Nuk - Nuk was aware of other Balam's by this point in time. He'd met another ice or two but the male never felt the need to linger or form a group. His distant introverted self pushed him away higher in to the cold tops of the mountains that decorated the north. Still, he stayed relatively close to the boarder never furthing in to the ice tribes territory more than needed.

There were others further in. He could feel them. The balam rather keep away.

No, the male didn't dislike others. Nuk merely had anxiety issues and only liked dealing with others for as long as he needed. Something about another balam bothered him and made him inwardly want to scream and run away. Nuk was possibly over sensitive and over aware of others natures. Possibly.

Today, he'd ventured down from his cave up north to where the snow and greenery would mingle. The cold was still there but it was clear from the thinning of the snow that the temperatures were a little on the warmer side than what he was used to. It was here that Nuk liked to venture down to every once in a while to gather supplies and possibly food. He'd fashioned him self a sack out of some past rabbit like creatures pelts for berry picking. Meat alone was not enough. He liked a well rounded meal.

But now this meant to get berries he was to venture even further in to warmer climate. Nuk detested the idea.