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[ ORP ] And then the morning comes | In Progress |

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Vice Captain

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 4:24 pm
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Characters: Myuto, ????
Players: Thalion, ???
→ Thalion || Words ||

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Ignorance, as they say, is bliss. He didn't believe it.

He woke in the depths of the talon mountains, embraced by the darkness and caressed by the cold stone under him. For hours he laid there, his awareness slowly ceeping up on him. Where was he? Who was he? Why had he awakened? What were the things on his back? Questions that he slowly asked himself and slowly answered for himself. He was home. He was a creature of this place. He was meant for something. He had wings.

The later he had learned the function of those wings. He'd awakened near a greater B'alam. A magus. A dark lord by the name of Gabriel, though at times he insisted that his brethren called him "Dracul" instead. He taught him how to climb the walls of their homeland, how to launch himself into the air, how to fly long and far, how to drink the blood of the preybeasts in the night to keep his body strong, and how to fight in order to defend himself. Myuto was large for his kin, smaller than the Magus by far but large regardless. He boasted a large pair of powerful wings and a set of long, thin legs.

Dracul soon found use in him and favored him for his silent nature. Myuto was able to fulfil orders without delay or complaint, and he accomplished his tasks quickly and efficiently.

So it was that weeks after his awakening, he was appointed to be one of the eyes of his lord. He was tasked to fly into the night, observe the territory around them, and locate any potential threats to their tribe. If it was minor, he could deal with them personally. If it was something larger, he would report back to his lord immediately.

Myuto had been outside of the talon mountains several times, he had flown and strengthened his wings in the winds surrounding the mountain range. He had grown used to the night wind and the currents of the sky. All of this was familiar to him. Never had he flown past the time when the moon fell below the horizon- no one had warned him otherwise. So when the moon vanished and a golden light began to creep up along the horizonline he was understandably confused and intrigued. Believing this to either be a new threat or something worth investigation, he flew towards the brightest point in the sky.

Soon his sight began to blur. Shapes began to merge together, forms became indistinguishable from their surroundings. When the sun rose over the horizon fully the B'alam was flying blind. His eyes were unable to tolerate the light. Pain, a hammer blow to his temples, and confusion had the B'alam in a near panic. He flapped, flying, hoping that it would go away. Something had spelled his sight away. Unable to fight, unable to flee, he simply flew-

And then there were stars in his vision. His massive body met with the side of a cliff, hard and solid. He tumbled only a few yards. Dazed as he was, he barely remembered hitting the first shelf and sliding down to the next. Eventually his body was caught by the roots of a tree resting on one of the higher shelves of the cliff.

Soon the blackness consumed him once more.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:28 pm
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Daybreak. A strangely beautiful time to view the world. It was also a somewhat dangerous time for a creature much better suited to hiding in shadows than sunlit terrain. Normally Isra would be seeking shelter as the sun rose over the horizon, looking for a place she could hide out until night fell once again, today however, she pressed on.

The female fire b'alam, whose pelt was such a striking resemblance of the twilight sky she often believed she had fallen from it, had wasted far too much time during the evening hours. At first she had been distracted by a peculiar flower growing out of the hard rocks that covered the mountainous landscape, then she'd stumbled across a cave with a strange scent wafting out. She'd retreated from the cave after an encounter with a group of strange furry creatures with leathery wings. She had no name for the mysterious beings but they hadn't harmed her and so she assumed that they were not a threat to b'alam.

The exploration had taken her deep into the cave system and when she made her way out it was only to realize that the sun was rising. Though she was already starting to feel a bit fatigued she knew she would not sleep comfortably in the caves. She didn't know what other creatures may be lurking within and she quite sure she didn't want to find out by being startled awake when something discovered her.

Isra was carefully making her way down the side of the mountain, precariously balancing on tiny ledges while searching for the next large one to leap to, when she caught sight of something strange on a ledge up ahead. From her current distance she couldn't quite make it out and after a silent battle with herself curiosity won out and she moved closer to investigate. The wind shifted and blew the scent straight towards her. B'alam. Male. Definitely one of her own species but there was something about the scent that seemed off to her. This set her on edge but Isra was far too curious and too much of an adventurous soul to not continue with her investigation.

She managed to make her way to the ledge above the one with the other b'alam and she lowered herself onto her stomach, creeping forward to peer over the edge. He hadn't moved at all since she's first spotted him, maybe he was dead, he certainly didn't smell dead though, and the rise and fall of his side told her that he was breathing. So then, why hadn't he noticed her, why hadn't he reacted at all. It was a very strange place to fall asleep, laying there on a ledge, tucked into some tree roots which to her appeared as if they could break away from the mountain at any moment. What should I do now? she wondered as she stared down at the strange looking male below her.

