Ok, I am an avon rep, and I wanted to share some products that are popular. Please check them out, and if you are interested, message me, I also have a website, www.youravon.com/zmojaver

Here is some cute perfume, called haiku, http://shop.avon.com/product.aspx?cat_type=C&dept=ten&pf_id=1156

Also, here is some bugspray that is going on sale for the summer
http://shop.avon.com/product.aspx?level2_id=303&pdept_id=344&dept_id=421&cat_type=B&pf_id=44749 It is for 4.99

And an embellished butterfly necklace: http://shop.avon.com/product.aspx?cat_type=C&dept=ten&pf_id=47716

Please contact me if you would like, or pass this on to someone who may be interested.