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[ARCHIVED] 2013 Autumnal Appreciation (Concept contest)

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 5:19 pm
Autumnal Appreciation

This year we're expanding our annual Halloween event to include all the annual Autumnal celebrations and festivities. We're foregoing the traditional Trick-or-Treats and Costume Balls to offer a unique opportunity for themed Pae'il.

We're having a simple concept contest combined with semi-custom Pae'il.

:[ What You Get ]:
    A chance for an adult Pae'il where you pick the:
    • Gender
    • Personality (including flaws, virtues, and fears)
    • A holiday themed pic to offer the artist inspiration
    • ONE additional aspect, which will include either 3 colors, pattern/markings, hair style (of the available options) or a simple accessory

:[ What the Artist Chooses ]:
  • Which entry inspires a Pae'il. (The goal is to make a believable character and to impress the artists.)
  • Type/Breed (it's going to be a surprise! And it can be one of any available type, including our super rare or new ones -- depends on how inspiring your entry is.)
  • The basic design based on the concept, pic and player's choice of aspect.

:[ Entry Form ]:
[b]Player Name[/b]:
[b]Requested Pae'il Name[/b]:
[b]Personality[/b]: (include 2-3 virtues, and 2-3 flaws)
[b]Fears[/b]: (list 2-3 things this Pae'il is afraid of, and one of them must be physical and cannot be an abstract idea (like afraid of failure or afraid of upsetting his mommy)
[b]Goals[/b]: (of the Pae'il)
[b]Personal Plot Goals[/b]: (Players goals for this character within the established setting.)
[b]Additional Information[/b]: (include in this space additional information that you feel will make your character more interesting. This is not required.)
[b]Player's Choice[/b]: List the ONE aspect of this character you want to control. (Options include: picking 3 colors, hair style (from those available in the [url=www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=23420615]Customs[/url] thread), one simple accessory (such as a sash, hair fastener, shoes, etc.), or the pattern/markings.)

Include an Autumn holiday themed pic behind the [spoiler ] tag to provide additional inspiration for the artists.

:[ Rules ]:
  • One prize per person, however you may enter as many times as you like.
  • Selection of winners is based on how impressed the artist is with the entry.
  • Included inspiration pictures must be themed to Halloween, Samhain, or Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos)
  • Incomplete forms will not be considered.
  • If a player wins, and upon reveal, they don't like the Pae'il or complain about the chosen breed, it will be given away in a free raffle. (No sore winners, please.)
  • The number of Pae'il given away depends entirely on the amount of entries that inspire the artists to create the character.
  • Please allow the artists time to create the Pae'il after submissions close. Winners will be announced via an announcement in the main thread.

We will be accepting entries for one week. From midnight (EST) October 30th, to midnight November 6th.

Please post completed forms in this thread.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:30 pm
Player Name: Fea Line
Requested Pae'il Name: Dosvidaniya
Gender: Female
Cunning: More so in the sense that she knows what to avoid in nature so as to not end up dead. She knows how to slip away undetected from possible danger so long as it has not seen her first. If she is caught, she usually is good at doubling back and losing them or shaking them off her trail
Adept at living solo off the land from years of experience. As she's grown up, shes learned which plants and herbs to avoid and which are helpful. She can hunt small animals for meat but prefers to avoid the big dangerous ones... for obvious reasons.

Superstitious: Her fear of blackbirds is what started her superstition because one flew at her when she was young and it traumatized her for life. Any little thing that goes wrong while she is doing some kind of action becomes part of her superstitions and she will refuse to do said actions. Such as stepping in one spot of her house because she slipped when she did that day. Or setting a cub next to the vase because she accidentally bumped them and knocked them off the counter.

