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[PRP] Stumbling into each Other [Avani Shah x Yaotl Yolotli] Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:28 pm
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Out in the endless plains that belonged to earth, Avani Shah had awaken days ago and has finally gotten into her own being. Especially when it came to the materials she so far have found that would have great uses when it comes to creating things. What those things were is the part she is having incredible fun with.

Avani settled her pouch down next to her while she mapped out the items she had collected for the last few hours since the break of dawn. The area was open so that she could place various items in the perimeter of this space such as various types of rocks; smooth, sharp and cracky, then she gathered a great deal of sticks and leaves, having found a few feathers and managed to collect a few strings of fragile spider silk.

The female of course asked the spider who was creating it's web for a few strands. Avani hummed as she was organizing the things of her items with her back turned from the rocks, taking a mental note of her inventory the female began to hum softly to herself giddy with such excitement about what she was going to do next with these items. No doubt some great things...starting with those rocks that she mentally listed. Yes but what to do with them she mused while looking into her pouch for something to help inspire her.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:04 pm
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Yaotl Yoloti finds himself walking away from his home once again where his eyesight started to fade out into the familiar darkness he have grown accustomed to because he knows he cant stay in his homeland forever. The male trundles along the well-worn path that he 'carved' out for himself but this is a training for him as well to learn the precise location of sounds, scents and whatnot, he uses his tail as a walking stick, swaying it back and forth brushing against trees or foliage to keep him on straight track. Occasionally, the male turns his head in the directions of the noises and pauses to make sure he got the direction right and he is pleased that he is starting to become more spot on and attuned with his heightened senses that he still have.

The cursed wound on his right leg starts to throb as the familiar liquidy feeling starts to ooze out against the bandage, the male refused to react to it because he is already a good distance away from the home so its no need for him to turn back to get another bandage to wrap around it even more tightly. Yaotl mentally grumbles to himself as he moves like a shadow through the trees, and he was momentarily disoriented when he didn't feel the trees when his tail was brushing against them, he blinks while shifting his head back and forth, not sure where he is.

Stumbling over his now clumsy paws, Yaotl didn't bother to hide his cursing as he growls while he tries to get the sense of this place but there is mostly silence and the smell of grass and flowers. It is not helping him at all! The male shakes his head as he lifts his head up, thinking that he should just keep walking and maybe he will discover the location he found himself in. Yaotl proceeds into walking in somewhat straight direction when his paw lands on something pointy and sharp, the stinging and throbbing pain seized him. A loud pained hiss exploded from his muzzle as he awkwardly hopped sideway which caused him to land on something else that is pointy.. at this point, the entire Earth kingdom could hear his cursing.

Caitlyn Hellstorm

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:13 pm
Avani jumped dropping the acorns she had found down from the base of a tree a few miles of where she was, the acorns flying all over the place with the earth female turning around at the cursing male who was...stepping all over her rocks!!!

There was a male, a large male with great white horns cursing up a storm and so loudly! Goodness such words she didn't understand were making her blush. But he was stepping all over the organized rocks! Whimpering softly she went over to push him out of their way, careful of not stepping on them herself and grumbled at the male. "Be careful! I had all those rocks organized neatly!" Her voice was smooth like the surface of a rock and lyrical like that of a healthy stream or a nightingale's voice.

Looking closer at the male he had scars on him and...was that blood? Oh now his bandage was a wreck....hopefully from not stepping on those rocks. "Oh no you are bleeding! You have to let me made you bandage!" Avani then smiled brightly distracted by the very possibility of creating something for something unique and strange. He looked like her but had horns and smelled like flames. "I'm sorry. Are you alright sir?"
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:12 pm
The sound of small objects crashing through the trees or hitting the ground causes Yaotl to jerk and spin around, not sure where everything is happening because it almost like it all.. exploded at once which causes the male to flinch and tries to back away but steps on other rock which caused him to roar with pain because the pain from his cursed wound on top of the newly inflicted pain on his paws was getting too much. When he felt himself gets pushed out of the way, he growls and bares his white fangs at the stranger that actually had some cajones to touch him but the stranger's feminine voice made him pause.

