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[FIN]Those things that give value to Survival(Riot & Nikita) Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 [>] [»|]

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Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 10:45 pm
Total Word Count

Site Used: http://www.wordcounter.net/
Nikita: 6005 words
Riot: 5459 words
Bob: 3120 words
Total: 13964 words

It was the best night's sleep Nikita could ever remember having. Since waking she had not really considered the value of sleeping other than feeling rested when the sun came back.

Crimson eyes peeked from under their lids as Nikita slowly begun to stir. The golden light crept through the opening of the cave and against the back wall, bathing their fur in amber light.

Throughout the night she had not stirred a bit. Her forepaws remained stretched out in front with her chin ducked in between them. The only thing that had moved at all was her tail, which had curled more around her hind legs.

Her front paws flexed, left than right, subtly before she snuggled closer to the source of the warmth with a contented sigh. Without moving her head she glanced upward to see if there were any signs of her friend's awareness status.
PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 9:24 am
Durning the Night, the little earth cub went with out stirring. Contently, when ever shifted on-or touched a 'new' way, however-a soft hum or Coe left the little puma in a sound of delight.

If was hard to say if he was aware of the mindless sound or not.

Feeling the the shift, a little press of Nikita's back cuddling more against him, Riot a stired.

"Hmmmm." Let the cub, forepaws stretched out in full length as his fat head rose and shifted to the side resting over his shoulder. The soft smacking sound left him, as his pink tongue quickly wipes over his maw and about the inside of his mouth. Closed blue eyes turned to the back of the wall, as if wanting to stay oblivious to the light. Though, an awake tail rose and and fell to tap the ground.

A hum, left the kitten fallowed by an content on going purr.  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 12:19 pm
Nikita's tail slid from around her hind legs than straightened out behind her. The tip danced about playfully. Riot was awake! She saw the movement, he had to be awake because he was making all kinds of funny noises. Adorable funny noises. Her attempt to mimic the subtle coo ended up in a very soft and almost inaudible purr-squeak.

Her head rolled back to allow her horns and brow to playfully press against him. A wide smile formed on her maw while her frame gradually tried to roll upsideown, her forepaws stretched out to press against him while her hind legs stretched long behind her.

"You make funny noises when you sleep." She hummed, once again trying to mimic the noise with a much softer and squeaky version of it. "Did I make them too?"

Crimson eyes looked "down", or rather up given her position, to Riot.
PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 1:30 pm
Riot's head lifted as he felt Nikita's paws push into his back. Picking up his head, the cub's maw pulled back in to a released yawn. Rolling his head back he looked behind him to see an upside down Nikita Kitten. She was making weird sounds....well, squeaks.

Rolling over, with the motion of his head Riot layed more on his side to see the other kitten.

"I do?" Riot spoke as he looked to Nikita, a quite wonder in his voice. He didn't seem to realize the soft sounds he had made where that audible.

"I don't think so, do they sound like that?" The cub asked, straightening he rolled to the other side to straighten his posture in his lay. Well as best as he could with the other cub's toes on him.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 1:48 pm
"Yes-" Nikita answered with a yawn of her own.

Skillfully her frame twisted and rolled over so her paws meet fully with the ground. Just as quickly as her movement started she half sprung/flopped over Riot's mid-back. Her paws alternated in flexing against his side in a playful manner.

"-I guess I can't than... mine aren't as-" She flopped her chin between her paws as she thought of how to word her thoughts. Her tail's tip twitched happily. "-loud sounding?"

She tried to make the sound again, this time she managed to make a slightly louder rumbling squeak, but still more or less the same as before when she tried.

"How was that?"
PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 2:12 pm
A soft 'uff' left Riot as Nikita's paws flopped on the flat of his back. A move livly tail curled and flicked to the movement. Turning himself, slightly the cub rolled his head back to see if he could see what Nikita was doing. He felt her paws flex on his pelt. It kinda tickled.

"Maybe." Riot answered, as he gave up on trying to look at Nikita. He had to face it, his head couldn't turn around full. Instead he took to licking his front Left paw quickly.

Wiping it over his little turf of hair, he then set his paw down, and whipped his tail in thought as he heard her own mew.

"Hmm, I like it." Riot tilted his head back to try and see her once more....Again.  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 2:26 pm
Nikita glanced over to Riot as he struggled to turn his head further than it could go. Once he was finished licking his paw, Nikita leaned over to give his mow-hawk a lick in the opposite direction. She could help with that. Mineaswell, she was already up there.

One paw shifted to rest over the back of his neck while the other moved to hold herself steady while she worked to "masterfully" (she was sure of that ) groom and style the pink tuft. While her front paws moved she shifted her hind legs to offer more stability as she worked. Her head tilted to the side as she worked carefully. This was art.

All the while she continued to practice that soft squeaky purr blissfully.
PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 3:19 pm
Just as Riot tilted his head back, he felt the friendly swipe of Nikita grooming the pink fur on the top of his head. Closing an eye, the cub let his head relaxe as he felt the metronome like swipes of her tongue bobbing his head a little.

He didn't dare stuggle away, in fact it ws really nice of her to help fix his unique little tuff of fur. With a little flop of his tail, he remainded in place not wanting to do anything that might cause the other cub to loose her balance.

"Does it look okay?" Riot thought to ask, as Nikita contuined to 'comb' though his fur. It had to look okay, she seemed to really know what she was doing. SO it -had- to be AMAZING!  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 3:31 pm
Nikita hummed an an answer for a brief second between licks. She couldn't stop now, that would ruin the rhythm and might ruin whatever it was she was doing. She didn't want to risk ruining it.