Prone to hysterical outbursts: She will just randomly start twitching or run around cackling madly, waving her arms in the air, doing strange things that she wont remember doing once it's passed. She wont hurt anyone, unless for some reason the other player wants her too for plots?
Fears: Thunderstorms (actual lighting and thunder, just rain is ok) and blackbirds are her biggest two fears.
Goals: To ensure that all Paeil who manage to find her goes without one of her trademark "magical trinkets" that ward off evil spirits. "It's dangerous to go alone. Take one of these ~"
Personal Plot Goals: RP the crap out of her! biggrin Actually if possible, somehow make her have some kind of awesome role somewhere or maybe in a meta event where she can be awesome and weird.
Additional Information: Dosvidaniya is meant to be that mysterious 'witch' you may be lucky to see but difficult to find.. and once you do find her, you regret you ever did. She is beyond quirky without necessarily realizing it. She often switches what she insists you call her by. One day it may be Vi, one week, Dani, one second her entire name. She is the 'crazy lady in a cabin in the woods'.... only she's not really crazy....... or is she? Only one way to find out.
Player's Choice: Simple Accessory: A jacket like the one in the ref pic.

Inspirational Picture:
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Fea Line

Spoopy Kitten

15,725 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Cool Cat 500

Wolfs Heart

Invisible Wolf

18,250 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Over Easy 100
  • Sunny Side Up 100
PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:56 pm
Player Name: Wolfs Heart
Requested Pae'il Name: Mabon
Gender: Male
-Forward-thinker: Mabon understands that "you reap what you sow", so he is always thinking of and aware of future rewards/consequences of his current actions
-Balanced: He can be very noble and charming, protective, and occasionally hard-working
-Lazy: Despite his forward-thinking, he is laid back in attitude and actions, and sometimes chooses to ignore the possible consequences that he is aware of.
-Balanced: He has a darker, mischievous side that is just as prevalent as his lighter side, so he'll sometimes stir up trouble for the sake of balance.
-Loneliness: He fears being alone, and is constantly seeking friendship
-Fire: Wild and destructive, he hates fire to the point of fear
Goals: To build relationships and find balance within the world and himself.
Personal Plot Goals: In this character's strive and praising of balance, depending on what breed he is, have him be involved in the metaplot somehow. He'll be trying to judge which side is right, but also might be somewhat protective of the taint due to his beliefs that you need both dark and light. (Information revealed to him will effect his opinion on this matter).
Additional Information: I'm trying to base him on the concepts of autumnal equinox and Libra, so there will be a lot of conflict within himself as he struggles with his own light and dark sides and parts of his personality that conflict with each other.
Player's Choice: one simple accessory: a beard, if possible
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:55 pm
Player Name: o0_Daisuke_0o
Requested Pae'il Name: Zsinoir
Gender: Female
* Kind - If ever there is a someone she sees in need, whether it be for food, a shoulder to cry on, or something else, she will be able and willing to help. Nothing in return is expected,
* Non-Judgmental - You may be a faun, an aquatic, a blood pae or a fey, perhaps even a hybrid, it means nothing. You may be cruel, motherly, quiet, melodramatic, stoic, it will not mean anything more to her than it is. If you can be a good friend, no matter the circumstance, she will accept you as you are.
* Unemotional - Rather than simply being unable to express her emotions, it is as if she simply does not feel anything. Things that should make her happy are no more special than what should anger her, nor are her close friends treated as anything more than an acquaintance might. This makes it very difficult on her to make/keep friends, or to interact with most others.
* Split-Personality Disorder - This is not just saying that her emotions can be varied; she literally has two separate, distinctive personalities within her. The first is the one that has been mostly described here, but the second is much darker, more malicious, sensual. Not that Zsinoir is aware of it, for when her dominant personality returns, the memories disappear. It is mostly prevalent in situations where one might normally feel strong, negative emotions (ex: fear, anger, spitefulness)
* Spiders
* Isolation
Goals: I feel like this will be highly dependent on what breed she ends up being, but, being her, I feel like it would be something as simple as to master her power.
Personal Plot Goals: I'd like her to come to realize about her condition, along with everything that will be needed for her to come to terms with it. Will be fun to see how other pae react to it.
Additional Information:
User Image

Player's Choice: I would like to chose the pattern/markings please smile Lace designs on her limbs, neck, and possibly ears.  


