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[PRP] King of the Waterfalls (Mauhuiztic and Savitar) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Geyser Eelborn

Sergeant Hellraiser

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:59 pm
"King of the Waterfalls" – RP
Characters: Mauhuiztic, Savitar
Players: Geyser Eelborn, krusnik05
Geyser Eelborn || 3,541 words | 3 Complete RPs |
krusnik05 || 3,262 words | 3 Complete RPs |
x words total

User ImageThe world was awakening. Milintica's carving paws never ceased, and with each passing day, there were more and more B'alam in the world. It is the nature of people, whatever their shape, to come together and to form new places, new societies. Mauhuiztic had already begun to see such activity--B'alam built kingdoms and nations, made towns and settlements, opened inns, formed families. And already, word was leaking throughout the world of strange and new people. The world was yet young, and yet? Stories were already starting to appear, as if they had a life of their own, carved, or perhaps sung, by some god unknown. And it was through these stories that he'd heard tell of an earth cat with ice cat fangs that ruled over a land of thick jungle and waterfalls. His neighbors respected him, looked up to him, even.

The world was awakening. B'alam were forming new nations, new colonies. From what the fire cat had heard, this Savitar had the makings of being a leader someday. Leaders could lead to war. Mauhuiztic had been carved with a peaceful spirit. If he could convince Savitar to speak to potential enemies first, much bloodshed could be avoided. Of course, it would help if Mauhuiztic actually had any experience in negotiating peace...

Locals said that Savitar would see no one without an appointment, but Mauhuiztic had been unable to dredge up any information as to how an audience might be obtained. This would be tricky, he told himself as he sat on the outside of the other cat's territory. He had no intention of offending someone by blundering in.

I hope you don't mind that I took liberties with his reputation?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:34 pm
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It was a beautiful day to sit on the shore to watch the water smoothly come up on the flat, white sand and enjoy the peace and quiet. Savitar enjoyed this place and it was these moments that one could see him at peace, literally. He looked so nice and approachable even with his long fangs. While those outside of his jungle lagoon where there was an entrance over a rocky arch thick of jungle vegetation, everyone who encountered him spoke about him.

Savitar lived by his own rules and no one elses. Savitar never enforced his rules but if there was something he didn't like that happened outside his domain and it so happen to bother him from a restful moment he would pounce out there like a boss and stop it. It was also the outside of his domain where he had met his future mate. He just needed to make this place perfect for the pair of them because Savi had plans to be a leader. Well if anyone could handle that grumpiness of his.

Moving on from all that, Savitar made it a point to everyone that if you wanted to talk to him...you needed an appointment. The beauty of that was he rarely had appointments and if he did well...he would ignore them? Hopefully not. Though he was respected Savitar was still a jerk at times. This could be one of those times. Standing up he stretched feeling his muscles pull and his bones crack then turned toward his domain's entrance walking over the soft, flat grass and broke free of the thick vegetation of trees to stop and stare in surprise at the sight of a male sitting there.

It was hard to miss someone orange with black and white markings....with horns! Goodness this male had horns that looked like they had fire on them! Narrowing deep purple eyes on this male, he stood straighter with an arrogant pose but also one of offense and defense wrapped into one.

"You have thirty seconds to tell me what you are doing here and to leave because whatever your business is will be cut short if you linger longer than what I allow, especially when this is my territory." Came the deep rumble of Savitar.

Geyser Eelborn
Oh my goodness. That is fine by me. ^_^ Though I have to say that was a fantastic first post. I just have to deflate Savitar's ego a bit XD


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Geyser Eelborn

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:08 pm
For a male, Mauhuiztic was quite small and slender, and he preferred to keep his claws sheathed. It gave him a non-threatening look, he thought. And if he needed intimidation...then obviously he needed to choose his words more carefully (the lava-like patterns on his horns were a minor detail of his appearance that had not yet been pointed out to him).

