Hey girls~
I need a little help/advice?

I messed around on the trial and now I've recently purchased Clip Studio, I
bought the cheapest version-- Which is CS Pro. Well, now that I have it,
I have no idea how to use it.

On the trial, they said that a lot of tools were not available-- So, I didn't
get to use everything. Now that I wasted $40 on it, I have all the tools and
no idea how to use it?

I'm so used to MyPaint, with only layers, pens and colors... If anyone can
help answer these questions, I'd appreciate it.

- What is stabilizing?
- I heard there was a tool that makes lines less jagged? Where is it?
- Is there a difference between Raster layer and Vector layer?
- Is there a tool to select lines and edit their curve in PRO or is it only in EX?
- Favorite pens/tools for coloring + shading? (I can't find any that I like)

I can't really think of any other questions, but I might have some later...