so I am big on painting. like WAY BIG. I have a ton of brushes and paints in the tubs and stuff, but I have a problem. I got more for Christmas... lots more... like almost twice as much...

my first Christmas where I got serious painting supplies I got a big expandable desk easel with a drawer in it (she is probably one of my favorite things ever! (yea its a she)). I stored all of my brushes and metal-tubed paints in there. when I got more paints in the bottles that fit in there perfectly too. It worked out because whenever i ran out of paints i would throw out the used up/empty tubes and have space for more and I would gradually replace colors, but I got 16 new camel hair brushes (which doubles my brush supply) and a set of 25 acrylic tubes (larger tubes than what I originally got), and another paint palette.
and there is no way in hell all of that will fit in that drawer with everything else.
I don't have any convenient way to store it all. do you guys have any suggestions?

thanks girls. LOVE YOU!!!