His red eyes caught the movement of a powerful earth tom moving towards him. Big fangs, sharp claws--there was no doubt at all whom this stranger could be. Mauhuiztic got to his paws and assumed a polite posture with his tail held in a gesture of respect. He bowed his head to the other tom, then straightened it. "Lord Savitar," he murmured, "I have heard of you from afar, and I would like to arrange an appointment to speak with you, if that would be convenient." He spoke with confidence, hiding the internal nervousness and the readiness to flee if the other B'alam did not wish to speak with him. Savitar reserved the right, as anyone did, to not speak with anyone; so long as he did not make violence his first resort, Mauhuiztic could be satisfied.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:49 pm
In the thirty seconds that it took for this orange male to respond, his brain worked further to taking in more details about this male by the way he posed and presented himself, by the energy he gave off and the realization that this male was from another tribe since their was a scent of fire coming from him, if such a thing was possible of course. Fire didn't have a scent right?

Even though this male was different in height and size...one learned to never, ever underestimate other's who could potentially be an enemy. The red eyed male...did one thing that very rarely happened to Savitar and that was surprise him. Never in the few times he had encountered others did anyone ask him for an appointment without stuttering, without becoming flustered and running away or something ridiculous. This male was actually confident and seemingly unafraid of him. Then again he shouldn't be so surprised since the male said he heard from afar about him.

Growling low he shifted his paws giving a look of consideration. While he should and would ignore this male and deny him an appointment, this male was from another tribe. It would be good to learn about this male and what he wanted. Maybe it had to do with that confidence that was being displayed because that was serious guts.

"First off if you heard of me from where ever you come from, you'll know the reputation of my temper. Since I have nothing else to do but patrol my outer part of this territory you can speak with me now. But not inside my domain if it's not important. If it's a private matter than say so now." That was nice of him wasn't? Perhaps but Savitar was calculating this male.

"Your name, or would you like to be called stranger? I doubt you would take that kindly at all." He grumbled, turning to his right, Mau's left and motioning with his head to follow at his side to simply walk on the outer border of the territory.

Geyser Eelborn


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Geyser Eelborn

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:43 am
The fact that he had not yet garnered a violent response from Savitar bode well for his mission, he thought. Mauhuiztic would have allowed himself to relax if he had not been afraid that relaxation might be considered a sign of disrespect. Savitar gave off an air of a cat whose reputation had been obtained through threat of violence and would be unhappy indeed if he was not shown his due respect. So we will likely not become friends. But this meeting will be necessary. He just had to keep telling himself that, that was all. He waited for the other tom to give his reply. Patience, that was the thing. Luckily, it was something that the fire-cat was good at. Courage was perhaps not his strongest suit, but at least he could wait for another person to give their answer full and complete.

Especially if that other person had the fangs of a full-grown ice-cat. "I apologize for intrusion on your territory. Such was not my intent. If I have given offense, I can only hope that you will accept my humble apology and my promise to not do it again without your permission." He also made a note of what the territory had looked like. He had assumed from the scent marks that he had been outside of Savitar's turf, but that might not have been the case. Perhaps Savitar was ever-increasing his territory. Mauhuiztic's mission was now all the greater in light of that possibility.

"My name is Mauhuiztic," he said, following the other male. "And the matter that I bring to you is private only if you choose it to be." He kept his tone calm and polite and waited for Savitar to finish each statement before he began his own.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:05 pm
The large male walked with leashed temper and controlled grace while giving off a brooding air as he listened to the unexpected and rather uninivited guest, the latter was Savitar being grumpy in thought. So it was up to him on whether this matter was private. It just had to be up to him to make those decisions eh? Well no matter.

"I will say this, you have guts to come here and bother me for whatever reason you have. Why don't we start with talking about it and if its something that really involves me, which I am seriously hoping it doesn't, then we can go into my domain. Now, speak plainly and openly. I have no patience at all for dodging the heart of the matter, Mauhuiztic."

