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[FIN] I Thought No One but Myself... (Riot & Nikita) Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 [>] [»|]

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Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:59 pm
Total Word Count

Site Used: http://www.wordcounter.net/
Nikita: 6002 words
Riot: 6069 words
Total: 12070 words

The world was a strange place. That was so far all that Nikita had been able to conclude. It was lonely place. There was not so much as a speck of any other life among the vast waves of sand and waving horizon. Nothing. Not but herself standing before such massive sands. At least it was hot here too. She had wondered from a warm mountain, using only her random whims to guide her to where she was now. Lands of shifting sands. Dunes as tall as the mountains! Or, that tall to a young cub. Nikita was still having a very hard time comprehending the vast size of these dunes. Here she had only thought that the trees and mountains could be so large! Though, the mountain was more impressive, these were still an awe inspiring sight.

Crimson eyes glanced upward to the painted skies above. Crimson merging with deep blue, speckled with bright white and yellow dots. Gradually the dark blue was overtaking the crimson, putting it to rest behind the hills.

This area was colder than the last area she had visited, or it was getting colder. So far it didn't bother her, her own body temperature had remained high enough to keep herself comfortable. Even when the chill of night was upon them. At least, it was still warm, she had to think so again.

With a long sigh her eyes drifted from the stars to survey the countless sand dunes and the spray of sand flying from their peaks. A wind was starting to pick up the loose grains of sand around her. Her own paw prints had already been erased as if they had never been there.

What a strange place...
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:49 am
The soft grain of the cooling sands felt nice, slipping under the small paws of a wild cub. As the little male traveled across the dune wonderland. His venture and goal was that to reach the top of one of the more higher dune's his bight small eyes could spy; hoping to reach the top before full nightfall. That way, he could see the rest of the land before him, but that would only be a perk of the decided and challenging task.

He could do it, though. Young and spry stubborn paws struggled in the ascent, as loose rock was kicked up in his wake. Having been traveling for quite sometime, he had just only discovered the land of shifting earth. The sea of sand, held quite a fascination to the young Tahtll as he was found of the feel of small bits of earth between his toes. The soft scraping in the webbing of his paw, was even more delightful as greater force was added to reach the top of his goal.

It was only when sharp azure eyes could see the vast land before him, he took a moment to ease breath into his thundering chest. At last, he had reached the top. Bright eyes, scanned the horizon it was so big and open! The sands seemed to stretch out forever!


He had done it!

A wild tail whipped behind the male, and a prideful chest puffed. Taking in a deep breath, tan front paws padded down the earth under them. That's right this hill was conquered....

Now for the moment he had been waiting for....

two steps back, a little wiggle of a tail to test balance...Ready. Go!

With a bound, the highest the cub could manage-one he was sure the highest any cub to manage the little puma leap off the dune top. A glee of giggles soon fallowed in tumbled laughter as the cub managed at skidded and bumpy descent.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:19 am
The wind's symphony was soon cut short when the blissful, and triumphant, cries of another. Nikita's head lifted as her ears swiveled wildly to pick up just where the sound had come from. Her tail stiffened.


Tiny paws immediately propelled her forward, her ears pinned back while her head lowered. Heart raced with more with excitement with each step she took.

Crimson eyes brightened as she flew up the side of a less impressive dune. It seemed to grow in size as her anticipation grew. Almost. There. For a moment her eyes closed while she worked to make it past the crest of the dune, her tiny claws extended just before the sand seemed to vanish from under her paws. The world flipped upsidown, than it begun to spin mercilessly.


Nikita grunted as it all came to a sudden stop, only everything was upsidown and her paws felt the cool of the air instead of the warm-ish sands. Crimson eyes opened to see the stars below her feet. From there she looked 'up' to see sand, more sand, and a pink patch of... fuzzy sand? Her maw parted a bit.

The heck kind of sand is that?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:48 am
The world was full of sandy tumbled and swirled bliss, till the little cub had stilled to a slightly dizzy halt. Gaining his bearing only took a moment, as he lay in the fading warmth of the sands. A bobbed head, turned to the patter of a second sound of a 'landing', kinda like his own. A curious, pink fluff head popped up as his blue eyes made to gain attention on the Mysterious white tumbling object.

What...was that?

The little tahtll's tail swayed with curiousty, as his own brown legs pulled him to paws. With a taken step, the wild cub swaggered slightly as some of the daze had yet to leave him. A bit of the sand started to pour off his coat in the misguided steps. However, he was too distracted with fascination to shake out his coat fully....