Aged Genius


Sexy Believer

15,150 Points
  • Team Jacob 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Party Animal 100
PostPosted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:09 pm
Player Name: Seruta
Requested Pae'il Name: Adrasteia
Gender: Female
Personality: She's a very silent and calm individual. Only really speaking when the time is necessary or when mis-information needs to be corrected. She never exprseses any sort of emotion, appearing apathetic which causes most conversations to dwindle to nothing rather quickly and gaining labels and titles of 'eerie', 'disturbing' and 'downright scary'. you know... besides the fact of being downright gorgeous...
-- 1. She is considered a beautiful individual. It is said that she appears this way to make the transition into the hands of death easier to overcome. If you had to pick between a gorgeous woman and a hideous venom spewing creature to walk with into the hands of death, wouldn't you prefer the beautiful woman? Yeah. Thought so.
-- 2. Unbiased - She doesn't understand the concept of hate and the like, so having any sort of ill will towards another is non-existant.
-- 1. Lacks Emotion - This is both in the sense that she cannot express emotion. Not even a tear or a grin. Anything that could potentially pull at one's heartstrings, she appears unaffected. (*Think DEATH from the Terry Pratchett books*))
-- 2. Unbiased - No matter the situation or the events, she's very straightforward and to the point. Everything is matter-of-fact. How it is to be. How it came to be. No small factors - such as 'This woman has children, mayhaps there's a reason I can spare her?' - will alter the reason as to why she has come for you.
-- 3. Fails at generic conversation - Because of her expressionless/emotionless attitude in common conversation, she is often referred to as dull and has little to no friends at all. She doesn't understand the concept of gossip and upon hearing any, her two cents will be rather direct, to the point, and matter-of-fact, cause any sort of gossip/rumor to fall flat in an instant. This is to show more once she takes an... "interest" in understanding emotion. Otherwise, she doesn't get out much...

Fears: There isn't much that would stir up fear in the emotionless creature that is Adrasteia. Perhaps, if she would to pinpoint something as "Unfortunate", then it would be the possibility that she will one day have to retrieve herself. This leads into the second "fear" or "misfortune" which is the idea that she has no real idea on what lies beyond for Pae that go in passing. That being said, she has no idea as to what may become of her and that alone is a bit of a quandary.
Another "unfortunate misfortune" she may consider a "fear" would be the possible rare occasion of when she might retrieve an individual that is not yet ready to be retrieved. In other words, she grabs the wrong person and beings them to their fate.
Goals: To eventually understand and experience an emotion for herself. She finds emotions to be a rather intriguing topic and shows even the slightest of interest on talking with a Pae she is to retrieve to understand the importance behind their fear/love/sorrow/hate/etc. This will be hard to do and quite a rocky road for anyone
Personal Plot Goals: I wanna be the very best like no one ever was! Nono... To be so amazing I'm asosmwe!... Nope. Ah! I got it! <3
To one day place her in a role that's more important than just the "Harbinger" of Death. AKA To make her the image of Death him/herself! :3 I understand that this is a big role to fill and also a possible plot device/plot carrier type of role, but I'm more than understanding of the rules of secrecy and am willing and able to comply with any rulings you awesome Shop Goddesses Mods might bestow upon me.
Additional Information: I know the above flattery won't get me a better chance at this than anyone else, but let me just say.... I love you all. Thank you for this opportunity at least. <3
Player's Choice: Just one?! ~whines and stomps foot~ Fine... A headdress much like this one, but without the spiky crown bit... You guys are more than welcome to CC the colors of the piece as well. <3  
PostPosted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:07 pm
Player Name: Antidia
Requested Pae'il Name: Marigold
Gender: female
+ Majestic as ********> - Marigold is dignified and extremely beautiful, most of the time.
+ Honest - she can be blunt, but she will always tell the truth as she believes it.
+ Hummingbird - she has as much energy as two pae put together. Prone to rush in to things.
+ Loquacious - chatterbox, uses ten words when she only needs to use one. Tends to be a little preachy, and most of the time doesn't listen very well.
+ Nitroglycerin - the's very excitable, and it doesn't take much to set her off. She is not angry or aggressive, but the more excited she is, the less she uses her brain and the more careless she becomes. She can't sit still for more than two minutes.
Fears: closed spaces (claustrophobic), snarly animals (so basically anything in Dragnid), falling (even if she ends up with wings), and being alone (without friends or pae to talk to)
Goals: To integrate herself in society and be accepted by everyone. She wants everyone to love her. She would also like to be Queen someday. (of the island, of the forest, of the lake, whatever. She just wants the title and privileges.)
Personal Plot Goals: I don't have plans to integrate her into the metaplot, but I'm not ruling it out if she happens to fill a niche that opens up later on. I just want a fun, little ball of energy to RP and drive other pae nuts with. Also, I do want to use her "Judgy Smurf" flaw to perpetuate the biases of the factions.
Additional Information: She is named after the flower associated with Day of the Dead
Player's Choice: A marigold marking/tattoo somewhere on her.

