Just a few poems I've written recently.

The days wear down my bones
And each night as I settle into sleep
My muscles scream in relief at rest.
Not even two decades have worn me down,
From work, walking, standing, straightening.
It's difficult to walk with a proud head up high,
To prove my family wrong and show them what i can do.
It's difficult to show to the world that I'm not to be ignored.
It's difficult to prove my worth to all i meet.
Underestimation, my father warned me, is inevitable:
You're a woman.
You're outspoken.
You're a writer.
Nobody will take you seriously.
Oh how I wish I'd taken that as a warning sign;
Perhaps it would be easier to fall into the roles
That were laid out for me at birth by my sexist family.
Some days I feel the burring pain of success,
And I wonder if I shouldn't just stop.
Give up on my hopes and dreams for the sake of my neck and feet.
I am far too stubborn for my family.
They want a little wife, a perfect mother.
I want a career, an education, a name for myself.
I was not cut out for the life my family wants for me,
However easy it may seem.
I was made to swim against the crowd, the current, and the chaos.
I was made to stir up hurricanes with the salad tossers they handed me,
I was made to swallow their poison and survive it by immunity.
I was made to be beaten, but I was never made to be broken.

Missing You
"Baby you were my picket fence,
I'll miss missing you now and then."

It was stupid of me to fall in love
With a girl like you.
I should have known
All along
That we wouldn't work.
But I do not regret
A single moment.
My heart was hurt
And now it's mended.
If I really knew you
I wouldn't have thought about it
Wouldn't have chanced it
Wouldn't have let those words enter my mind.
But I did, and now you've left.
But I did, and I am behind, missing you.
I do not mourn what could have been
Because it never was.
And though I was angry beyond all doubt,
I was angry at myself,
Mourning the thought I'd conjured in my head.
So I'll move on,
I've made my peace,
And maybe one day
I'll love you again.

A Writer
Writing is my art
Some people can take a mathematic equation
And make it into a logical theory.
I can take words and warp them.

A sentence for me is a piece of string
To bind the package of a character.
That package holds the hopes and dreams,
The sadness, the anger, the fate
And the package is held together by one sentence
Carefully chosen to express emotion.

I can whisper a word in your ear through a lonely woman
With sadness deep in her eyes.
As you feel sympathy for her, I am playing
The chess game of words versus words.

Each effect that you feel
Was made by simple words I strung together.
The keys of my writing piano clack together
Forming music that makes no sense to your ears.
But I hear the words that are being whispered.
I feel the breath of the muses on my neck, as they fight to be heard.

What I give you to read is not my own,
For the universe has bestowed it upon me
For your viewing purposes.