She looked around for a way to get down to the ledge safely, that wouldn't involve her landing on him, when she looked back at the sleeping form she finally noticed that there was something off about him. He had wings, the same wings as those creatures back in the cave. How peculiar... still... those creatures didn't harm me, and I have yet to meet another b'alam who seemed hostile... "Hello?" her voice was loud enough to carry down to him, but not nearly loud enough to take up echoing off the surrounding rocks. She watched the male for signs of a response wondering what her next course of action would be if he didn't answer her, or even more important, what she would do if he did.

OOC: I am very rusty with animal character rp so please forgive me if it's terrible. I'll get back into it again soon and it will get better!  


Mewsings of An Angel

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:06 am
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It felt like a day like any other - the bright sun beckoned the world into wakening from it's nightly slumber, and night creatures scurried to their holes to hide. Birds trilled their song in the trees and winged across the endless blue, feathers ablaze with colors. This was a time that Stargazer enjoyed! While everyone was still yawning, the Wind had taken to the skies, her wings carrying her from the Floating isles that were her home. Warm air buffeted her, with it coming the smells of foliage, briny river water and of other B'alam below her.

Blue eyes looked down toward the ground, and her sharp eyes were able to pick out figures along the edging of a cliff. One looked a little worse for wears, and the other seemed to be making it's way down to the prone form. Narrowing her eyes, she dove, wings slightly closed to speed her descent.

As she neared the ledge, she opened her feathered wings slowly and alighted upon the ledge, her movements careful. "Is everything alright?" She spoke, her voice soft. Her attention flicked from the bat-winged Dark to the horned Fire with an open expression of curiosity and concern.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:21 pm
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                                        Dawn marked the start of a new adventure in Amira's eyes. The restless B'alam was never in one place for very long it seemed. She had traveled quite a distance, though she usually took her time and lingered here and there. She could spend days or weeks in a single place before moving on. Lately she had not found a place that piqued her interest enough to stay more than a night. Amira had ventured into Dark Tribe territory for the first time, though she did not know it yet. Here the ground rose up in sheer, rocky cliffs that towered into the sky so that Amira thought she might never find a way to the top. That was her goal, of course. Find a way up and look out at the land before her.

                                        She had started her perilous climb the day before and struggled for some time before night fell. The leathery winged B'alam came out and Amira had huddled up against the cliff face about a day's climb from the top, claws scraping at rock and dirt until she fell into an uneasy sleep on a narrow ledge, which was also her chosen path to climb upwards. But now she felt better as the early morning sun warmed her limbs. Amira rose to her feet in time to see something veering dangerously close to the cliff. It did not seem to see the cliff and tumbled into it, becoming a mass of whirling limbs as it plummeted down. It came to rest at the foot of a gnarled tree. A moment later a Wind B'alam descended to the scene.

                                        If the falling object had not piqued her interest, the appearance of more B'alam did. To be fair, Amira was not overly fond of the night. Sure the stars were delightful to gaze at, but she much preferred the warmth of the sun. Things were less scary during the day and she felt more sure of herself and her footing. Luckily for Amira, they were not too far above her. She did not even have to make up her mind; her feet began to carry her up the winding, rocky ledge toward the cliff shelf only a few yards above her. As she got closer, she paused to catch her breath and call out, "Hello?"


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Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:35 pm
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Thu was glad when dawn came. She had spent the night inside one of the caverns of the Dark Tribe Territory, not that she knew of course where she was at all. It had taken her until evening to claw her way up to the little cavern where she had spent the night, but it was hours of peril worth wasting to her. The satisfaction of reaching her destination had made it all worth while.

When leathery-winged b'alam came pouring out from one of the higher up caverns she was startled, and hid, watching them curiously. She had never seen another b'alam like that, yet she knew they were b'alam from their scent. How odd. She had thought.

As the sun began to light up the hills Thu awoke as the sun beamed into the entrance of her temporary home. She moved then outside, and welcomed the warmth of the sun happily. She had spent the night here, it was time to move on. She had just managed to move off her ledge when she noticed one of the leathery-winged b'alam was flying out in broad daylight. She was about to call out them, after all it didn't look like they were flying right. That was when he had smacked into the ledge, and went falling down into tree branches.