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Vice Captain

Sparkling Fairy

Twitchapher the 3rd

Beeping Lunatic

18,840 Points
  • Who's The Boss Now? 300
  • Blob's To You 100
  • Super Converter 100
PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:47 pm
Player Name: Twitchapher the 3rd
Requested Pae'il Name: Tefnut
Gender: Female
Kind to a fault- Tefnut is nice and polite, so much she'd rip the shirt from her back to help someone in need...If she wore a shirt. She always wants to believe the goodness in others and help everyone she sees.

Motherly- Tefnut can't help but look after the well being other others and she adores kids. Asking her to babysit might make her faint with joy.

Super Shy- Tefnut is so shy it hinders her on a day to day bases. She stutters in front of new people and she takes a long time to get to know strangers. It's hard for her to make friends as she tends to avoid others. Being torn between her love of children and her fear of others have left her in a sad state.

Naive- Tefnut wish to see the good in everyone has led her to being hurt in the past and continues to affect her. She fails to learn that there are those with dark hearts that will never change and so she is easily used. She just can't understand why others hurt each other and she may never.
Heights- Tefnut is terrified of heights, as such if she is a breed with wings, she may never fly.
Demonic- Tefnut was bullied relentless as a child by a group of demonics and now she has developed a fear of them. It will take her ages to trust one if she ever allows one to get close to her.

Goals: To have children of her own
Personal Plot Goals: Really depends on a few things, though she getting close to someone only to be used will probably be one of her main plots and probably how she comes to have kids.
Additional Information: Tefnut is named after the Egyptian goddess of moisture, moist air, dew and rain. *the more you know*
Player's Choice: A belt like on this costume.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:06 pm
Player Name: Oziandra
Requested Pae'il Name: Avidan
Gender: Male


Loyal: Once someone has earned Avidan's loyalty, through shows of trustworthiness, being there for her and her friends, and generally not being a jerk, he will be there for them through thick and thin. Though he draws the line at committing felonies and physical aggression (he's okay with defense, just not offense), he'll do just about anything for someone for whom he cares. Though generally even-tempered, Avidan will become extremely angry if he realizes that somebody has betrayed his loyalty, and will cut off all contact with the person indefinitely. Forgiveness might be possible if the person could manage to get a hold of her and prove themselves to be decent and ethical.

Driven: Avidan is an extremely motivated individual. He will work very hard to achieve his goals. In spite of his ambitions, he is not the sort to step on other people to get what he wants, and wants to see other Pae succeed as well as he does. After all, they're trying to advance as much as he is. His intense drive does occasionally result in insomnia and health problems, but he only slows down as much and as long as he needs to to recover and get back to work.

Mischievous: Avidan has always had a mischievous streak, enjoying pranks and jokes a little too much. Though capable of taking things seriously, he generally prefers not to let things become "too heavy", and will strive to lighten the mood in an uncomfortable situation. Some people find him funny, while others are intensely annoyed by his occasionally inappropriate timing.


Guarded: In spite of his compassionate, friendly nature, it is difficult to get to know Avidan at his deepest levels. He'll form many surface friendships quickly, but to form a deeper relationship, it could take years. This issue has cost him several of his prior romantic relationships, his partners becoming frustrated with his difficulties with emotional intimacy. He isn't sure from where these problems stem, but he has never had an easy time getting truly close to people.

