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Interesting Lunatic

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:33 pm
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There once was a role play Idea that never seemed to catch on so it bloomed into it's own little story. Have fun reading it. Any comments on it just send me a pm or something.

**Please note the pictures used are from DA - I - Shanyanguonna just mashed them together for what I needed.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:42 pm
The Cast and their part in the story

The mains
Eli Ryan Winchester = The Pirate Captain
Ashlee Howe/Charles = Heroin

The rest

Most likly to re-appear
Marvin = Family loyal butler

Mr. Eric Shalms = Pirate Captain's (Eli) First Mate
Roger = Pirate Ship Boy
David = Pirate Ship Boy
Charles = Pirate Ship Boy
Elliot = Pirate Ship Boy
Benny = Pirate Ship Boy

Most likly never to re-appear
Navel Captain of HMS Mercury = Navel Captain #1
Mr.Allyee = Navel Captain's first Mate

The Unknown shows



Interesting Lunatic

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Interesting Lunatic

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:46 pm

Page 1
Post 1- Title Page
Post 2- Cast
Post 3 - Index
Post 4- Chapter 1
Post 5- Reviews/comments on Ch 1
Post 6- Chapter 2
Post 7 - Reviews/comments on Ch 2

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:05 pm
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Jamaica was just now becoming what was considered civilized to British standards. One of the royal families was sent over the seas to help govern the small area that way they would not stray like the new founding countries; America and Australia had. The Howe families was rather important to the King considered that they were raising his only daughter; Ashlee. King George wanted to keep his daughter safe from harm in all ways possible, and being his daughter alone placed her at risk. The only ones who knew that she was his daughter were Him, his wife, and the foster parents. They were waiting till she was 18 to bring her home. Throughout her life, George was known as her uncle but never anything more, even though he spoiled her to no end.

Ashlee grew up a very sheltered life, as most royal daughters did. She taught her manners since she could speak, learned to do everything the royal way since she could do anything. At the age of ten she was sent to a school in the America’s for young women. It was there she learned more of how to be a governess, manage children, sew and many other things she would need to know to help her future husband. But unlike the other girls Ashlee was not aloud so go to the boys college to sing, or join them for tea. She never understood why she was kept away from all the boys and was never told why. She once asked her mother and was told to shush, and as a lady of her time she did as she was told.

Now Ashlee is a young woman, who was of the fine age of seventeen, was proper as a queen, and unaware of her birth rights. On a fine day Ashlee had receive a letter from her parents that she would be spending the summer with them, in Jamaica! She was thrilled to finally get to leave the Americas! Of course the young woman went to her bed in the room that was rowed with twenty four beds, and started to pack immediately. It was not going to be hard considering all of her friends had already left to go spend the summer with their parents at home. The few girls that were left were only waiting on their letters as well.

Once packed and ready she went down the stairs to the greeting room were her driver already awaited her. Her driver, Marvin, was a family employee man, his family had served hers throughout the centuries and he was bond to them for his life till he broke away to have his own family. Marvin bowed to his young Mistress and greeted her with a smile, last time he had seen her she was just a young girl afraid of starting school. Now she was a full grown woman ready to take on the world with her grace and beauty. Ashlee was overcome with joy to see Marvin and dropped her bags in the Hall to give him a great big hug, it was already like being home again. “Miss, we do not want to be late for our ship do we?” Marvin asked in a cool collected tone as he gave her a soft hug back then broke away to retrieve her bags.

Outside was a four horse carriage awaiting, four horses always meant higher class, Ashlee climbed on in and settled down for the short ride down to the docks. As they went she watched out her window smiling as she would not miss the good old town, Boston. The town itself she was not really a fan of, but then again she never really got to go out and explore the town itself. Ah there was the ship that awaited them, H.M.S. Mercury, what a fine ship she really was. She was one of the biggest ships that her uncle could send and know that she would safely be taken home.

Her door was opened up by Marvin and he escorted her up the gang plank of the ship with care. He walked just the right pace for the young woman; after all she only stood at five foot two. She was met by the captain of the ship and he bowed over her hand “Miss. Howe, may the Mercury and her crew make safe travels to you.” He said and kissed her gloved hand. Ashlee was rather use to this kind of treatment; she always seemed to receive it if she went anywhere, and it annoyed her sometimes. She was passed off to the first mate so he could escort her to her room. She was lead down the row of sailors that were all dressed in their finest and saluted her. Ashlee blushed under the attention which got a light chuckle out of her escort. This was going to be a different experience for the young woman, she had never really been around boys or men and here she was on a ship with just that.