The large male turned to look at the fiery male with a raised brow that said for him to keep talking. Sure Savitar didn't want to be with this male or have him on his territory but think of it this way, the quicker he had this male talking and just as quickly shut down, the better for Savitar to get back to lounging in front of the water.

That made this moment bearable. Yes something good will come from this unexpected meeting....well one would hope.

Geyser Eelborn


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Geyser Eelborn

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:16 pm
Right, well, here it goes, then. It was best to get this conversation, and Savitar's inevitable poor reception of it, out of the way. Mauhuiztic found himself desperately wanting to be out of this place in a hurry. He would find some local stream or something where he could rest and recuperate, have a cool drink and a swim and resettle his head and the adrenaline pounding in his veins. He nodded his head in acknowledgment of the other tom's request.

In a level, steady voice, he said, "Lord Savitar, it is rumored that you intend to begin a colony of your own. You seem respected enough in the area to be able to do so. You are a...very proud B'alam. I have no doubt that you would be a strong, confident leader, and that whatever you did, it would be with high hopes and grand plans for your people and your territory." He took a deep breath. "I am, by nature, a peaceful individual. I would prefer that war not come--to any land." He looked Savitar in the eye--a bold, possibly fatal move, he knew. But he wanted to make his case clear, and this was the only opportunity he would get. "I am setting myself up to every leader that I can find and meet as a neutral party, to serve as diplomat, negotiator, peace broker, and messenger. I will remain impartial to either side; I only ask that you call on my services before you contemplate getting your subjects or your loved ones hurt."

Hm, that sounded like a threat, didn't it. Whoops. "I hope that you will rule your people with wisdom and forethought--certainly your neighbors have confidence in your ability to do so. And that is why I offer to act as intermediary should you need one." Mauhuiztic's heart was pounding in his ears. He kept his body completely still and waited for the blow to come.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:00 pm
There were times when Savitar could control his control and there were times he couldn't. This was one of those times where his temper was boiling and going to become explosive. Who did this male think he was to offer himself to someone he barely knew and with one fatal flaw in this array of service he was offering.

"You believe rumors? I need to have people to make up a colony and seeing as I do not have any or are always around them like some....friendly fop that can be a difficult thing to do. But if you must know yes I intend to make a colony." Lifting up his paws to a seemingly tall wall of rocks and jungle trees. It was strong. Yet as he was about to control and looked at Mau, their eyes locked and his hackles were raised. Even worse were the last words to be uttered about his subjects or loved ones being hurt.....as if it was going to be his fault through decisions!

Growling low and sharply, Savitar's fur stood up along his back with his ears laying back against his head and tail curling into a seemingly tight coil. The large male began to prowl around Mauhuiztic slowly, flaring out his nostrils. "You know nothing about me and already you are casting your rock dice to interpret what kind of leader I would be. But there is one flaw in all that you are offering to me." It appears that Mauhuiztic wasn't going to fight him. There was nothing in the scent of tension in the air that had the underlying hint of a potential strike from the fiery male or in his current body language.

Well that was a blessing for Mau for Savitar didn't fight anyone who wasn't going to return it back. "Then again there are two flaws. One is you only know about me through rumors and gossip that have been twisted every which way to create some fantasy about me and my solitude. Second and the more important because I couldn't give two sticks what anyone thinks of me...."

Savitar moved to stand next to Mau, leaning close to his ear and whispered softly, those long fangs close to Mau's neck. "Why would I trust you with me secrets while serving me and others?" It would be the perfect position to have a neutral standing yet serving everyone to gather information and keeps secrets to play the field and manipulate the combatants.