Impulsive: Avidan is a very impulsive individual, sometimes to his frustration not too long afterward. Impulse buying is a large way in which this comes out, spending too much money on stupid things ge sees in an out of the way shop or that weird doodad with the flailing monkey on top. This tends to have bad effects on him financially, and often he can barely pay his rent due to irresponsible spending. To a lesser extent as he has gotten older, his impulsivity in terms of things that are physically dangerous has lessened, but there are still times when he just can't resist jumping off the balcony into the pool, or riding down a hill in a cart. He has been injured this way, but not lately, so it's all good.


Deep Water: Avidan has a deep seated fear of deep water. Though he has never experienced anything particularly negative around deep water, the sense of the unknown that lies within is enough to bring him to the verge of a panic attack should he think about it too long.

Centipedes: Or anything with too many legs. Something about them creates a primal terror in him and he wants nothing to do with anything near them.

Disease: Avidan is a hypochondriac, and has an abject terror of contracting an illness, beyond a normal fear of being sick.

Goals: To find a nice lady, maybe have some paelings. To help serve the community to the best of his ability.

Personal Plot Goals: I want to advance him within the setting, find him a mate and a breeding or two and have him develop his powers. Maybe make him a centipede wildsoul or something to do with summoning disease.

Additional Information:

Player's Choice: A green journal similar to this one please



Alien Cat

12,675 Points
  • Conventioneer 300
  • Waffles! 25
  • Partygoer 500


Toothsome Fairy

14,725 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Happy Birthday! 100
PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:28 pm
Player Name: Menelie
Requested Pae'il Name: Catrina (Spanish; elegant, dapper, rich-looking)
Gender: Female
* Elegant – Catrina is above all else graceful and elegant. She is poised, refined, and has a taste for the finer things in life. She is tactful and well-spoken. She dresses well, carries herself well, and always has a confident air about her.
* Shrewd – She knows how to conserve her resources and spend wisely. Not only will she strike a good bargain, she’ll make sure that the other party comes out happy as well—so they’ll come back later. She has an eye for quality and is never fooled by cheap imitations or swindlers. (Think Elle Woods from Legally Blonde in the scene where she completely schools a salesperson about fabric and fashion.)
* Haughty – Appearances and how one presents themselves are much more important to Catrina than personality or deeds. She’s extremely vain about her own appearance, and has been known to spend hours in front of a mirror.
* Social climber – Loyalty is a nebulous thing for Catrina. She strives to be in the most advantageous position possible, so if the current “team” she’s playing for appears to be losing…she isn’t above changing sides.
* Poverty – What Catrina fears most is being left destitute, without anything to live off of. This fear is much of what motivates her social climbing behavior. Even the mere sight of those living in poverty, or signs of those living in poverty, is enough to send Catrina running, her heart racing, her hands clammy, and her knees shaking.
* Shame – Since her status is very important to her, Catrina fears being publicly shamed or embarrassed. How she presents herself is one of her main focuses in life, so looking bad in front of other people fills her with dread.
Goals: Mostly to be in the best social position possible. If that involves rubbing elbows with those in power, that’s what she’ll do. If that involves getting married and having a dozen kids, that’s what she’ll do. If that involves abandoning the life she’s made in order to join a different faction, then she’ll totally do it.
Personal Plot Goals: All my characters are super loyal to their own kind. I want a character who’d rather jump ship and join the “enemies” than stick with a losing side.
Additional Information: The modern image of the fancied-up skeleton that’s really popular around El Día de los Muertos comes from an etching called “La Calavera Catrina” by José Posada, made in 1910-1913ish. It depicts a skeleton wearing a big, elegant hat. According to the artist, it’s somewhat of a satire of Mexican natives who over-embraced European fashion and the traditions of the aristocracy. I drew a lot of inspiration from this idea for my concept.
Player's Choice: I’d like for her to have the flower crown depicted here on the skeleton on the left (without the veil).
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 5:11 pm
Player Name: Tartara Seabreeze
Requested Pae'il Name: Ichane (From Ichabod Crane)
Gender: Male
Personality: (include 2-3 virtues, and 2-3 flaws)
Comical - He loves to tell a corny, punny joke! Whenever possible, he'll make a pae crack a smile.
Secretive - Ichane knows how to keep a secret...no matter how dark it is. Tell him something in confidence, and you know he'll take it to the grave. That includes his own skeletons.
Giving - If he had a shirt he'd give it to you! He loves to treat strangers or friends alike and give things away even if it isn't needed. Food, clothing, his own house, doesn't matter. He'll give without the pae saying a word about it.

