with..." He hums as he looks around and spots another purple flower that is clustered together in a 'cone' shape. "Ah yes.... another purple beauty... this one is Delphinium. One of particular favorites for hummingbirds." He grinned as hummingbirds seems to want to prove the male right and swoops down to dip their long beaks in the purple flowers.

Silver Metallic Dragon
So sorry about lateness in rp reply @v@ things are starting to slow down so we can focus on rping this adorable pair!

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

Silver Metallic Dragon

Hygienic Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:31 am
Mulling over the earth coated males words, Nasiri pondered her options. While she DID have 7 sun cycles, more like thousands of sun cycles, she didn't want to seem to eager to spend all her time with this male. The fact of the matter however, was just that. She did want to spend the rest of her sun cycles with this male. They'd just met yes, but she'd always heard that when you met your other half it was instant and obvious. She felt almost positive that this male, with his love of gardens and plants, was it.

Tossing the male a grin, she shrugged, meandering along beside him. "I think I have a few sun cycles to spare...If your willing to spend them with me, that is." Bright blue eyes going wide at the lick, she grinned and followed behind him, watching the little birds buzz around the gardens with fascination. She'd only heard about the tiny birds, never actually seeing on in person before this moment.

"They are so beautiful... Look at all of them! I've never a hummingbird before... They obviously love your gardens!" Leaning down to sniff the flower, Nasiri let out a giggle when one of the brightly colored birds buzzed down and hovered in front of her nose. The little creature chirped and darted off, leaving the brown coated female to stare in wonder at the retreating bird. How cool was that? Grinning widely, Nasiri turned back to the male. "A favorite indeed!"

Caitlyn Hellstorm
They are adorable! I just love them!
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:45 pm
"Willing?" Tlaloc pretends to ponder it over as he struggles not to grin widely because he feels like he found a kin in this female. "Hmmm...." The large male's eyes moves toward few hummingbirds zooming around, dipping in and out from the flowers and allowing his eyes to close to listen to the hum of tiny birds' wings. "You never seen a hummingbird before?" His amused voice fills the air as one of his eyes opens, meeting her bright blue eyes. "Now I am curious to what else of nature's magic you haven't seen." He murmurs.

"Looks like you got yourself a little shadow." Tlaloc grins as the small bird whom darted off then came back to hover over Siri's head. "... I think she knows we are going to explore around the gardens." He smiles as he nudges the female. "At first, I tried to organize flowers by colors and smells.." He says as he chuckles while he moves up ahead. "Flowers had other ideas." The male dips his head toward a sea of blue with several of yellow poppies. "That was my first lesson. Just guide the nature and nurture them instead of trying to manipulate them to my original thought." His eyes softens as he smiles when he remembers those experiences along with the joys when he finds all of those new flowers when he accidentally cross-pollinated some of the flowers.

"Some of those flowers are a hybrid of two flowers. Some by accident.. some are intentional." The male says as he brushes tips of flowers lightly with his tail. "Flowers are also living things so they can hear, feel and communicate." He smiles over at the female as he headbutts her lightly, feeling like everything he is doing with her is natural like gardening to him. For first time, Necuametl Tlaloc felt like he's right at home with this female who is just as passionate as him among the gardens.

Silver Metallic Dragon

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

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