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{PRP}Are Those Your Bubbles?{Belladonna Lilly x Aruna}Fin

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:29 pm
Caitlyn Hellstorm

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Maybe he'd been in the water a touch too long? Aruna glanced at his paws. The felt wrinkly and weird. He glanced out of the pool. It looked so cool out there to him and ever time he lifted a part out of the water it felt so chilly! The male was more inclined to stay in the hot spring, wrinkly paws or not.

He'd noticed in his moment of stillness bubbles coming up from the bottom of the pool. Aruna went to investigate the closest source with curiosity.

(Aruna WC: 1,075
Bella WC: 1,257)
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 10:47 pm
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Belladonna is one of those balams that took solace in being in water and today is just another usual day for her. She dove into the hot spring with a blissful sigh, her pink and white striped tail streaming behind her and she starts swimming around, exploring the nooks and crannies of that pool she is in. As her lungs starts screaming for oxygen, she began to surface, not realizing that another balam is in the spring now and her head breaks the surface of water, her pink eyes went wide while she stares at the huge horned male in front of her.

"Oh..." She blinks owlishly as she smiles at him. "I didn't realize anyone were in this spring." Her musical voice fills the air as she moves toward an underwater boulder that provides a seating for a balam. "My name is Belladonna Lilly but you can call me Bella..... or Lilly..." She murmurs thoughtfully, trying to think of other nicknames that was assigned to her by her adopted siblings or other friends.


Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire


PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 6:27 pm
Caitlyn Hellstorm

While he peered down into the water a large moving blob caught his eyes. Aruna barely managed to back peddle to avoid the, now obviously, b'alam from coming up right under his nose. He jerked his head back as she spoke and looked down his nose at her. This one was clearly not like himself. He'd seen his reflection and was proud of the horns arching back from his skull.

She didn't have horns, but instead what appeared to be gems on her forehead. Slowly he continued to survey her. There was something he didn't like. Maybe it was the lack of horns?

"Indeed," he replied coolly despite the warm surroundings.  
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 7:16 pm
Her pink tipped ears twitches at the seemingly aloof attitude of the male and she turns around, fixing him with a thoughtful gaze before she smiles once again when she sees the horns on the male. "Ah.. you are part of fire tribe." She quirks her eyebrow at him in mild amusement. "Of course.. fire and water don't get along with each other and all of that fun stuff." She waves her paw in air casually before she allows it to sink back under water.

"Indeed is your name? That's quite interesting name.. or concept." Her musical voice is now tinted with amusement as she watches this male few feet away from her. Her tail 'floats' on the surface of the water behind her while she shakes her head. "You think you are superior to me.. and I think I am superior to you.. all because of those physical traits we have." There is a shrug in her voice as she flashes him a half smile. "But at least you could do is give me your actual name, yes? We don't have to go hunting together to be joined at hips. Social parameters tends to side with me on this one."


Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire


PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 3:13 am
Caitlyn Hellstorm
I apologize for my muses going on strike for so long! Thank you for the reminder.

He let her babble on. What was she talking about anyhow? When she mentioned fire tribe, Aruna felt something in his soul agree. That sounded and felt right. His attention was pulled back reluctantly to her. Fire and water? The male glanced at the hot spring they were standing in. That was fire and water wasn't it? Whatever!

Aruna scowled at her. She was making fun of him! Well let her. He didn't have to stay around here with her. And all her weird comments. His expression remained chilly despite her smiles. "I think not, and I think I'll move to a different pool." Strange female. He was sure fire tribe females couldn't possibly be that weird. Aruna moved back and headed toward the edge to hull himself out.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:08 pm
No worries <3

Belladonna watches the male intently as she swims up to him then pushes away from the wall, allowing the water to keep her afloat and she closes her eyes, enjoying the pressure of water wrapping around her fur and swishing through. "I don't think all fire males are as rude as you are..." She opens her eyes once again, fixing the intent stare on the male. "It is not like we are going to meet again again since you won't see me in this area unless its during cold times." Her voice remained soft and musical as she allows herself to drop under the water, swimming toward the male.

Since the male seemed to be insistent on being rude, she may as well have some fun with him.. perhaps to piss him off to the point where he will finally start talking instead of being all uppity about it. As the male moved toward the edge to haul himself out of the water, she suddenly surfaces right behind him with a huge wave cresting toward the male and she reaches forward to try to pull him back down under. If she succeeded then she would drag him to the bottom and let him go while swimming to other side with bubbles of laughter trailing behind her. If she failed, she will hit the water at sideways angle, splashing the male more then clambers out of the pond to follow him.

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire


PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:16 pm
Caitlyn Hellstorm
I'm sorry he's such a stuck up. DX

"Then go find someone else to bother. Though I am sure they would have proper respect for their tribe and tell you to get lost too. This is Fire tribe territory." He frowned at her. Coming back? Of all the nerve. "Why do you go find your own place to live little girl, and stay out of places you're not wanted."

Aruna could only hope she'd take the hint. As he was beginning to pull himself free of the water, he felt a strange lift. Next thing he knows he was being dragged under. He instinctively held his breath and glared. Stupid female! Aruna pushed himself to the surface again and made for shore more swiftly. This time ready to fight her off if she came back to try her trick again.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:04 am
LOL. That's what makes this rp more fun because its letting Bella test things out XD

"Bother? As far as I am aware of, this place is open to anyone that wants to use water bodies in fire territory. Unless you are one of the guards that is responsible for keeping the likes of me out of here..... then you are doing a lousy job." Belladonna says with a hint of laughter in her voice. "I will be coming back here just because I know it will rustle your fur then." She tilts her head to side, watching Aruna with her pink eyes glinting with amusement. "If you ever wander into water territory, I will make sure to throw you a huge celebration to draw all of attention to you." Her musical voice fills the air as she surfaces once again after her "attack" on Aruna succeeded.

