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[PRP] Silence is golden... (Milly/Abel) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 2:33 pm
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Ever since she got woven into life, she thought that the world of silence is normal because she haven't encountered any b'alams and she have learned quickly how to use her telekinesis to manipulate the vines to wind up her legs so she could practice 'writing' words out with them. Today is not any different than any of days before that, she stands in middle of the meadow with the sun beating down on her but she didn't really mind the head while her face is a perfect expression of concentration when she makes the vines floats around in the air for few minutes before they falls to the ground. Panting heavily, the female hunkers over as her muscles trembles with exertion of the power and she closes her eyes for a bit while visualizing her energy levels rising again.

I got this.. I can do this.. Millennium thinks to herself and she looks up to see the birds swooping around and small wildlife scampering along, she smiles at them before she looks at the vines once again. The female is fully aware of the sheep-like creatures that is in near distance and she is being careful not to be near them because of a horrible experience not so long ago with the vines. The vines floats up into the air few inches off the ground and twists into few words in rapid succession before falling to the ground along with the female as well. "I did it..." She victoriously thought before her ice blue eyes disappeared behind the lids, taking a well-deserved nap.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:50 pm
Caitlyn Hellstorm
I am sorry, but I don't have the post friendly img ready yet. I need a computer to edit it. Lol

Hope you like the post...

"As vast the skies above me..." A single Tahtill stood out from a small cluster of 'Whool'. Or rather that is what a strange, and almost seemingly helpless creature was called by the Tahtill. It was a small animal of some sort that had a thick wool-like coat, that stood on four uncloven hooves. Chewed it's cud, and seemed quite ignorant in nature. These 'Whool', the Male had found to have come in two mostly distinct colors of White, and the occasional black.

"My path has been set before thee." The B'alam continued to meekly sing to himself, in a soft voice that could be compare to honey. Though the tone was gentle and stead fast, it held a wavering hum of uncertainty.

"Though uncer-Ten."The B'alam sloped in sound in and hop as he he wheeled around in his step at a hop to look at the rest of the herd. Turn his head, the Vigilant Tahtill was sure to make sure that not a single one was left behind. For surely he would have to go venture to find it, even if it meant leaving the rest to terry.

The Whool had seemed to have formed some sort or unusual Keenship with the Unworldly puma; and the puma felt some sort of need to watch and care for the flock.

All singing was dropped and forgotten from the brown in color Tahtill, as out of the corner of his emerald eyes, and a sharp flick of an ear caught the teasing cry from a dark Whool....


The dark creature made a break from the flock and darted up gilded green plains and up a steep hill.

"Oh for Weaver's sake please, don't." Left the B'alam in a sigh as unwanting paws picked themselves, and the Tahtill reluctantly pulled away from the flock.

Green toes dug into the soft earth, as the B'alam started to scale the hill in a picked up jog. A long brown tail shot back straight and flicked about for balance.

What wasn't seen in the climb or by the the Whool was the Nahtill on top taking an attempt at a soothing nap.


[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:42 pm
[ Radical Dreamer ]
I love it! I want to cuddle with Abel already <3

As the female enjoys the few moments of peace and shut eye, the pressure and shift in the air caused her to open her eyes once again but she remained on the ground with her head lifted off the ground, looking around for a cause of the shift in the air. Her black ears twitches as she gauges the shift in the air, coming to conclusion that someone is nearby so its better if she try to slink off or try her luck communicating with whomever decided to visit this hill. Her eyes widens in startled manner when she finds herself face to face with whool and her muzzle forms into a surprised 'O' while she couldn't move her eyes away when she felt another shift in air once again.

