Hello everyone. Lately my current avi has been constantly cited for its horrid irony with the way things are going, so Monocle Jesus is here to stay a while. I see many, many people are very hurt and upset by the reason stream of announcements, everything from cancelling the largely-ineffective AtA to the "we honestly don't care what you think, how angry you are, or how much you love your little game" tone many feel was taken in the announcements. Many, many people are calling for transparency in the company before they will invest, before they will try to right this sinking ship, and here's the crux of the entire situation: We don't know and there's nothing in the world that says we should. GI is, in the end, a private company. If so chosen, they could use the money they're given to light cuban cigars in their summer homes in the Bahamas and it's not our business. I'm seriously disappointed, a lot of my life, good and bad, came through this site, and I hate to see what's happening happen, but in the end, I have to respect that it is their prerogative to do with their investments what they feel is right, and it is my prerogative to not support their venture. I loved this site so much, but at this point I don't know if it's worth saving, either for sentimental or monetary value. Would I like to see transparency? Yes, of course I would, but I know I shouldn't expect and I know I won't get it. I just really, really hope that the men in charge will see how depressed and lost the community is right now and do the right thing and try to do things the right way.

~bespectacled Jesu