She watched as America kept fading farther and farther back. The horizon was clear of any other ships not even a sea gull followed them. With a sigh Ash turned to look at her new prison only to catch the sight of a white sail that faded back into the horizon.

Ashlee frowned at the sails as she could only make out that they were white. Well since the man around her saw it and smiled, her frown deepened. Why would that man smile at another ship? What if it was a pirate? The feeling in her gut told her to hint to the captain of the ship of the vessel. She would not tell him as men and their pride, it sometimes amused her how far a man would go to prove himself. She carefully made her way to the quarter deck to talk to the man in charge.”Captain?” She called as she skipped over the step that led up to where he was standing. “Yes Miss?” He asked with a heavy sigh, it was very obvious he hated his latest assignment; to escort the woman. He was informed she was not to be touched in any way or his head would be at risk so naturally the captain thought the woman was to be another wife for the King. As he was not really told who she was.

“What’s that?” She asked pointing to the sails giving no hint that she knew it was a ship. The ship was now closer and they seemed to getting into a fighting position, the Captain pulled out his long glass and watched the ship and frowned. “Miss, Please go down to your room. Don’t leave till I come for you. Lock it, don’t let anyone in.” at this he unhooked a pistol from his belt and handed it to her “Please it’s for your best interest.” He said before putting the glass back to his eye and called to his 1st mate “Get ready for battle Mr. Allyee! All hands on deck!” He yelled out to his men and continued to yell more instructions.

Ashlee only nodded to the man before taking the gun, she wanted to smile as she was right. The ship was not a friend, and the man she saw earlier knew that. She checked the gun in front of the captain, she heard a happy sigh come from him. He was relieved that she knew how to handle one by how she was inspecting it. With that she tucked it in her belt and skipped down to her room that she was given for the ride. Once in her room she looked around her room wondering what to do to block the door. She quickly placed her two wooden wedges under the door and then struggled but managed to get her dresser to block the in-swinging door. With her legs crossed she sat on her bed watching the door and listening, waiting for the first boom.

The captain was now sweating bullets; his team was all mostly new considering his last crew was lost in the battle of Talagafar (sp?) So far they were doing great as they came closer to the pirate ship. She struck her colors just like his man was raising their colors; the British Flag. Maybe if they knew of their colors the pirate would back down, and he sure hoped so. His hope became dashed as the ship was still turning showing the left side full of locked and loaded cannons. Just like the pirate ship, The captain was ready his men waiting for the call of fire.

On the other ship sat a man of about 6’7 stood with an eye glass to his eye and a deadly smirk, “Remember Mr. Shalms we are just after the girl, anyone else gets in the way that is a life lost. But I want her alive Mr.Shalms” The man spoke low and his view did not waver from the spy glass as he watched the ship that was now his target. “Once you find her bring her out on deck of the mercury”

“Yes, Sir. What if we cannot get her out sir?”

“She is a woman, she will come. All men ready?”

“Yes, Sir”

The man holding the spy glass held his breath lightly as he continued to watch the ship, he was counting down in his head till they got close enough for his taste. Five seconds later he yelled “Fire!” his call was answered by Boom after boom of his cannons and of the Naval making their counter attack.

Down below in the Mercury rested a young scared Ashlee on her bed pistol facing the door. The ship rocked with the back fires from the cannons and from getting hit with the cannon balls. It scared her, what if they ship became sunk and she was still on it? She would die. She set the pistol down on her bed and held her blanket as she continued to listen to the battle that was happening just a few feet above her head. Just when her tears started to fall as her fears were getting the best of her there was a knock on her door and then her door was tried. With the wood stoppers and dresser blocking the door it wouldn’t even attempt to open.

A gruff voice came through the door “Miss? The captain sent me to come get you. We have one”

Ashlee jumped off the bed with excitement leaving her pistol on her bed as she went to move the dresser. Before she reached the dresser a red flag was going off in her mind “The captain told me to wait for him to come get me” she answered back leaning on the dresser to listen to who was really behind the door.

“The captain cannot come get you when he is walking a pirate captain down to the brig, now can he?”

“Well I guess not, But I will still wait for him.” It was an order given to her by a captain and she didn’t want to get introuble for it

“Just open up the door, Gir-” there was a oof sound made as if something had hit the man “I mean Miss, it was my orders to come get you, if I don’t get you then I am at risk for a whipping. You don’t want to be the cause for a sailor to get a whipping do you?”