Oh my..... Milliennum thought to herself as she finally turns her head toward another comer, expecting to see another whool since whools tends to comes in pairs... in her experience. If her eyes could get any wider, her eyeballs would be in danger of falling out the sockets at the sight of a b'alam that is following the whool. Her poofed up tail curls up against her body as she doesn't dare to move at all while she gives the Tahtill a nervous look, wondering where is his vines and how does he communicate if he doesn't have his own vines to manipulate. The vines uncoils away from her front legs and floats up in air in front of Tahtill, forming into the words "Hello" for a bit before dropping near her body once again. The poor Nahtill feels like if her heart pounds any more harder or faster, she will have her first look at her own beating heart and she is truly terrified, not sure what she is supposed to be doing because this is her first encounter with a b'alam.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:54 pm
Caitlyn Hellstorm
Awe yay! This is going to be difficult because Abel doesn't know how to read lol

As the Whool, made the top of the hill, Abel wasn't fair behind-however it was just at the 'peek' that the Tahtill lept out to catch the stay Whool. Being on the lower part of the hill, he didn't see the other B'alam untill it was too late.

Green eyes widened, as paws outstretched in mid leap for the Whool, his gaze took in the surprise of the other as time seemed to slow down. Miraculously, the Tahtill managed to flop down from his leap, and avoid tackling the other.


Eyes scrunched closed, as the sound of the Whool frolicking away was heard. As the Whool went on his way Abel was just thanking the weaver he didn't land on the poor frightened soul in front of him.

'Starfished' and exposed, Abel slowly opened a eye to look up at the white and black B'alam. Who, admittedly looked frightened. Slowly, Abel rose to all four paws, as both eyes opened he looked at the other-who was like him but different.

"Are-Are you okay?" Abel spoke, taking a look under him makin sure he hadn't distoryed anything. He didn't see anything but grass, which was a good thing-but he should still say...

"Sorry..." The Tahtill spoke backing a bit to be more on his hunches. "I didn't see you there..." The male b'alam slowly stated, meek ears lowered as his brow scrunched hoping to show his sincerity As he tried to make himself smaller.

Slowly his tail, moved to wrap around his body. Tilting his head down and tucking his chin to his chest, Abel politely tried to look at the other, with out being rude-he did after all stubble and almost tackle her...he was just wondering if had really seen those things around her paws move by themselves...  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:06 pm
The female continues to stares at the tahtill with wide eyes, not sure what to think of his .... graceful appearance and she tilts her head to side little bit, her pink tongue swiping at her upper part of muzzle in almost nervous manner. When the male moved his mouth, her eyes narrowed in confusion as she is not sure why he's mimicking birds, not realizing that he's actually talking and using his voice. When the male acts all meek and ... scared, the female frowns and looks at him while the vines lifts off the ground, forming into the words - "Are you all right?" She steps closer to him and tilts her head so she could look at him more better because he seems to act like he is a submissive to her. Millennium doesn't want anyone to be a submissive to her unless she wants it (which is mostly never). "You didn't do anything wrong." The vines forms into the words before dropping to the ground.

Millennium settles on her hunches in front of this apparent submissive male, curious about who he is and why he is acting that way when she didn't act aggressive or hostile. The vines twitches on the ground as an indicator that the female wanted to say more but she refrained so she wouldn't scare the male off or make him feel like he have to fully submit to her. Her tail curls up around her body, tip twitching as she looks at him curiously. This female is now brimming with questions for this poor male because she noticed that he moved his mouth like birds would and now she wants to know why he did that... what's so special about moving her mouth. She opens her mouth to mimic the bird's mouth movement and looks at him expectantly, hoping that she is doing something right.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Oooooh... this will be really interesting. Maybe they can develop some kind of sign language? That would be AWESOME!
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:44 pm
Caitlyn Hellstorm
It would be and just maybe lol. It will be interesting to see what happens lol.

As the other B'alam seemed to relax, but still not speak Abel's maw twisted and scrunched slightly. His own tail twitched slightly in a raise and fall, looking back at the Nahtil, Abel's chin rose from his chest as the strange things around her paw rose and swooped around strangely. Twice.