With a sniff, Riot slowed his walk to a prowl, his tail stilled and straightened....

Bright blue eyes, filled with curious wonder fixed themselves on the white creature. With a slight twitch of the tip of his tail, Riot lowered his head. What was this...or rather, who?

The wild cub, sniffed once more and paused as he encroached on the foreign 'object'....

Wanting to see what it was going to do....

was going to do anything....?

He couldn't remember ever seeing something, like it-not that he could remember back that far. The 'Grandweaver' had only just breathed life into him, and told him his 'name' and a few other things....  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:57 am
It moved. Nikita fought past the dizzy spell keeping her on her back to roll over, legs flailing a little awkwardly as she did so. Her tail flickered about wildly until she managed to make it back to her paws, right way.

Her white coat was speckled with obvious sandy debris from her tumble. However, it too was ignored as she made her careful approach of the moving pink sand-thing.

Head ducked below her hunched shoulders. This time she proceeded forward with a careful prowl instead of a wild run. Somehow she knew how to pounce, she knew what stalking was. Hunting had kept her alive all this time. Perhaps this was another form of prey? It didn't smell like the small rodents. It smelled more familiar. The sensation was hard to explain. It peaked her curiosity more than anything else she had experienced in this world.

This held her focus on the pink thing carefully. The rest of it was hard to see against the sand, all but its blue eyes. Those shown like bright gems embedded within a sandy-rock.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:23 am
As the other cub moved, Riot's own head couldn't help but raise ever slightly. His curious tail turned upward, making a vary careful swoop.


He had never seen anything like it, it kinda looked like him-but had weird rocks sticking out of it's head. And it was so white-like the things in the blue sky!

With a taken breath, their was something vary strangely soothing about the other's scent. Like, he didn't know how to explain it-but it wasn't anything that cause to him be fearful of the other creature.

Little brown paws once more tapped gently under him as his body hunker down in the sands. He had no idea how easily, lost he could become in the dusty shifting wake-just that hunting was sometime rather simple in this land...well, for the little things, like bugs, snakes and the occasional mouse.

Though his curiosity getting the better of him, the cub leapt out in a little charge at the white thing.

Riot's goal was stop suddenly at it's side, to get a closer look-and well....just get a closer look.  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:56 am
Nikita had little time to ponder more on the pink sand thing. Within the blink of an eye it was upon her! Her tail seemed to double in size as the fur puffed out, her paws stretched out briefly as she prepared to leap at him. However, as he stopped short she too stopped any movement.

Her tail de-pooffed slowly as she looked into the other being's azure eyes. Something deep within her soul demanded a certain calmness to over take her. At least, that was how she thought to explain it.

For a moment she searched within those azure eyes, as if to find all the answers she was looking for somewhere in there. Perhaps even in that pink tuff, which she occasionally glanced to while 'searching'.

Brows furrowed a little before she moved in closer, her nose within molecules of touching that pink thing that might have been a nose. Her tail formed a "c" that nearly touched the tip to her back.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:34 am
As the cub halted it's self, his body braced ridged in his halt, proudly and chest out his head rose with a upward stance. Blue eyes looked widely into the vary close red one.

Tail remain arched as the Wild cub, froze. It seemed as if they where at a standstill. In his puffed chest, he felt his heart thundering fiercely as his breath seemed to halt at the other's closeness. It's gaze seemed to be screeching for something, was it in his own?

He didn't know, because his own untamed orbs where too busy looking at her own. They seemed to captivate him, in away call out to him-was this what the grand weaver told him to find? The cub found himself hoping that it was.

Riot's tailed whipped to the side, as he seemed to pounder such things.

Leaning just a bit closer, the Tahtll curiosity let his nose touch on the Nahtlil's  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:51 am
Nikita bobbled a bit as the other being's nose made contact with her own. Her breath held a moment as her eyes crossed to look at the strange phenomenon that had just occurred.

Had she thought she was looking for something before, she would have believed now that she had surely found it. Company. Something to chase away the lonely feeling the world seemed to have. This being before her looked like the earth, if the earth gave pink grass. Maybe this was the earth.

For a moment of 'science' Nikita lifted her head a bit to give the strange being a slow lick between the eyes, up past his brow and past the pink tuft. She had to stand nearly on her toes to accomplish such a thing. Tastes just like- dirt? and... something... herself? This one didn't have horns though... and was brown... and pink... and the nose was pink... and the face was fatter.