Geyser Eelborn
Sorry for the length of the post ><


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Geyser Eelborn

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:29 pm
As he'd predicted, Savitar had blown his top, like a cindercone under pressure. Mauhuiztic flinched under the other male's tirade, but he did not move. His paws stayed firmly in place, and he kept his claws in their sheathes. He made no move to attack, struggling to keep his body relaxed even while the hair on his back rose from fear. He braced himself for the blow...that didn't come. Inwardly, he breathed a sigh of relief. He had offended the cat; he had made rookie mistakes--yes, all he'd heard was rumor, but that's all there was at this point, yes, he'd walked into a volatile male's territory, whether it had been marked or not--but while he may not have convinced the other B'alam to trust him, Mau had done something far better--he'd learned from this tom from first-paw experience.

It was terrifying, and when it was over, he'd definitely need that relaxing swim, but he could hold himself taller for having withstood this. Yes. He could do what he needed to do; of that he was sure. And he needn't worry about Savitar--he'd walked into Savitar's territory, made what sounded to be veiled threats, and insulted the tom's repuation. And yet, Savitar had not struck him. Chances were, he would not attack unless violence was done back to him.

Outwardly, Mauhuiztic looked Savitar coolly in the eye, his confidence returning. "Because, Lord Savitar, I do not serve any single cat. I serve them all. I serve all B'alam equally. I do not like violence. I would rather put myself in harm's way guaranteeing that war is stopped than see other B'alam get hurt. I think," he added, "I have said all I can, and to speak further would be to waste even more of your valuable time. I would appreciate it if you would show me to the edge of your territory, so that I know where not to intrude again."

Is cool. This is the most intense RP I've done in a while xDD And I recently did an RP where a horse broke his leg.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 8:03 pm
Savitar growled sharply and moved away from Mau going back towards the entrance of his domain with such a sharp and heavy movements that it left visible paw prints in the ground with slight impressions of his claws. Then Savitar stopped and smirked to himself. This cat served everyone, or would eventually serve everyone once he located the various felines in this new world and life who would take on the mantle of leadership. It was a big undertaking and something not to take lightly which he didn't. Neither did he take lightly to this male words.

Alright Mauhiztic. Follow me then. I will take you to the edge of my territory if that is what you wish." Yet it wasn't exactly the edge of an invisible as one might think. Oh no, Savitar was going to test this male. Yes he was going to test him in his will to see how strong he truly was and how much he wanted to be this variety counselor of sorts.

After all, Mauhuiztic did say he would rather put himself in harm's way to guarantee that war is stopped and perhaps even prevented. Well Savitar was here to test that theory! "I haven't got all day, cub. Your offer is being set aside for now until I can determine your true character." He snapped keeping with his harsh temper to lure the male.

Geyser Eelborn
The thought process here for Savitar is that he wants to trick Mau into possibly falling into a pit and taunt him a bit to test him but there is like a net in the pit that is like a safeguard and Savitar will let him up. I'm letting you know so you can let me know if that is osmething you are not for. I promise you Savitar is only testing how strong Mau's will is.


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Geyser Eelborn

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 8:51 pm
The impressions of Savitar's claws were not lost on Mauhuiztic. His own claws itched to come out, but he denied them. He was in no danger, so far as he could tell. He would not bring out his claws, not in the other tom's presence. To do so would be a threat, and a breaking of his implicit promise to the other cat. Mauhuiztic finally moved from his stance, following Savitar's clawed prints. "I thank you for your guidance. It is not my wish to spend longer in your territory than you are comfortable with."

He had many things to reflect on after this encounter. His approach, for one thing; he needed a way to get reliable information about other cats without having to rely on rumors and without having to get into their good graces. Well, actually, he did want to get into their good graces, but he didn't want to pose as a follower. To follow any one specific cat would be fatal to his cause; to feign loyalty only would be to lose the trust of the people whose trust he needed the most. So he would have to find a better way--contact their loyal followers to learn more about them, get a good word in through these intermediaries. Of course, it would mean trusting the intermediaries, but he couldn't find a better solution at the moment. There was also the ever tricky issue of getting his message through. The way Savitar had worded it, he had not yet outright rejected Mau's offer. He had set it aside to reconsider when he knew Mau better. That was surprisingly reassuring.