After several more licks she lifted her head, tilted it this way and that before springing off of his back and moving away, to get a frontward view. Her chest puffed proudly.

"It looks amazing." She declared. "I think it did before too."

She side glanced to her own long fur, much longer than a tuft but it was hard to do anything with it other than letting it blow in the wind. She didn't let her eyes linger on her own long white and crimson fur, instead she returned all focus to Riot, still puffed proudly. Even as she sat back on her haunches.

A paw raised to her maw before she licked the side than quickly proceeded to run it over her ear and through her long 'hair'.

"Your fur is nice. And you don't have horns to tangle it in. I like it." She add after pausing in her own grooming.
PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 3:57 pm
As Nikita hopped off of him, Riot's own head tilted as he looked back to her as she viewed his freshly styled hair.

"Did you?" The cub asked finding himself puffing his chest a little at the complament. Watching her own eyes traval to her own fun, his head tilted to the other side as she tried to fix her own longer hair. He thougt to himself how easy of a time he had to groom while she had all that nice flowing fur.

He could help.

Strightening to all fours, Riot approched and gently bumped his head against her own in a passing nuzzle-bonk. Gartituide.

"I like your fur to, it's vary nice. Do you want me to try and help?" The cub asked sitting back on his own rear as his azure eyes looked over her 'hair' and horns.  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 4:44 pm
Nikita returned the gratitude with a nuzzle bump with a welcoming nuzzle bump of her own. The paw that had been lifted and ready to groom at her own 'hair' stretched forward to lightly press against his nose.

She couldn't help but smile more to his complement. It caused her to puff all the more. If he thought so, it had to have been true.

"Yeah, maybe that would be easier.. I can't get back there-" She hummed before turning her back to him, twisting her head so she could watch him over her shoulder. "It's not as... kind as your fur. It's really long and can be hard even for a paw..."

She warned and partly challenged him. That made it seem more fun right? Her tail curled around her front paws while her posture straightened.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 2:52 pm
The Tahtll head remained unmoved as he felt the softness of Nahtil's paw on his vary pink nose. It was surprising, but not alarming. Kinda of funny...

He retailated with a lick and a week bite at the white paw as it rested on his maw

As Nikita acceptted the offered help, Riot let his blue gaze look over the other's cub's 'hair' past the two strange rocks from her head. They where nice looking 'rocks', though he wasn't compelatly sure they where rocks, but it was he called them.

...did she even know what they where called?

"Yeah..." The cub had to agree, which it brought up another good reason to why they met. She needed help grooming herself!

Strightening back on to his paws, Riot moved around Nikita slightly to have a better time at sweeping back her hair. It was a little bit of a challange as his fat head was too big to get past the 'rocks'. This would be a whole lot easier if he was taller....

Maybe one day.

For now, however, the cub was skillful to strighten and lick back what he could of her longer head fur.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:29 pm
"See? You are lucky you lost your horns, they make grooming harder..." Nikita sighed as she lifted her chin upward and arced her neck backward just a little.

The tip of her tail danced about eagerly trying to keep still. It was hard for a young cub to accomplish, but she was determined to do so until he was done. Or gave up. She was mostly convinced the latter would not happen. He couldn't give up, it didn't seem like something that he would do! Even if she only knew this young earth cub for a little more than an hour now.

"Do you think your pink fur will get this long too?" She inquired with a slight shake in her tone. It was nice how it was. Though... come to think of it more, the longer it was the more pink there would be.

"Or maybe it will spread!" Nikita added with an excited peep. "Than you will be the pink rock! and maybe your horns are the same color too."

Right, that was something she had not seen even around him. Her own horns didn't seem as easily detachable. Something already told her they could break, but not easily.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:04 pm
"Horns?" Riot repeated as he paused in his grooming of her 'hair', to take a nibble on the 'horns'. "Is that what these are?" The cub asked pulling back he licked his maw, before letting his eyes close and return to stroking her fur back with his tongue.

"I don't think I have ever had 'horns'." The Tahtll spoke the word 'horns' leaving his lips foreignly. He didn't recall having them, not when he first 'woke' anyways.

As she mentioned his pink hair and how it might get longer, the cub paused in mid stroke. Would it?

Something inside him told him it wouldn't.

"Where would it go if it spread?" Riot asked as he stopped grooming, his head tilted as he looked back at Nikita. Sitting back on his hunches his blue eyes looked to her own fur.

With a thoughtful shift of his tail, he thought her fur looked good and 'set' right. Nodding to himself, his head turned back to Nikita as his tail replaced it's self around him.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:41 pm
"Yup! They are my horns." Nikita declared proudly, with a slight puff of her chest. "They are for... um... "

Her tone quieted a little while her chest deflated. She never really thought about what they had been used for, or should be. Protection? Yes, that was some of it.

"Protection." Nikita voiced her thoughts with a wide smile. She didn't want to seem like she didn't know anything in front of him.

Once the earthly male finished helping her she gave her frame a gentle shake, taking care not to disrupt his hard work too much. Though, as he asked where the pink could spread all caution was forgotten as she twistered around to face him. Her crimson eyes full of amusement.

"Well." She spoke surprisingly calm for her former action.

She lifted a paw to his cheek to give it a poke, than migrated over to his chin to give it a tap, a careful one where her paw would remain rested where it made contact with his fur. "-here. So it will even out your nose."

Her smile widened as she admiringly looked at his pink nose. It was the third most thing to stand out on his fat head. Second to his hair and third to his eyes.
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