Thu rushed over, a bit surprised to find by the time she made it a few other's had happened to be in the area and were already on the scene. "Is everything okay?" She asked.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:00 am
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For a long while, blessed darkness had replaced the blinding horror of the sunrise. The explosion of stars, lights, the sound of body hitting rock and stick all faded away to beautiful, wonderful nothingness. Sadly, it was not to last. Soon small things began to creep back into his awareness. First came the mumbling sound of...something very close by. He registered, faintly, that there were female voices above him. Next came the hammer's blow to his head. It felt like a cracked egg. Thankfully, he was able to move, to think, and after a few slow subtle shifts, he made careful note that he was still breathing. Something might have been broken- it certainly felt like it. His wings hurt in places, but nothing sharp. An ache here, a scrape there... nothing too bad.

The dark B'alam shifted and slowly cracked an eye. The horrible flood of blinding light earned a newly invented curse from him followed by a hiss and the batting of one of his paws- as if he could ward away the sun itself.

He swore and shifted, moving himself one limb at a time. The tree at his back held firmly, but the ground nearby shifted under his weight. Thankfully it, too, held.

"M...M'lady Marie...?" He groaned, his voice horribly rhaspy, but somehow gentle, almost meek. He cracked his eyes again then flinched back, swearing. It was horrible! What was this...this... torment from the sky!?



Mewsings of An Angel


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Himura Rikuo

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:53 am
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Elizabeth had been exploring for some time. Her paws were sore but she was enjoying finding new things. She had met a few beings long the way, most of them not B'alam but a few of her own kind had showed up from time to time. She had woken up early, which had never happened before but there had been a thud not far from her. She found she couldn't really see as well as she was used to and wondered if it was because the sky was so dark. She watched the sky for a short while, watching it turn from dark to beautiful light. She stood up and stretched, letting out a loud yawn. Once the sun was mostly up, and she could see again, she began her journey once again. The terrain had become more and more treacherous as she went on and she soon found that there were ledges that she was sure would lead to certain death if she fell.

A scent wafted her way and it surprised her. It seemed to be a large gathering of B'alam, judging by the different odors. She made her way, carefully, to the group that was not yet visible. After scrambling up a large ledge she found the group all huddled in one spot. This intrigued her very much so she slowly approached the group. Perhaps someone was injured, that would explain the scent of blood in the air. She found an opening and looked down towards the tree which held everyone's attention. "Oh dear!" she exclaimed when she saw the B'alam with strange wings on his back caught precariously on the ledge. "Are you hurt good sir? Do you need assistance?" she asked knowing that she probably wouldn't be much help without wings.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:10 pm
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                                        Amira struggled to reach the shelf, but was at last able to hoist herself up enough to get a good look at the thing that had plummeted to the sky. Already a crowd of - oddly enough - females was gathering around. It appeared to be a male B'alam, though he had large leathery wings. Her head tilted to the side and whilst the others began asking him if he was alright, she craned her neck forward to get a good sniff of him. At that moment, one eye opened slightly and a hiss of pain escaped him. One paw batted at the air and Amira's paws nearly left the ground in surprise. The male shifted around slightly and called out for... Marie? Was that one of the females that stood around him?

                                        Confused, Amira looked around at the others, but no one answered him so far. Judging by the looks on their faces, Amira guessed they may not actually know the male that lay at their feet. He opened his eyes a bit again and swore, obviously pained by something. "Uh, sir? What is it that hurts?" She stretched out again to sniff at him, eyeing his wings curiously. She had seen the kind of wings that one of the females had, but not these. "Should we maybe try to move him?" She eyed the ledge warily, wondering if the shelf they stood on would hold much longer under all their weight.


Playful Hellraiser

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Ice-Cold Wyvern

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:52 am
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They had only just awakened by Aegis knew they were meant for something. Though he didn't know exactly what. Aegis and Kyle almost mirrored each other if not for the color of their pelts and armor they would have been twins. Aegis Felt the two of them were stronger and larger than most. Aegis had a strange marking on his back his friend didn't have. Whatever it's meaning the weaver gave it to him and it gave him courage. Though he'd woken alone he had run into kyle strangely quickly as though it had been fate.

Standing on a rocky outcropping Aegis saw only something falling what was that? a flying balam? Aegis had yet to see or learn of such a thing. Wouldn't it be something else for a balam with wings. But they were hurt and needed help "Kyle, Someone needs us." Aegis called urgently to his dark pelted friend. Where did he go? Aegis turned looking for Kyle. he was usually always nearby. Kyle tended to wander off in solitary frequently as though he prefered his own company.

Aegis walked down off his perch still looking for Kyle.

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