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Reply [ RP Zone ] The Northern Tundra
[FIN] Let's play a game, how about snowmen? ( Jack & Elsa ) Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 [>] [»|]

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Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:37 pm
Elsa: 5218
Jack: 5401)

Alone, in the cold, no direction for what to do now. Elsa couldn't help but develop a bit of a grudge for the world around her and the lack of direction it had brought so far. There was no one else around and only the howling of the wind against the snow-stacked pine trees. No one else to talk to, no one else to show the way. She was alone.

Elsa prowled around the ankle-high banks of snow slowly, holding her head high and proud, in case anyone just happened to be looking. If they were, they were a sick-minded individual. Especially for being so quiet. The thought caused her to light fur to bristle. How dare they. This whole situation was inexcusable.

Rage clouded her thoughts so much any other voice of reason was simply ignored. This rage was the only thing that had been keeping her company since she was aware of the cold world around her. It was her companion in a sense. An unhealthy friend.

She glanced up to the full moon looming overhead. The wind may have been present, but the night was as clear as can be. It, the moon, was something in this world that was somewhat charming at least.

"You could at least say something.,.." She huffed under her breath toward the moon. She didn't expect it would respond, but one could home.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:39 pm
"Darkness. That's first thing I remember. It was dark, it was cold, and I was scared. But then... then I saw the Moon. It was so big, and it was so bright. It seemed to, chase the darkness away. And when it did... I wasn't scared anymore. Why I was there and what I was meant to do, that I've never known, and a part of me wonders if I ever will."

Jack Frost, had made his way though the white frozen land of emptiness, he had been alone as long as he could remember. Frankly he couldn't remember a lot, however he did know his name was 'Jack Frost'. How? Well, he had figured the moon had told him so. It was after all his own companion in the long dark nights....

That was till off in the distance, from the patch of trees where he prowled, he had thought he had seen something, or perhaps someone making their way though the icy field of tundra.

Jack'a curiousty had gotten the best of him, so he figured if he could get closer-then maybe he could find someone else that existed aside from him. He couldn't help but be filled with excitement with this hope.

But how to intuduce himself. Well , this could be....


Lifting a paw, Jack dipped it in the snow and pulled it back gathering the white powder into a ball.

Glancing up, the Tahtll took a glance from his work to make sure the proud figure was still making it's way by the patch of trees.

Out of the covering of trees, a snow ball shot from the bent covering aimed directly at the Nahtll.

It was only after the snow ball was launched, Jack Frost stepped out from the covering. A smug grin on his maw as he made himself know he approached the other...

"I wouldn't bother, He doesn't seem to say much..." Left the male, with a upward nod to the bright moon overhead. His careful ears had picked up on the muttering, but not being able to distinguish it, he could only assume she had been talking to the moon. After all, he had done it too.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:09 pm
Elsa's ears swiveled back to hear the feint shuffling of snow behind her. Someone was here? Finally someone else to talk... to... No, why would they be here now? They were in any case probably not worth any ounce of her time. How dare they come by in her moment of loneliness and anger. They were likely there to mock her current state.

More shuffling. They were coming closer. Slowly the thick fur along her ridge begun to rise while her entire frame begun to tense. She didn't want company, couldn't they see she was alone?! The nerve of them.

Much to her own doing the next thing she knew a puff of snow stuck the back of her neck, sending her ridge to puff more than it probably ever will in her life-time. The rest of her fur followed in suit as a icy chill overtook her heart and an inferno overtook her frame. WHO WOULD -DARE- DO SUCH A FOOLISH THING?!

Her frame whipped around, flinging snow about her in a surprisingly graceful manner, as she turned to face the fool who struck her. His words were muffled by the rage-filled ringing in her ears.

"How -dare- you." She seethed, fangs threatening to bare upon the male. Only mongrels would behave in such a manner, she had to keep her regal appearance. Her ice-cold eyes bore down upon the male as she held her head high enough to look down her nose upon him. "Foolish child."
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:59 pm
"Whoa." Left the Tahtill as his head tucked into his outspoken blue fluff, only to advoid the whiplash of her own braided mane. Ears flicked back, before bouncing up once more.

"Jumpy kitten." A amused grin rested on the other adults maw and whiskers as his head turned about and bobed to eitherside to look at the puff and ridge the Nahtll worked up. Curious paws carried him to walk around the prideful Kitten. Inspecting, and taking the time to look about the raised fluff.

"And Playfully." Jack answered as he completed his walk around the Nahtill, a chuckle left him as he found himself in his own prints once more.

Oh he dared, playfully so....

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:07 pm
Elsa remained still throughout the other obnoxious boy's walk about. Her head held high and her nose remained lifted. Though, slightly wrinkled, especially when he -dared- to call her kitten. The fool! The childish fool!! Did he not realize when one was in a mood? When one was in need of -good- company. This mis-matched blue puff of a young cub was nothing even close to what she would even consider mere company.

"Now that you have had your eye's full, leave. Or else you will regret your first breath, child." Elsa spoke sharply and coolly enough to give the icicles on each tree the shivers.

Her frame remained firm, just in case he would try to attack her again, or try something 'funny'. At least in his poor definition of the word.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:33 pm
As the Nahtll raged at him, it was like her own words where the howl of a blizzard that came from herself. And Jack...?

He could only laugh. It as an amused one, of finding another one that existed, Finally. It turns out she was winter and the Icequeen herself.

"Could be fun, and at least I would enjoy my last laugh." Jack was quick and coy to answer. His words where calm and well thought out, still hinging on the fine edge of 'playful'.

Yeah, he wasn't going to leave after he had finally found -someone-. The moon was just cruel to lead him to someone in such a....mood.

