Total Word Count

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River: --- words
Abel: --- words
Total: --- words

Abel lay cozily on the hill top of the open plain, a lone tree offered him a comfy shelter of shade from the heat. It had been another uneventful day watching over the herd of Whool that grazed in the grass bellow the overlook tree. A calm and pleasant day, given and weaver by the GrandWeaver.

Emerald eyes, rose to look at the spotted wonder of clouds that drifted lazily though the blue sky. With a deep taken breath, the B'alam knew he was truly blessed. The Gentle 'bahs' from the Whool bellow softly paraded though the air, as if to coe delight and shared contentment for the day. So far, Abel had only met one other creature like him. It had been quite a exciting meeting for the Tahtill, and his peaceful gave couldn't help by search for hopes of meeting another.

Eyes fell and caught the sight of a tuff of trees in the short distance, it was a small forest just on the edge of the plains. Abel had found himself curious of it, as the river seemed to flow directly from it. He however felt he couldn't venture to explore such a place, for it would be treacherous for the gazing Whool to explore. The seemingly helpless creatures, would fallow him anywhere-and be fear for them if they where left alone....

A Soft Sigh left the B'alam, as thoughts of adventure easily fled from him. He was content to know experance such a thing. His place was where he lay, and he was at peace with it. With one more look over to the grazing Whool, Abel lay down his head on the tops of his front paws, for a moments rest and a seconds daydream...

Little Yellow Jacket
let me know if you want me to expand on anything. For something easier to work with for your character. <3

Hope you like it