As the male swiftly swam toward the shore, she simply stayed back while floating in the water with her long-ish fur fanned out around her body, watching the male with an intent gaze. "You are in my element, fire boy..." She murmurs as she paddled toward him smoothly then swiftly tries to snap at his tail to pull him back down but she was minutes too late. Lifting her head up away from the water's surface with a smirk, Belladonna's ears twitches while she stares at him. "Afraid of little ol' me now?"

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire


PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 2:11 am
Caitlyn Hellstorm
Poor old grumpy pants got the poor end of the deal on that one. XD Fin with your post? Unless you can think of something else.

"Count yourself lucky I'm not a guard. Or I would gladly have ripped your fur off." He was blustering and he hated her for it. Aruna could tell she was faster in the water than he. Get her on land though, and he bet it would be a different matter. He gave a growl to hear she was coming back. Fine let her think she'd won. The male would find some of those guards she talked about and be sure they knew what to do when they found her.

He curled his lip in disgust at her at the thought of going into water territory. "Lucky for you I would never demean myself by going into that barbarian territory." His voice oozed polished and sarcasm. "I wouldn't want a party thrown by you anyhow." He flicked the water off his tail and aimed it toward her face, though he doubted it would actually hit. "Hardly afraid. Desiring some decent company, which you are a far cry from." He sniffed as he looked down his nose at her still in the water a moment. Ugh if he never saw her again it would be too long.

After a moment more, he could have wished her farewell in a sarcastic tone, but he was afraid she'd take it seriously. So instead he said nothing and stalked away. Aruna almost wished she'd get out to follow. Then he could sink his claws into her hide in return for all her insults.  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:57 pm
Sure! You can end the rp or do a closing post and edit the title ^^

A gleam of mischief appears in her pink eyes as she noted that the male is blustering which is a small victory for her because that's what she's out for, reactions from grumpy pants like Aruna. “You are full of hot air...” Belladonna says with a laugh as she looks up at him from the edge of hot spring, her muzzle stretched out into a chesire grin when she finishes the sentence. “... like a typical fire male.” Placing her sodden paws on edge of the hot spring, the female propels herself out of the water and landing on her paws, water dripping from her body and she lifts her head up, noting that she's considerably smaller than the large male. Knowing that the male is probably gearing up for the fight but he have no idea what he would be getting himself into because she's smaller, quicker and more flexible and if she could push him back in the water.. then game on.

“Demeaning yourself by going into that barbarian territory?” Belladonna giggles once again as she takes few steps toward him with her hips swaying little bit in hypnotic manner and she stops few inches away from Aruna, wishing that there are still water stuck to her fur so she could shake it all off.. onto the male. “I believe that you were in that barbarian territory because you were in a body of water..” Her musical voice is tinged with amusement, noting his sarcastic responses are a shield for him to hide behind. When he aimed his sodden tail and flicked the water at her, she didn't make any move to dodge or retaliate because the water is rolling right off her fur and she doesn't see any point in dodging away from her precious water.

A corner of Belladonna's muzzle tugged up into a huge grin while she shakes her head at his grumpy response about looking for decent company and she tilts her head to side, looking at the fire male. “Grumpy, if you are looking for decent company while acting like..” She looks up and down at him pointedly “a spoiled little child.. then you will not be finding any decent company anywhere.” The female watches the male stalk off and she thought that the male needs one more surprise attack so she took off running by him, her heavy tail swinging at his face when she's passing him. “Bye, Grumpy!” She cheerfully calls behind her as she gains distance between them.

Caitlyn Hellstorm

Beloved Vampire


PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 10:26 pm
Caitlyn Hellstorm
Dear goodness! He got mean. >.< I'm glad Garnet will tame him down some. Fin!

His eyes narrowed as the female came out of the water. He didn’t trust her motives for coming out. Their size difference was much more obvious now on land. Surely she was being fool hearty for thinking of taking him on. Aruna didn’t rise to her bait though. He did make sure he was well away from the water, knowing she could easily beat him there. And oh how that made his soul rage inside. A stupid, love common water female beating him! It was her element. Aruna thought to himself smugly that she’d never survive in the heat he could. If he could get her to the volcano she’d dry up. No he wasn’t going to charge her.

The crimson male held his defensive posture and waited. If she wanted a fight, she’d have to come to him on his terms. Then he’d claw that smug look off of her face. Aruna narrowed his eyes as she tried for coy. He would never tell her that he was utterly repulsed by her. Disgusting creature that she was. “No. Just because it is water doesn’t mean I was in your territory. That water is in fire territory ignorant naïve.” She was so close and he struck. Aruna snapped his mouth at her face and raised his claws to deliver blows to her chest.

They never hit their target though. Aruna felt his jaws close on empty air. She was quick, he had to give her that. He bet it was just luck that she happened to move away at just the time he made his move. How he hated this female. What the hell did she know about decent company anyway? Without being any she couldn’t possibly know what he was looking for. Aruna was positive that fire tribes wouldn’t piss him off as much as this female did. He glared fiercely at her rump as she ran past. If the world had been fair it would have set her rump on fire. But it wasn’t, and she didn’t. He was only glad though that she’d gone finally. The pride-bruised male turned and headed in toward the volcano. Hopefully she wouldn’t be able to go there.  
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