What is a journal?
A journal is a non-mandatory feature in the guild. Some users use journals to showcase their pets with detailed information on each of them, plot searches, family trees, and mates. Some use them to track their roleplays for easy access and reference. Others just use them to keep scrap ideas.

There is no mandatory format. You can borrow the format from another user, but be sure you ask first!

General rules of the journal section:
◘ Do not post in a journal that is not yours without expressed permission by the owner.
◘ Do not claim pets that you do not own as your own.
◘ Do not post offensive images, language, or anything else against the T.O.S in your journal.

Free Journal Format ||
It has been requested that Thally makes this code available to make journaling easier. If you want to use it, feel free! You aren't obligated to this format. Feel free to add or subtract information or use your own format. This is just here for those of you that want a format for your journal but aren't sure what to do.

[align=center][size=24][b][color=]B'alam Namei[/color][/b][/size]
[size=7]| [b]Basic Info[/b] | Family Tree | Idol | Cub | Adult | Magus | Timeline | Photo Album | Relations | Tribe Info | Magus Spell(s) | [/size] [/align]

[imgleft]Image here[/imgleft]
[b]Name:[/b] [size=9] Name | [URL=]Uncert[/URL] | [URL=]Cert[/URL] |[/size]
[b]Meaning:[/b] [size=9][i]Culture name is from[/i] | Meaning | [/size]
[b]Tribe:[/b] [size=9] [/size]
[b]Kingdom/Colony:[/b] [size=9][/size]
[b]Relationship Status:[/b] [size=9] [/size]


[b]Colorist:[/b] [size=9][/size]
[b]Obtained by:[/b] [size=9] [/size]

[b]Theme Song(s):[/b] [size=9][/size]