The male lifts his head up more higher as he manages to stand still despite the throbbing zooming up his body and glares down at the spot he hopes the female is at. "The bloody hell you are doing putting everything all over the place? Trying to kill yourself something?" His raspy voice rumbles in his throat as he glares in the direction of the female. His ears swivels around wildly as he tries to orientates himself because he's in world of darkness and can't see anything. He growls at the female when she exclaimed about her precious rocks and he already know that he doesn't really like her from the get go if she is more upset about the rocks instead of someone she hurt with those damned rocks of hers.

Bristling little bit when he felt that she is now scrutinizing him closely like every other balam he have encountered and he narrows his sightless eyes, staring forward ahead of him, enduring the inspection stoically. "Of course I am bleeding, woman! Its those rocks of yours." He growls at her in annoyance, not amused with how this female is acting at the moment. Yaotl takes in a deep breath as he could hear the smile in her smooth, musical voice and he closes his eyes for a bit. "I am completely fine. I don't require your assistance. Thank you." He straightens himself up to make himself look more bigger than he already is.

Caitlyn Hellstorm

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:39 pm
The earth tribess lowered her ears and flinched at the force of the male's angry and felt incredibly horrible that she hurt him...even though he stepped into the rocks and should have seen them in the first place. Though rather than ask because that would be a natural reaction were it anyone else she looked at the eyes of the male and saw that they were looking but not exclusively at her in a complete focus.

"I'm sorry...." She whispered softly and stood there looking at his wound that was bleeding, wanting to do nothing but create something strong enough for him to stop it. "I am taking inventory of all the things I've discovered. My intention wasn't to hurt anyone." The female was becoming more cautious of the imposing male even though.....this was truly the first time she's encounter anyone really.

Touching his shoulder lightly she smiled faintly. "Follow me? I'll wipe everything out of the way so I can bandage your paws and that one spot that is bleeding. Please? You shouldn't ruin your paws because of my faults." Avani wanted to help this male because it was the right thing to do and really she felt absolutely horrible, pouting slightly at her folly. "My name is Avani Shah. What is your name sir?"
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:10 pm
Yaotl continues to growl and snarl, albeit more quietly now in pain while his legs throbs angrily because it seems like all four of his paws made connection with spawn of demons (rocks) and left him more injured than before. He could sense the sadness rising in the air and he assumes its from the female because she saw his eyes, not about his injuries. Oh, things he doesn't know! He is not sure how to relieve the pain from all legs because if he add little bit more pressure to one side, the agony will threaten to overwhelm him so he felt like his only choice is to stay really still while taking in a hissing breath.

"It is not your fault." His growly raspy voice fills the air as he turns his head toward the female, wishing there is some kind of fire source nearby so he could see her and the surrounding area. "As you can see, I am blind and its entirely my fault for not being extra careful." He commented dryly as he shakes his head, closing his eyes because there is no point in keeping them open and have her gawk at him like he's a freak. "From the sound of your comments, you are a crafter no?" He inquires as he stands really still to the point where he could be mistaken as a stone statue instead of a mangled living creature.

When the female lightly touches his shoulder, he flinches and jerks away from her with a display of his bared white teeth because he's still riding on that adrenaline of the event that happened few minutes ago. ".......You want to bandage me up? I......" There were series of arguments on tip of his tongue but it died when his common courtesy won the internal battle. He takes in a deep breath and clears his throat so it won't sound soraspy, while forcing a small polite and cool smile onto his muzzle. "....would like that. Thank you." He blinks and opens his eyes when she introduced herself, he cocks his head to side little bit. "Avani Shah.... its my pleasure meeting you. I am Yaotl Yolotil." He would do a kitty version of bow but his entire body is throbbing with pain and he doesn't dare to move a ... single... muscle.