That and, he was sure he could melt this one's icy exterior. At this point it was a game...

He bet he could get her to smile, if not only wickedly. That thought was amusing...

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:42 pm
Elsa's eyes widened to the others quick retort. Silently, she had to admit, he was good with his silver tongue. However, she was also quickly reminded that she was rudely interrupted from her rage and painful silence by this baboon. Her brow furrowed again as her icy eyes narrowed upon him. Oh, she could take him out quickly. Just a quick headbutt between the eyes and he would be gone, she was sure that's all it took. Her anger lead her to believe she could take down the mountain at this point.

That would be barbaric. Under her. She was as elegant as the snow, and just as cruel to anyone not prepared.

"You are sick." She snapped. "What part of 'be gone' do you not comprehend? Or has the frost truly gotten so far into your mind that it hinders proper judgement?"
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:57 pm
"'Leave'" Jack answered his smile stoicly remained unremoved. "You said 'leave'." The Tahtill was quick to point out, prodding the cold air and icy words with a paw. "and for all you know-maybe I don't know what that means." Frost suggested whimiscly, with a raised and waved paw. His stance was relaxed and calm compared to her strong proud one.

"As well if Lonelyness was a sickness." Jack went on, "Then, yes, you are right." He finsihed quickly, letting his grin twist into a smirk.

"and, as for the Frost." He added, "It is my name, after all...so perhaps just a little." Frost chuckled, tilting his head finding he wished he had a stick or something to lean on.

"Wow..." Awed from the Tahtlls maw smoothly, "You are really good at 'this'" Jack commented playfully.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:13 pm
Two more words, just two more words and Elsa was ready to beat the everliving snow out of this one. However, when he mentioned loneliness, she had forgotten this urge to kill him for a brief moment. He was lonely too? He knew what if felt like?

No! No he couldn't have. It was him, after all, that had intruded on her own lonely being and upset everything. It was him that came in here with his childish air and pulled the strings to her anger as if it were a mere toy.

And frowney face returned for round three. Her clear ice-like claws extended a moment, yet she managed to remain in good regal posture. Like hell he was going to win at this! He could not break her stance

*tch* "Well than, Mr. Frost, I would say you would have a lot to learn if that particular word is not among your vocabulary. Loneliness may be a sickness for you, and it is one I do not desire to cure for you. One more, go away, be gone, leave, vacate my sight, and go find someone else to partake in your idiotic-childish games." Elsa hissed as she rolled her shoulders back.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:48 pm
"Jack." The Tahtll pufffed his chest at his name as he stated it rather quickly after 'Mr. Frost'. Listening to the Nahtill, he waited before he add more to his words. He maybe a foolish child, and have his idotic games, but he wouldn't be rude while doing it.

"And I would say, You do say a lot...." Frost answered, smiling as he didn't seemed bothered by the brutle and icy lashing he was given. Better yet, he was unmoved...

"Okay...Okay." Jack coed, raising his paw he padded the air as if to settle her down before she actually threw a storm at him, from his statement....

"So if I asked you to close your eyes, and instead of games-would you build a snow cat with me?" The Tahtill was persistant, and was half joking. But truely, even in all his jest he really didn't want to be alone again. It was so cold being alone....she knew that too right, and did she really want to be alone?


[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:05 pm
"Mr. Frost." Elsa repeated sharply, as if grinding a dagger into a supposed wound.

"Why would I close my eyes around you? So you could get a second peek? or throw some more snow at me? I will not do -anything- with you. Especially engage in such child-like behavior." She continued with her chilled tone.

"Go have fun with your 'snow cats', boy. For the last time, leave me be." She finished with a slight growl before turning her head away from him. "before I remove your heart and grind it beneath my claws."
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:27 pm
Mr. Frost shrugged as she refused to call him by 'Jack', alright she could do that. It matched her icy heart.

"That's too bad, my child like behavior is fun, and delightful. " The Tahtll stated calmly.

So it was the last time she would ask him to leave?

"Then you would at least have one." Mr. Frost stated smartly, his own cool and icy personality shooting back. Though still a smirk Remain on his lips.

How could it not, she was fun.

"Which I would have gladly given to you, no one deserves to be that cold and alone-with not even a heart to keep ones soul warm." Jack answered. Speaking rather literally, with perhaps a dash of metaphorically.


[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:37 pm
"Speak on your own ac-" Else begun her retort, however, it was stopped short by his own back lash of words.

"You have just meet me, you know nothing about me." She lashed back, though notably more kindly than before. Still cold and in no way friendly, but not as harsh. "I can tell you are a terrible liar. Doing anything you can just to put a smile upon your own smug face."

Her laws tightened as she begun to walk around him. He wouldn't have meant any of that, he couldn't have. He was a terrible being.

"Consider yourself lucky I did not claw your tongue out." She growled as she passed by him. He wasn't worth the time.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:49 pm
Mr. frost remained still as The other moved around him, his head turn to fallowed her with his own icy gaze.

"What's wrong with having a little bit of fun?.." Jack answered turning his head back, spreading out his paw in the snow he rolled up another ball of powder. He could vary well, say the same about her about knowing nothing about him. She had no reason to know him a lier, but he wouldn't hold it against her or even bother with trying to convince her otherwise.

"But I do consider myself lucky." The Tahtill states bring up his paw he looked at the circular. Ball of snow.

Oh yes.

"And I can tell you are just as lonely." Mr. Frost mused and with a lazy toss he threw the snow once more at the back of her head.

It would do her some good to have some fun.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

GunSniper rolled 1 20-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-20)

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:54 pm
[ RP Zone ] The Northern Tundra

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