Tilting his head, Abel didn't understand. What was she doing, and why wasn't she saying anything. Swallowing, Abel's ears flicked back as his eyes searched mildly as if scanning his thoughts to know what to do.

Without being rude, of course. Ears bounced quickly back you. Ah!

Small talk perhaps?

Green eyes, slipped pass the Natill to make sure the Whool hadn't gotten to far. Looking behind him, his flock was all accounted for.

"What are those..." Abel spoke turning his head he looked back to the female. His front left paw rose and point at the vines that she cause to float about. They where strange, but she seemed to be using them for some sort of tool.

"Oh!" The Tahtill slightly exclaimed, his body rose just a little-he forgot how rude.

"The Grandweaver calls me: Abel." The earthkin spoke moving his paw to his chest. Still having no idea that the B'alam before him could not talk or hear...  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:15 pm
The confusion flickers through the deaf Nathil's eyes as she stares at the Tahtill when he didn't respond to her method of communication and he seems to insist on moving his mouth around. Millennium's body subconsciously mirrors the Tahtill's actions as she shifts her weight around awkwardly since now she realizes that the Tahtill can't communicate with her in the way she's familiar with. Raising her paw, Millennium tentatively waves it at the Tahtill as a sign of greeting.. at this point, she is willing to learn how to communicate with him without her vines or his mouth.

Her eyes are fixed on Tahtill's mouth because she figured that he's using it to communicate with her, with every movement his mouth made, she learns how to lipread. Abel? She thinks as she caught that word out of all of words he probably have spoken and she smiles at him uncertainly. The vines floats up in the air before she realizes that he can't communicate with her like that and they drops to the ground while her ears pins back against her skull briefly. Her mouth opens and closes before she forms the word in awkward manner - "Milly" . Its the only word that she can fully pronounce without flubbing it up and she looks at the Tahtill that calls himself Abel expectantly, hoping that she is doing it correct. The poor female is so confused and uncertain to what she is supposed to do in this kind of situation because now her vines are successfully rendered useless in one blow and is coiling up around her legs.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Very challenging rp ovo
PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:34 pm
After intruducing himself, Abel's head tilted to the side as the other Nahtill raised her paw sheepishly and 'waved'. It was a vary interesting guesture and as if a gentle whisper on the wind it was revealed to him that she was trying to communicate with him. It was a greeting.


Abel's paw moved from his chest and he slowly mimicked the wave. Was he doing this right?

His neck stretched out a little as if getting closer would help in understanding his own maw that moved without sound.

"M...ele....ey?" Abel slowly repeated as if to add sound to her moved mouths he fallowed along with his own mouth movements.

That kind of sounded like a name. Putting his thoughts together he slowly worked it out: mielley...mill-ey...

"Oh! Milly!" The Shepard blinked as a smile was replaced on his confused maw.

"That is a Nice name..." Abel spoke, letting his eyes close his head tucked as his chest puffed a little. His neatly wrapped tail's tip twitched in a little bob.

Then the realization came to him in his closed eyes..

Wait could she speak?

Opening his green eyes, Abel looked back at Milly with a tilt of his head-it almost seemed rude to ask....

"C-can you understand me?" The Tahtill spoke slowly as his ears slowly lowered back on his head once more as he inquired.

Caitlyn Hellstrom
it really is, I had a mute once lol

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:09 pm
Millennium watches the Tahtill that calls himself Abel lift his paw away from his chest and mimicked what she was doing and she smiles at him in encouragement while nodding, her tail thumping against the ground happily. They are finally getting somewhere with this communication barrier and she stares at him intently when he seems to repeat what she was trying to say few times before dawn of recognition appears on his face. The nahtill bobs her head eagerly as she smiles at him in gratitude before she ponders on what she could convey with her body language. She wants to ask Abel how he is doing and apologize for her incapability to speak and.. apparently hear as well.

