Mei was not at all surprised to come across the corridor which lead to the haunted house again. It was only a matter of time really. Though, she wasn't sure who it was she might encounter on her way through the ominous building. She had some sort of make shift alliance going with the hunters right now, but she highly doubted that every hunter would be so willing to let her pass through unscathed. No, it was best she prepare for the worst when entering this building. If she was to fight another white coat, then there was nothing there could be done about it.

Loosing a quiet sigh, the doll made her way through the building, tenderly rubbing at her arms as if to give her the unneeded warmth. As usual, the place was quite eerie, and had no one in sight. It was possible that her 'opponent' was already here and waiting here for her, but she had no way to be certain. Pressing on a little further, she finally stopped at the end of the hall when coming across a dead end. To her left there was an empty room, with the odd bit of glass on the floor. Perhaps there was someone in here before her?

Rolling a 6: ALL STUDENT/ HUNTER HP IS HALVED. You feel tired.... cold...numb. It becomes increasingly hard to focus as the battle draws on.
- Post your battlegrounds thread in this subforum, simple title it as your wish and write it as [HAUNTED HOUSE] [1 VS 1] NAME HERE (or however versus people you want up to 3 vs 3)