Caitlyn Hellstorm

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 5:22 pm
Flinching away from the actions of the male she looked to the rocks and used her telepathic abilities to push them all away, out of the way. She moved them far away from where Yaotl could walk to. "I know you are blind. You don't focus exclusively on me and you would have missed the rocks in the first place." Avani's voice was quiet when she said those words, almost sounding incredibly careful to not say anything that will anger the rather fierce male.

"I am a crafter." Was all she said and came closer but not close where he might swipe at her. "Now lay down in that spot and I'll bandage you up. It wouldn't be right for you to continue to put pressure on them. I'm truly sorry." Murmurs, her sadness evident in her voice when she went over to grab her pouch and brought it over with her.

Seeing the male execute a bow, even while he was in such pain, she sat down and risked touching the male with both paws on his chest then putting more strength into her voice. "Now lay down so I can take care of you Yaotl Yolotil." Blinking a few times she tilted her head to the side. "The name is fitting somehow. Where you in a battle of some sort?" Even though he sustained injuries, with that fierce temper she could easily see him winning while gaining more scars...battle scars that had a story and will have a history.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:32 pm
Yaotl sensed the shift in the air which means someone used the telepathic ability and his ears flattens against his ears, thinking that its the female that calls herself Avani Shah that is doing something. "It is quite obvious, is it?" His dry raspy voice appears as he turns his head toward the female, still all growly because the pain is still zooming up and down his limbs to the point where he wanted to lie down to take pressure off his wounded paws. But his pride and stubbornness won't let him move a single muscle at all.

"You...." He blinks as his sightless eyes seems to take on confused expression as he is not sure how to react to the female's request. It is almost like she had the ability to connect with him to feel the pain but in reality, its just common sense. Paw connects with rock. Pain happens. But to this male, he is not sure how to react because Avani Shah is the first female that is actually being nice to him without hissing, spitting and attacking him outright. "You...." He obviously is incapable of talking right now because he's very stunned and not sure what the hell is going on right now.

When the female placed her paws on his chest, he fought so hard not to jerk back and hiss at her because he knows that she's just trying to help but he's just being a stubborn a** about it. A small growl escaped his throat without him knowing it while he conceded, laying down on his side and closes his eyes in relief when the pressure and throbbing finally started to lay off. "A trial, if you could say so.. " He opens one of his eyes as he sighs when he realized that there is still no fire sources around so he closed his eye once again. "When I first woke up, I went through a literal hell. Didn't stop fighting until recently." He simply commented as he stays really still, only sign that he's still with her is his chest rising up and down.

Caitlyn Hellstorm

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:07 pm
Avani blinked....blinked.....blinked....and blinked some more when Yaotl kept saying the word 'you'. Yes her....there was no one else around! But the female didn't say anything not wanting to break what she was hoping was progress with this fierce male. Jumping again at the growl, her ears laid down against her head coming over with her pouch and sat close to Yaotl but not enough to stifle him or for him to sense being closed in. The female didn't want him to jump at her being close.

Reaching out timidly to touch his paws gently, Avani looked down turn them over and pulled out bandages, some leaves and a flower. "Well I'm glad you are alive. I've never gone through something like that or fought." Though Yaotl couldn't see the blush of embarassment it was evident in her tone when she continue to speak. "I was recently awakened so I have yet to know what fighting is like." Murmurs gently, taking out the flower.

"Now I need you to hold still Yaotl. I have a flower that is good in healing but it will sting greatly. Will you.....let me give this flower to your paws......please?" For all the growling, snapping and everything anyone else would have let the male stay in pain and not help. Yet Avani didn't want him to be in anymore pain. Was it pity? Absolutely not. Pity was something she didn't know and would never understand.

No Avani had sympathy for this stranger. "If that's not what you want then I can just bandage them." Murmurs again gently leaning slightly close so that he could hear her.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:27 pm
Yaotl isn't sure what to do as he is now in a vulnerable position but he is confident that he can leap up to fight if necessary so he forces himself to relax and he closes his eyes stoically, but he couldn't help but to smile little bit at the sound of embarrassment in her voice. His paws twitches when he feels her touching them but he didn't pull them away like he usually would because he have to admit to himself that he is starting to like feeling her paws on him and the contact between them. He will die before he will ever admit that kind of thing to her or anyone else so his muzzle tightens as he forces himself not to react.