Her train of thoughts shattered as the male opens his eyes again and inquired something and she squints little bit to figure out what he was saying before her eyes widens little bit in shocked joy. She can understand his mouth movements! She nods at him eagerly as she smiles at him then she raises her paw to her muzzle then to her ear while shaking her head. The female hopes that she is conveying the message that she can't talk or hear at all and now she is worrying if she's conveying wrong messages or its not right way to say it. Her worrying thoughts creeps into her expression as her ears pins back against her skull and a worried look appears in her eyes while she stares at Abel, silently hoping that he does understand her.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:07 pm
Abel's head tilted to the other side of his shoulder as he watched the Nahtill. Eyes flicked down to the thumping tail, she all of a sudden looked excited. He must have gotten her name right!

Abel happily rose a bit from his hunches, in little bob as he scooted closer. This was exciting. They where getting somewhere!

Watching Milly move her paw to her maw, then to her ear, his head tilted once more. Eyes squinted.

What was she...?

Abel had a maw and ears, they almost looked like his. the maw was for speaking and eating, and the ears-

"Oh! They don't work!" Abel spoke perhaps a bit to excitedly in his eagerness to figure out what Milly was doing.

Watching Milly intently he waited for a response, his head inched closer as if he sat on a metaphorical chair-(that he didn't know what that was....)

The suspense was killing him.

Caitlyn Hellstrom

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:53 pm
The female blinks as she repeats the motions when she noticed that Abel didn't understand her the first time and she struggles not to smile when he copied her motions so he could understand her. When Abel finally understood and blurted out that thing, Millennium stared at him in stunned shock as she is not sure how to react to that comment from the male at all.

"Am I truly broken?" floats through her head unbidden as her eyes darts back and forth, not sure what to do and she forces herself to stand up because she felt like the huge pressure is pressing down on her chest and she couldn't breathe. The nahtill always thought that she is just perfectly normal like others and that there is nothing wrong with her so its given that this encounter is going to rattle her up big time.

Her ears twitches before drooping down and she lowers her head with a frown on her face, sadness is evident in her eyes while she nods uncertainly at Abel. She's truly at the loss of what to do... or say because now the seed of self-doubt have been planted inside her soul and is growing.. at rapid pace.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:24 pm
Watching Milly's expression drop heavily, Abel's ears lowered and hisaw hung at slight ajar. Did he just say something bad? She nodded, which he could somehow take as a 'yes', so he wasn't wrong...but she looked to disheartened by the question. Not only that, but he felt a vary new weight hang on him, like her hurt someone. Like when he had to kill one of his Whool for food, it was what needed to be done... But it felt 'heavy' doing it. He hurt the creature, as short of a moment it was the Whool felt pain, and he felt Milly was feeling the same now.


Left Abel as his ears lowered...

The B'alam stopped

He didn't know what to say....

What could he say?


A uneasy paw crossed over his other, and his head bent down to quickly groom at his chest. A discovered nervous habit.

"Not..'broken'...just don't work the same?" Abel spoke, as he carefully trudged over his words. Eyes remained Fixed on Milly, he wanted the sick feeling to leave his chest, and a happy face to replace it's self on this other's maw.

For all he knew, maybe his ears and maw didn't work right?!

"The Maker doesn't make broken things..." Abel spoke as if a magic sense of clarity fell on him at that moment.

She could still understand him after all, she was the one dangling things at him-and he didn't understand.

"You're not broken, I'm sorry." Abel added shaking his head at himself and his own foolish wording. His sight dropped to the ground as his tail quickly wrapped around himself once more.

"The Maker doesn't make broken things..."

He repeated softly as if to tell himself.

Caitlyn Hellstrom
Abel is a monster...