Obligated - He'll give you something, but it's not for free! Depending the item given, he'll expect something back. Could be a favor or an object, depends on his mood. There's no set time-limit as it depends on whim. He could want it immediately or three years from now. And if you don't give when he wants it...he just might take.
Twisted - As much as he loves to make pae laugh, he loves to make them scream. In fear of course. He aims to scare, not harm. His gifts might contain a box of spiders or he'll hide in waiting behind a bush. Perhaps jump down on a pae from above. Who knows?
- Receiving something he can't pay back. Obligation goes both ways, and if a pae gives him something priceless, he'll be forever in debt.
- Anything with hooves. Faun included. Something about the extremities gives him the heebie jeebies. If he's a faun...well, that would be quite interesting. Hopefully there are shoes for hooves.
Goals: To atone for his horrible sins. A terrible accident caused by his neglect has left him eternally in debt. What was that? Well...that's his secret.
Personal Plot Goals: He'll be full in to the metaplot as he believes this might be the only way he could fulfill his sin. Maybe he will and his endless cycle of 'obligation' could finally rest.
Additional Information: 90 percent of my pae have a perfectly fine childhood and live like they have no consequences. Ichane knows full well what a moment, a split second, can do to ones entire life. He'll have nightmares and sporadic episodes of just giving everything he has to make the guilt go away.
Player's Choice Simple Accessory - Somewhere, somehow, a chain. Could be around his arm, a necklace, shackles, I'm not picky. Something he keeps around to remind him of his debt.

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Tartara Seabreeze

Feral Kitten

11,190 Points
  • Millionaire 200
  • Hunter 50
  • Tycoon 200


Shameless Shapeshifter

21,640 Points
  • Person of Interest 200
  • Signature Look 250
  • Dressed Up 200
PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:19 pm
Player Name: Teigra
Requested Pae'il Name: Naya'il
Gender: Male
  • Analytical - If it's a puzzle of any type, a mystery, or a complex issue that needs solved, he'll pick the problem apart, taking it piece by piece until comprehension is attained.
  • Charismatic - His studies of other Pae'il have proven very informative, especially in the matters of how they deal with one another socially. So, when he chooses to, he can be quite charismatic and charming, though he does so out of a deeper scientific curiosity rather than the genuine desire to socialize. It is an entertaining game, one in which he has studied to learn the rules to play, rather than understanding instinctively like many Pae'il.
  • Driven - Not so far as to be a disorder such as OCD, but once he has latched onto a problem, he can't stop working on it until it is solved. To do so would be far too distressing to consider and might distract him from his other work, so once he takes on a job, he will see it through to completion.

  • Detached - Other Pae'il are merely subjects to be studied. He does not openly seem to identify himself as one, not in the sense that others would. If asked directly, of course he is a Pae'il. But, he does not share the empathy that many do for their kind; he fails to understand why one would 'feel' anything for another when it does not directly affect themself. The entire concept is foreign and seems absurd and possibly even a sign of being deranged.
  • Sociopath - While his detached nature is the primary clue of his sociopathic nature, it is only the most easily recognized. He seems to have no conscience when dealing with others, doing as he wishes, with no thoughts for whether something is 'right' or 'wrong'. He is simply curious for results. He cannot understand these Pae'il on an empathic level, so he seeks to do so on a scientific level. He feels no sympathy, nor love, nor empathy for others. Only emotionless curiosity.
  • Easily Bored - He requires constant stimulation, hence his endless research and quest for more subjects. If ever he is left too long without something to preoccupy his mind, it turns towards darker diversions, allowing a less scientific, more sadistic nature to slip through...