"Alive...just barely." He rasped out his answer as he sighs little bit, shaking his head while his striking white horns brushes against the ground. "I should teach you some moves so you will be able to defend yourself in this hard world.." He softly says as he closes his eyes once again, the pain is subsiding to dull throb but its still bothersome. "Between fighting and not fighting, I would recommend that you stick with not fighting so you won't mess up your appearance with those scars you see on me." A dry smirk twists up his muzzle as he lifts his head at her comment about the flower and a question.

"I am used to the pain. Use the flower on me if you feel like it will help me out." He says as he mentally braces himself while his head falls back to the ground, his eyes closed. Yaotl forced himself to look relaxed but he is not too happy about the prospect of more pain coming his way but he knows this kind of pain is necessary. "Do what you would like to do with me." He says without realizing that it could sound so... dirty or like he's suggesting something else that is not related to this.

Caitlyn Hellstorm

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:02 pm
Glad that Yaotl was calming down and relaxing, at least she thought he was, Avani listened to Yaotl's offer in teaching her how to fight. Considering that she was by herself and was traveling to new, unknown places learning to fight would be helpful. "I would be very glad if you taught me how to fight. I'm by myself so that will be very useful to me. Yaotl the fighting expert." Avani laughed softly then shook her head.

With this male giving her permission to use the flowers she squeezed the flower's natural ointments onto his palm the with her own paw smear the ointment over the wound. It would be cool and sting but it was to kill any potential bacteria that could cause infection. Carefully she placed some leaves over the wound then wrapped it with animal hide that she had been able to thin out to make as bandages.

Avani was working quickly to not let the pain linger than necessary all the while she spoke up to him....especially when the last thing he said sounded so dirty. Though she was perhaps a "newborn" adult to this world there were somethings she was grasping....and dirty words were one of them!

"Do you often let females do whatever they like to you?" There was humor in her voice....teasing in her expression.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:49 pm
Yaotl felt this unfamiliar feeling inside his chest where his heart skips beat and swells up.. it felt like joy but with more vigor. Now he is determined to explore this emotion along with other emotions so he wouldn't get caught off guard with those unfamiliar emotions. "Fighting expert..." His raspy voice is filled with amusement. "All right.. if you want to think I am that then sure.. let's go with that." He shrugs little bit, fighting hard not to grin widely at the thought of him being a top warrior.

As the flower's juices made contact with wounded areas, the colors exploded behind his eyes as he fought desperately not to jerk or flinch away from the offending juices. A pained subdued hiss escapes his muzzle before Yaotl could stop himself as his body is completely rigid, not daring to let himself relax because in this state, the pain is somewhat tolerable. Feeling the leaves and something else wrapping around his wound, he opens his eyes very slowly and looks down. "How did you make those hide so thin and small?" He says in now ragged voice as he breathes through the pain. Its obvious that he's trying to keep his mind off the pain right now.

The question reached to his ears and he failed in staying still, he jerked his head back in startled surprise, not sure how to react to that because NOW he realized how his comment sounded and now she is teasing him about that! He mentally groans as he allows his head to fall back to the ground, laughing while giving her a genuine teasing smile. "But of course, m'lady. I like having females in a charge sometimes." He teases back while his tail thumps up and down as it flips back and forth.

Caitlyn Hellstorm

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:26 pm
Laughing Avani relaxed incredibly around Yaotl liking that he was slowly opening up even if it was a tiny bit. See? Yaotl was good company and it only took patience and kindness to bring that out. "Yes I know that you are a great warrior. I'm looking at one for the first time."

Mewling softly she worked efficiently and quickly on the next paw then blinked up in surprise that he would ask. Smiling she used this opportunity to distract him from the pain as much as possible with her explanation. "Well I tried using these leaves that are long but those won't stay in place unless you are laying down and using it to keep pressure on a wound. Then after I hunted a squirrel. Yes the birds told me they are squirrels.....Anyways! After you know eating, I looked at the fur and felt that it is a good enough size to be used as something.