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:00 pm
Milliennium's ears droops more as she seems to crumple into herself while her eyes becomes shiny with unshed tears, not liking the idea that she is broken and not normal like others. Before today, she was perfectly happy with her world of silence because that's the only thing she knew and she was functioning just fine.. but now, her world shattered, the sharp vicious shards falls down, cutting into her emotions and soul. When Abel groomed himself then uncertainly tries to suggest that she doesn't work the same and her frown deepened more, not sure if she like that idea at all.

The vine floats up in front of Abel and formed into the words - "I am not broken." before she realize that Abel couldn't read. "I am sorry" Her maw mouths the words as she lost the battle with her tears, the wet tracks appears on her cheeks as she hunkers over, trembling with emotions that she didn't like. The Maker doesn't make broken things... is the only thing that stood out to her and it became her silent mantra while she squeezes her eyes furiously, not liking the fact that she is crying in front of him.

Shaking her head, the female looks up at Abel with now determined shiny eyes and she felt her muzzle stretch out into a trembling smile. I am going to teach you how to read...and you will teach me how to talk.. Millennium thinks to herself as she extends her paw out to pat his paw. "It-I...It ok" Her husky and rough unused voice says clumsily as she stumbles over the words and she blushes, her ears drooping down more, not sure if she is saying the words properly.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Sometimes mistakes gotta be made before close friendship bonds will be forged. Abel is still so sweet
PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:31 am
As Milly started to temble, Abel's maw parted hopelessly once more. He didn't like the feeling he was seeing on her, he didn't like it that he caused it. It was one thing, he just found he never wanted to cause another to do...ever again.

Leaning forward, his maw bobbled and almost 'chattered' in a failed motion to try and speak. Paws grasped out to words in his thoughts, only to have them slip past his claws.

Green eyes, watched as the Nahtill bravely tried to work those vine things infront of his face. They moved so methodically...like she was trying to show him something with them. All at once they fell and her maw moved as a wake of tears flooded and Waked her whole body. At that moment, Abel's own burning gaze dropped to the grass as his chin tucked to his chest.

"...I'm sorry." The b'alam whispered, as his ears tucked tightly to the crown of his head. He couldn't bare to look at his crying friend, his ear twitched only slightly as a sound left her. Abel's paws gripped at the earth, as his green eyes studied the sight.

It wasn't till he felt the warmth that brought the white and silver paw into blurred focus. Looking up past tears, Abel took in what sounded like broken words leaving Milly's maw and that...smile.

Brow turned downward and concentrated as his ears put the words togehter and eyes focused to read her expression.

It was...okay?

Was, it really?

"I really am, Sorry." Abel spoke desperately as his head moved from his chest and stretched closer. His own concern that he had just made this Nahtill feel horrible, over shadowed the fact she just spoke.

Which was amazing!

Caitlyn Hellstrom
they will be best friends.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:31 pm
Milly sniffles as she noticed that Abel was feeling horrible as well and she is slowly starting to realize that everything is still new to her, regardless to the length since the day she or Abel have been woven into the existence. With a little guilty sigh, the nantil moves closer to Abel when he was staring at the ground and she looks unsure when the clumsy words escaped her mouth and she fidgets, not sure if he will understand her. Not knowing what she would do if Abel doesn't understand her attempt to communicate, Milly kept that smile plastered on her face because she didn't want this encounter to go completely sour.

The nantil is very determined to turn this encounter into something wonderful and she knows that Abel would like to do the same. "It..." Her rough voice appears again and she looks worried for a moment. "Ok." She managed to say that word out before her self-consciousness stole her voice from her. She reaches out as she gives him a light nuzzle on cheek like she have seen some mothers do to their offsprings and she assumed that its appropriate thing to do. "You no Reeeed? (read)" She inquires as she fidgets little bit, knowing that she's really stepping out of her comfort zone but she knows that Abel would be doing the same down the path. Someone needs to take that first step and she wants to be that first nantil to do so.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
He's a HUGE sweetheart! Milly is so lucky to have him as her best friend
[ RP Zone ] The Endless Plains

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