Ragna The Bloodedge, Known as "The Red Devil."
Son of: Okuni Tenshi, Lord Raizen The Bloodedge.
Brother of: Tyrim The Bloodedge

Race- Hybrid
Age- Immortal
Height- 5'7'
Weight- 150 lbs.

After the Battle with Satan, Okuni had just enough strenght to give birth to her Two sons before breathing her final breath, Ragna and Tyrim.

Growing up, Ragna was an ambious kid. Breaking and pushing his body past it's limits, knowing his brother always one step behind him. He had very many leadership qualities, but chose to deny it. His father, Lord Raizen, saw the Potential of a New Breed of a Bloodedge. The Strongest. Testing him every second of everyday, whether it was physical conditioning to mental mind games. Acing everything with precision, his brother showed no sign of fatigue.

Years passed, At the Age of 16, Ragna joined the "NA" (Nephilm Army). Ranked as Lieutenant, he was in charge of access denied, covert operations.
He soon learned as a soldier the essence of respect, courage, and self- discipline. He came to find that life was no longer a game, childs play was over. It was time to take charge and be a soldier.

Over the last few months on Earth fighting endless wars, Ragna finally Returned to Nephilm. Raizen awaited his son's appearance after not seeing him lately. Tyrim was too busy to see he arrival of his brother, he was tending to much more dramatic matters somewhere on Earth.

Raizen took Ragna to a grassy prairie, Showing him a giant Angelic Gravestone, where read his Mother's name.
Raizen told him she was God's Protector, The Angel of Justice, but died by the hand's of his Father, Satan.

Ragna shook his head in fury as tears started to swell in his eyes, swearing one day he would avenge his mothers death. Raizen noticed something different about Ragna. His hair started to light up a dark white color, his eyes covered completely red, dirt beneath him started to circle in a ring around his entire body. He did it, Raizen thought to himself with a smile.. He is now a Bloodedge.
Ragna infuriated, held out his hand in a claw motive, noticing that he had sharp fingernails. Assuming he attained the Bloodedge seal, he snapped back to normal and awaited to test the power later.

On Raizen's Side, The Katana, Sophymara, started to glow due to the pressure of Ragna's awakened Bloodedge state.
Raizen in shock, shakily handed the blade to him as he stood back in awe at the sight that his son is actually "The Red Devil" (The only one who can ultimately unlock Sophymara's true power).

Few years passed, Ragna, a 21 year old, was going to be appointed today as The Prince of Nephilm. Raizen turned to pick up the circlet to place on his head, Ragna had vanished and left the city.
Raizen sent Syphon X after him to bring him back. Unsure if Ragna had found out his master plan.