Results; This one was the same, but different. It definitely was not sand or dirt.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:27 am
Riot's maw parted in an amused smile, as the other one shifted to the little movement. Red contrasting eyes narrowed on their noses together. The little gesture, caused his tail to sweep back , but halt and straightened out as he felt the rough glide off her tongue over his face and head. The wild Tahtll, halted and flinched slightly as his eyes scrunched together letting his head tilt downward, he helped the task be accomplished easier. Why? He full didn't know, but he was finding himself okay with it.

As the Nahtlil pulled away, it was Riot's turn to investigate. The brown cub's 'fatter' face nudged her own, before tipping and raising to get a closer look at the rocks sticking out of her head. His dusty brown paw rose slightly as if to help cox a need to so such a thing. As he did, he took in more of her scent, and it was the strangest thing to smell something like 'you', but different. Like why didn't he have rocks on his head-they looked to be attached, and she looked so much brighter-how did she hide and hunt? If she did-she must had been really good at it....  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:59 pm
Nikita squinted to the slight headbut she received from the other being. Her frame willingly swayed a bit in the direction she was 'pushed'. It was curious. By it she meant the different being now pawing at her horns.

Carefully she lowered her chin to the ground so the other one could get a better look at her horns. Maybe he had lost them? The thought caused her to shudder a little. She wouldn't want to lose her own horns. They were a gift from the weaver.

After a few bats at her horns she tilted her head toward him, her own paw raising a little bit. She allowed it to hover a bit before she carefully reached out toward the other's pink mohawk. Perhaps that was its 'horns'... just softer. It- no, the fateweaver said there would be similar, but be different. Male. It was male.

Her toes spread wide as she neared contact with his face, a smile forming in the corner of her lips. Stretching further the closer she came to making contact. Her crimson eyes brightened. Okay, as odd as it was it was excitingly fun.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:25 pm
As the other cub lowered her head, Riot straightened his stance as his left paw toes felt the solid surface of the horns. It was so weird, why didn't he have any? She was like him, and she was however a 'she' as the grand weaver wordlessly breathed in to his mind. Taking back his paw, Riots maw opened to test these things on her head, as she tilted her head closer-where they really that solid? Though however, such movement paused as her own paw rose..


Eyes darted to her own paw, and his 'fatter' head tilted. His tail whipped behind him wildly, as he dipped the top part of his body. Watching her own little toes, approach his face, he rolled off to the side as if to playfully dodge the testing movement.

A 'fierce' playful roar left the male in a what more could be described as a squeak. As a brown paw stretched out and batted back at her own.  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

GunSniper rolled 1 20-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-20)

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:39 pm
Nikita's paw immediately retracted to the male's sudden movements. Her bum shot up into the air while her front end fell to the floor with a thud. This had by far been the best discovery of her life. The most exciting by far.

A small squeak of a "mewl" left her maw in just as an un-intimidating manner. Her but shook in air a bit, her tail flailed around.

Her ears flopped back playfully as she took several hops backward, keeping her stance, than hopped sideways back toward the male. As all her paws landed on the ground she pivoted her paws on the last leap, and with another playful "mewl" she launched herself paws forward toward the other male. Honestly she was not sure what she was accomplishing, but it was fun. That seemed to count for something.
[ Radical Dreamer ] rolled 1 20-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-20)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:42 pm
Riot's maw dropped open in amusement, as the other cub bound backwards. His amusement reflected even more show in the little sway of his tail. Blue eyes, looked up to the other kitty. The little mews that left her, where as almost fierce as his own.


As paws collided against him, Riots open wrapped around The female spirit and back clawless claws batted at her repeatedly. Hardly any force was used, as his maw out stretched to give another try at gnawing on the horns on her head.

He was still vary curious about them....  

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

GunSniper rolled 1 20-sided dice: 18 Total: 18 (1-20)

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:49 pm
Nikita struggled lightly against the male's attacks. Her eyes closed a bit as he begun to gnaw on her horns. A sharp huff passed her nostrils followed by a loud "mewl".

She allowed it to continue a little more before she crouched down and, with all the strength she could muster, pushed off the ground. Eyes shot open to her sudden movements. Her paws grabbed at the male in an attempt to push and pounce him to his back. If that was accomplished she could try to gnaw on that pink fuzzy puff on his head... while standing over his face.
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