Oh I once met a moderator named Mashed Potater!
And he said "See you later" just before he was eaten by a hungry alligator.
Well I almost couldn't say much against his haters
but that old mod made the gator vomit him up with a busted rotten tomater
When I asked who he voted for, he said he wasn't an understater and he would always, always support Ralph Nader

Mashed Potater, Mashed Potater
When you meet him he always says see you later
and that old mod survived gettin eaten by an alligator
Yes I never will forget that old mod named Mashed Potater!

At my birthday party, he offered to cater
but that's when I had to say "See you later"
cause he always makes his cakes with
you guessed it! Mashed potaters!

Mashed Potater! Ah see you later!
Mashed Potater! See you later! Ah!
Mashed Potater! Ooh! Alligator!

See you later!
See you later!
See you later! Yeah!