The fire cat had gotten so caught up in his musings and plans that he had not noticed a trembling of the ground when he set his paw upon it. Something underneath it went snap and gave way, and suddenly, Mauhuiztic was falling.

WOOT, LET'S DO THIS. So long as he's not maimed, killed, or infected with an incurable disease, I'm interested.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:12 pm
Savitar smirked. If he could he would have grinned like a fool at the sound of the false ground giving way while he, the lord of this territory walked on the steady ground. Stopping he turned his head and went to the gaping hole to look down into it where the sunlight could still reach.

Of course it wasn't an endless pit or abyss nor was it a pit with spikes. Savitar was cruel but not that kind of cruel. There was a thick and sturdy safety net made of thick vines, roots, silk from insects and the cushion of thick palm leaves to create this cradle that would prevent the trapped to fall and get hurt. It was essentially the best trap that was actually safe and harmless but did inspire fear because of the unexpected of stepping into it and the falling. This net of course was made by Savitar with some help from a crafter from the Water tribe that he was, more or less, friends with.

Sitting down Savitar raised a brow down at Mauhuiztic speaking with great sarcasm. "Looks to me you have indeed found the edge of my territory Mauhuiztic. Tell me, does this make you want to be my peace keeper, diplomat, negotiator and so on still? I understand if this insanity of mines has killed your offer and intent. That only means that I've succeeded in keeping you away from my side of the world and my affairs. If not...then tell me what makes you so capable of being all those and not picking a side or playing them?

Tell me what makes you so strong to keep yourself unbiased, unprejudiced and nonjudgmental when you see the differences of cultures and ruling leaders? Tell me why I should help you out of this hole you have found yourself in Mau and if you impress me I might let you out."
Then Savitar looked up as if thinking and tapped his chin. "On second thought...I should let you sit there and think about it while I go to my hammock and take a nap. Yes I can do that and you can just yell for me when you are ready."

Goodness what a truly mean cat! How dare he threaten to leave Mau alone in a pit especially with the sun overhead! What a jerk face!

Geyser Eelborn
No loves. There is no maiming, killing, incurable disease or a flue to catch. Mau is saved by the awesome net and safe from any form of harm! I promise!!!!


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Geyser Eelborn

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:30 pm
If the sudden collapse of the cover over the pit trap had been shocking, it was no more shocking than the sudden impact with a net. "Soft" is not the word that Mau would have used--someone had used palm fronds to make the blasted thing! One of them had been turned at an awkward angle, and the thick, woody spine of the frond drove itself into Mau's shoulder. He gave a squeak of pain and yanked himself off to assess the damage. It was bleeding, bleeding quite a bit, but not too badly. Enough to cloud his eyes with pain, though. He stared at the wound, oozing blood, then looked back up at Savitar. The fire of pain faded, to be replaced by the ice of anger. Mauhuiztic did not reply to the cruel earth cat. Instead, he bent his head to lick his wound. When he was satisfied that he would not bleed to death, he turned his head up to the other cat again. By now, he had collected his thoughts into a coherent, calm reply.

"You have a cruel way of testing people, Lord Savitar. And if I may give friendly advice, there are few who would wish to negotiate with someone if they knew the price was injury or pain. Words, if they are to be successful, must be willingly given, and not drawn out by torture or punished by pain. You told me earlier to not trust rumor, and indeed, I have met you now. And I have my own opinion, untainted by the impressions of others. And frankly, I would rather not deal with you again.

"But." He narrowed his eyes. "If this is how you treat someone who comes to you in peace, I shudder to think how you might treat one you capture in war. You have tricked me." He flicked his tail towards his wound. "This cut may yet prove septic. And yet? I see no reason to side against you. After all," he bared his fangs in a fake smile, "you may not be the cruelest cat out there. That, I have yet to see. If you will accept my impartiality, then I will continue to be impartial. If you do not, then I will not negotiate for you. I may still negotiate with you," he added. "But you will have no reason then to believe that I will argue for your own rights and wishes, because you will know that you have given me all the reason in the world to hate you and work against you.