So I started to clean the fur and let it dry then wet it again and continued to do so until I wore into it some more. After a day I cut into the fur and found that they were thin and perfect for bandages. There is no order of flesh or death.
Avani smiled with pride in her heart.

Smiling widely at Yaotl laughing she grinned widely feeling her heart jump in her chest at the teasing smile that transformed the handsome warrior into a handsome rogue. "Oh? Have I succeeded in impressing you with taking charge or shall I do something else to rise up in those ranks?" The Shah female gave back with more teasing.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:50 pm
"First time...." Yaotl takes in a deep breath as the pain throbs angrily in his paws and it is starting to get to him, it shows in his body language. "Then how would you know if I am a great warrior if you have nothing else to compare to?" He rasped his answer out while he keeps his eyes closed, not too happy with how he had to let others take care of him. Ever since he woke up that first day to now, Yaotl always fended for himself and took care of himself no matter what so this experience is alien and very new to him. His ears twitches as he listens to the female mewling and light lilt that he found very relaxing, his body visibly relaxes when Avani started talking and explaining about how she got those leather strips to be so small.

"Squirrels...? Their hide are so delicate. How did you manage to handle it without it breaking apart or holes appearing in it?" Yaotl frowns in puzzlement because he have tried it before and failed miserably but the squirrels that died for this futile quest didn't go to waste. He mentally shakes his head in mild amusement as he continues to stay motionless but his body continues to relax more until its completely relaxed. "We all have our own skills and it seems like crafting and manipulating those delicate things are your skill." His raspy voice rumbles inside his chest and throat. "Ugh..." He clears his throat as his eyes reflexively squints when he opens them. "Do you have any water nearby? I am thirsty." He reluctantly says as his raspy voice is becoming more rough and raspier.

Yaotl pauses at Avani's question as he leans up, his sightless eyes staring at her (or at least he hopes he is staring her) and a slight smile appears on his muzzle. "I can think of few things you can do to rise up in those ranks." He says with a teasing tone, not sure how the female would react so he instinctively braces himself for whatever to come like a swat or an attack. He have discovered that he is really enjoying himself with this female and the firsts like his emotions are popping up all over the places. Yaotl is not sure how he is supposed to act or feel in this kind of situation.. all he knows that he felt the joy... for first time.

Caitlyn Hellstorm

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:54 pm
Avani considered that then shrugged slightly. "I would think that your scars speak for themselves. Your demeanor and how you carry yourself." This male was strong but there were even signs to how much pain he was in. Like the way he breathed and the slightest twitch of his facial expressions....even his body language spoke for what he might never admit.

That was alright. The female didn't want this stranger to have to feel like he was being judged in any way. No that wouldn't be right at all! But she did want to help him as much as he would allow...and maybe beat him up with her kindness if he tried to deny her. Yeah it would be a good form of beating him up.

Chuckling softly the crafter shook her head. "A crafter never tells her secrets. But if you consider me as a friend, then I might reveal it to you only if you promise to keep it a secret. I don't want everyone to know what it is I can do and how to do it. Otherwise I would be out of doing something I love before I have gotten a chance to really reach me full potential." Afterwards she would love to create a group, a guild her mind said, of Crafters for all types and tribes, for all skill levels to become useful to their prides or colonies.

"Yes. There is water near by but you can't be on your paws! It'll only hurt and make the use of the ointment pointless! No, I will go gather you up some water or I can carry you to the stream." Which could be rather a hilarious sight for sure. Yet as Yaotl teased her back she leaned close so that they were in fact staring at each other her smile widening when he spoke.

If she didn't know better...he was being charming! Which Avani hoped that he knew because it was really adorable and made her feel butterflies in her stomach at the first real male to be interacting with! Leaning closer so that she pressed her forehead and the tip of her nose against Yaotl speaking playfully to the male. "Tell me and I'll see if it's in my ability to accomplish them. I want very much to please you, great warrior."
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