You have a newly awakened B'alam...
There are no parents around. No siblings. Nothing. Your B'alam was carved personally by the hand of Milintica and into them was given the breath of life. Some were carved from a flawed piece of material and may have a disability of some sort, some are carved large, some are carved small, but all of them were carved with a careful pair of hands and a hope that the B'alam weaves a worthy story in the tapestry of life.

Every B'alam is unique, but every one shares something in common with their kin, regardless of tribe; they are given free will.

They are given instincts, but the instincts are bare. Inklings. Small, steady whispers in the pit of their soul. They know there's something larger than them, but most don't know what exactly it is. They are aware that they are half a soul, and most will crave and thirst for the half that will transform their spirit into a whole Yoliliztli. Some choose to ignore these instincts. Some make choices that defy their instincts. They were given the free will to make these choices.

The Magus...
Were among the first creations. The founding leaders of the tribes that scatter across the face of the realm. The magus were given a heightened awareness and were hand-picked to lead the new lives that would soon populate the realm. They are aware of the grand weaver, they understand the sacred bond that brings the two halves of every kind together to form the bond of Yoliliztli, and they are awakened in the knowledge of elemental magics.

While not every B'alam will seek out a magus to follow, as the realm wakes, the newborn creatures will look to the enlightened to help them learn how to exist within their world.


• B'alam have none.

• No B'alam is born evil or good. They're born a complete blank slate. Good and evil will be molded by the choices of the B'alam and their responses to their environment.

• No B'alam is born with a confused half-spirit. They may eventually choose to behave contrary to their spirit but it is a choice they make or confusion that occurs due to their environmental situations.

• No B'alam is born in defiance to the grand weaver, though they may eventually choose to do so. Most are born aware of a bigger something. Some may grow to resent the grand weaver, some may grow to doubt him, others will put their own name on what they want to believe the bigger something is.

• No B'alam is born with violent tendencies. This is something that could develop later on.

• No B'alam is born with any bias against other B'alam. Their environment, those around them, and situations may mold this in the future.

• Essentially- B'alam are not 'born a certain way'. They're born with a body, a free will, and a half-spirit that was chosen for them. They have the free will and freedom to do as they wish with themselves.

The Tribes...
Are essentially groups of B'alam that share traits with one another. As the realm awakens and fills with new life and thinking minds, the B'alam take note of traits that seem common from one group to another. These traits seem to reflect their environment and the elements the B'alam feel at home with.

No B'alam is born to hate one tribe or another though curiosity is natural. As the first kingdoms rise, there may be stigmas and biases that crop up, but this is a new world. There is no history! There is no previous generation. There is only there here and now. Your B'alam is free to shape their scope of the world how they see fit according to standards they dictate within themselves.


• NPC's will not be allowed here. So if you want your B'alam to come from a bad situation with cruel B'alam, there needs to be actual B'alam creating this bad situation. This is kind of a bummer for a lot of cosplays and oc backstories but we are insisting on this standard to encourage world building. If you want there to be a villain- make a villain!

• As time goes on, gen 1 B'alam will still be rising from idols carved by the weaver with no parents. The natural-born B'alam will be the only ones, ever, with geneology, and an ancestry.

• There are no 'old tribes', 'other worlds', etc. A B'alam can believe otherwise, but that won't make it true. We're building this world from the literal day of creation up.