"As for loyalty to other leaders?" He shrugged, then winced visibly as the movement elicited pain. "If they're all the same as you, then I can truly be impartial. If they are not, then it does not matter. Just because you are an arrogant sadist does not mean that whoever you might rule will be. And I do not fight for rulers." His eyes narrowed and he spat the last words: "I fight for their people." With that, he turned towards the wall of the pit and calculated its height. Nng. A lot higher than he wanted to climb with an injured shoulder.

I kinda winced at the bit about palm fronds. Dried ones are...pretty much as I described. xDD But I thought this would be interesting. After all, what's more dignified than a diplomat with a limp?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:25 pm
There was true amusement coming off Savitar. Not because the other male was hurt, no because that wasn't his intention, but the fact that Mau's calm, cool, collected demeanor faltered. That was what he wanted to see. That was what he wanted to interact with. Sure the triple C's were necessary but not with him because to this earth tribes-male it meant there was something hidden. Savitar preferred blunt honesty even if it might hurt someone's feelings. Not Savi's of course because he needed a heart first to have feelings.

"Cruel? Perhaps. Necessary to show your true self. Yes. Necessary to see whether in the worst case scenario you are still with your beliefs, your morals and the like? Indeed." He purred leaning on his paw and into the pit a bit with his tail curled. Sharp purple eyes that looked like Amethyst glinting in the sun with their glint, staring at Mau. "It's so impressive that you stick to your words, Mauhiztic but while I've done this to you, not to hurt but to test you in the harsh reality of this jungle, there is always someone much bigger and much more worse than me. How will you deal with them?

I am not a sadist. I take no pleasure in hurting others even when they deserve it. No, it's a kill or be killed or leave me a lone deal. The third option is always the best one to pick. Though you hit the rock on the head in calling me arrogant. It's what keeps me alive. Now suck up the pain and take my paw."
The male snapped and offered his paw to help Mau. "I have something to stop the bleeding and I'll recommend you accept my help because someone else might eat you while injured." At least he thought so but then he didn't get out too far.

Geyser Eelborn
I still feel horrible! Well to answer that question Mau would be a diplomat with a limp who survived someone mean and can live to tell others to stay far away or fear going into the pit of palm fronds! XD


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Geyser Eelborn

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:41 pm
Mauhuiztic listened to Savitar's explanation, and though he conceded that the other cat's reasons were...sound, they did nothing to soothe his own temper. There was an old saying that the only way to know someone was to throw them in a volcano and watch their reaction, but Mauhuiztic liked to think that was sloppy. Upon being pressed to find a better way to do it, one that satisfied his own notions of neatness and efficiency, he would be forced to concede that it was more that he didn't approve of hurting people to watch their reaction. It smacked of bullying, and a lack of trust, and of a general selfish survival instinct. But Savitar...those muscles, and by his own admission, was a survivor. He'd done what he had in the past to survive.

Chances were, he would do whatever he could to ensure his own people's survival. Mauhuiztic got the feeling that he would cross paths with Savitar again someday. Next time, he might not be so lucky as to only get away with an injured shoulder. "How will I deal with a cat crueler than you? By not being nearly so foolish as to trust them as I trusted you." His red eyes pinned Savitar's paw with a heated glare. "How can I trust you not to hurt me if I take my paw? I may have gained your trust, but you have done nothing to gain mine." As soon as he said it, though, Mau suddenly laughed. He reached forward with his uninjured paw to take Savitar's. It had suddenly occurred to him... "Not that you need my trust. Silly me. If it's all the same to you, though, I'd rather take your salve quickly and leave you to your territory. I have a long way to travel yet."

I'm sorry I made you feel horrible! But you shouldn't feel horrible. It was my idea. It served as a potent warning to Mauhuiztic about what sort of danger he's putting himself into with his chosen path in life, and maybe it helped Savitar trust him?
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