  • Stag Beetles - Creepy, pointy little horned bastards...
  • Loss of Control - Nothing frightens him more than the idea of losing control over himself/his situation. He may seem cool and collected, but as soon as his control is threatened, whether over himself, another person, or his surroundings, the calm mask begins to crack, exposing the hidden desire for power and control that drives him from within. Perhaps this is why he's so driven to learn and understand each new idea or concept he encounters, in order to gain power and control over it.
  • His Own Death - An end to a tedious game, with only the hope for something more tedious beyond, if that. Frightening.

Goals: To see and understand the world, including these strange creatures that call themselves Pae'il, to map their drives and ambitions, as well as finding the true depths of their so-called convictions.
Personal Plot Goals: To find/create challenging, character-driven RP with others, exploring complex relations and interactions between characters, while adding a more serious, dangerous, unpredictable sort of character to the mix to shake up some of those who may have settled into complacency while wearing their rose-colored glasses.
Additional Information: What is the true measure of a Pae'il? It's not their size, nor ability, nor even their personality. All of these things can be changed or taken away. What of the choices one makes? When one's convictions are on the line, and they are put to the fire, will they allow themselves to burn, or sacrifice their beliefs to save themselves? Curious...
Player's Choice: I'd like some sort of sash/wrap/cloak/cowl...some sort of flowy, simple fabric...color and design is CC (Colorist's Choice). ^_^
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:45 pm
Player Name: Sailornorthstar
Requested Pae'il Name: Icy
Gender: Female
*Curiosity: She wants to know more about the people around her to help her to understand why people react the way that they do to her. Her questions can cause others to be annoyed by her.
*Truthfulness: She is known to speak only the truth which can cause her to have a lot of trouble because because she can not lie about what she is doing. She is trying to learn how to talk with out telling the truth.
*Patience: She is known for being about to sit and wait for things to happen just like how others wait for the first frost she waits for things to happen.
*Icy stare: She is known for staring at people causing people to think that she is angry at them when she is actually is just looking at them and thinking about something.
*Blunt: Since she speaks the truth she can be very blunt because she is not very tactfull to haw to speak. Many people who hear her think she is being rude and do not like to be around her.
*Pest: she can be a big pain because she is always asking lots of questions or just staring at some one making others uncomfortable causing others to want to send her away.

*Heat stroke: Because Icy is based of a early frost in the fall she is not a fan of heat. That does not mean that she is scared of heat she is scared of being over heated. To deal with this she keeps away from being in the sun for a long enough time.
*Isolation: Icy is scared of being alone. This problem is not helped by the fact that she bothers others and makes them want to stay away from her.
Goals: She wants to be able to make friends with others and stop them being scared of her. She also wants to figure out what she is meant to do in life.
Personal Plot Goals: I want her to make some friends that will help her with her fears and also accept her for what she is.
Additional Information: I have always been intrested in the first frost of the year and that normally happens during the fall.
Player's Choice: I would like her eyes she be sharp looking and frosty blue in color.

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Generous Giver


PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:29 pm

We discussed long and hard which entries would make good characters and pretty Pae'il. It was a difficult decision all around, but in the end, we had to go with the entries that were most inspirational and followed directions.

We each picked a top three:

Teigra's Choices -
  • Fea Line's Dosvidaniya
  • Tartara Seabreeze's Ichane
  • Antidia's Marigold

Antidia's Choices -
  • Seruta's Adrasteia
  • Oziandra's Avidan
  • Teigra's Naya'il

And because there were a couple entries who's characters we liked, but we just couldn't get a clear picture for how the Pae would look, we're offering 2 second place prizes.

  • Menelie
  • Wolfs Heart

We filled up the Prize Pot and Adoption thread with a whole bunch of new Pae'il, and we'd like to invite you both to select a Pae'il from those available, and you can apply your concept to that Pae and still get your custom edit added. Just PM Guardian_Iris with your choice, and the edit you requested.

Thank you everyone that entered! If we had the time to make all the Pae'il we would because the entries were awesome. Don't be discouraged, though. We'll be having more opportunities for special Pae'il coming up for the holidays!  
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