“Well no, but that is what he told me when he gave me his pistol”

“He gave you a pistol?!” The voice sounded a bit shocked “Do you know how to even use one?”

“I know how to load and shoot one” Ash sounded a bit offended by the questions and stepped farther back now not caring if this man got a whipping or not. “Tell the captain, I refuse to leave till he comes and gets me” And with that she went to sit back on her bed with her arms crossed as if the man could actually see her. She heard some mumbling and a few curse words said as more than one set of feet shuffled back down the hall back up to the deck. She listened to see if there was still someone down her hall- she heard no one till the sets of feet returned.

“Ashlee? Are you in there?” As the navel captain, he sounded like he was slightly in pain.

“yes I am, are you alright? You sound like you are fighting something”

“I am fine just got shot in the shoulder, now come on out like a good girl” the captain said before taking a deep breath. Ashlee did as she was told and got up once again and pushed the dress away from her door. “Where is my pistol?” he asked as she was still un wedging the door.

“It- it is on my bed, do you want me to get it for you?”

“N-no leave it there”

“Yes, sir” The young girl continued to pull out the wood stoppers out from under the door. Once removed she placed them on the desk and opened up the door, at first she just saw the captain who just gave her a weak smile as he held his injured arm. “So we won the battle sir?” She asked as she stepped out from the safety of her doorway. There was an evil mocking laugh behind her so naturally she turned around only to see a man she had never seen before.

“Oh yes we won, girly” it was the same voice from earlier, the man roughly grabbed her arm before she could try to run. “Thank you for your service captain”

“You were helping them?” The young girl sounded shocked but soon gasped as she seen a man step out from behind her tall captain, the man was holding a gun to the captain’s head.

“I am sorry, Miss. But I had no choice. It was either I help get you out safely or they break in and roughly remove you from the room. You said she wouldn’t be harmed in this process and here you are holding her arms so tight I see it growing white around your hand!”

“I am just holding her, and as if she won’t be harmed that is up to the captain and if she is worth the trouble of him keeping her.” The man pushed Ashlee forward to make her walk past the captain “Come on, the captain would like to see you for himself, missy.”

When they came up topside a man was waiting by the main mast, his back to them as if he was over looking something. He had very light blonde hair, so blonde it almost looked white, tied back with a thick red bandana, with an opening on the top so the top of his hair stood out. “Mr.Shalms I hope you managed to get the girl now” the man’s voice was deep as if irritated by the miner set back. He turned around to face the small group emerging from below deck, seeing the girl in his first mate’s hold made him smile. “It is good to see you did not fail twice, you know how I feel about failures. Hello Miss, I hope you do not mind that we end your voyage here”

By the tone of the man’s voice Ashlee could tell that he didn’t actually care what she thought of him ending her voyage. Instead of answering back she sized him hope a bit taken back by just how tall the man was, she didn’t know men were that old. “Who are you? And what could you possibly want with me?” She asked knowing he was a pirate just by his attire.

“How many pirates have you actually heard of, Miss?”

“Not many. Just the bigger names like Blackbeard, Jack Sparrow, Jack Arrow, Redbeard. Not many pirates show up in Boston, with it being a navel port” She answered back, at her answer the navel captain winced as if she did something wrong.

“Captain, do you know who I am?” the pirate asked

The navel captain nodded “Aye I do, You are Captain Eli. Your nickname is Crew and your ship is the Ruslka second fastest pirate ship in the eastern seas. Fifth of the pirate lords and one with a very big price on his head” answered the captain as he looked dead straight at Eli. “What do you want with Miss Howe, Eli? She is nothing to the crown”

“Nothing to the crown? Are you lying to me or were you lied to?” Eli walked up to the captain looking right into his eyes trying to predict what the answer would be. “You have no idea what I am talking about, you were not properly informed by your leading officer. So the Navy doesn’t trust ALL of their important captains. Well when you see him make sure to ask him what exactly you were entrusted with.” It seemed the pirate captain was not going to spoil what Ashlee really was. “Mr.Shalms, take Miss. Howe back to my cabin and make sure she stays in there, until I return.”

Ashlee was then pulled on roughly by the first mate, she followed looking back towards the captain wondering what him and the pirate were talking about as she seen they were watching her. Without warning the first mate wrapped an arm around her and lifted her up so they could swing across the gap between the ships. Once on the pirate ship she wasn’t given a chance to look around as she was quickly ushered into the captains quarters and then into the cabin. He even went as far as to push her onto the bed. The man who was her current babysitter didn’t really seem to care for his current assignment either, what was it with nobody wanting to be around here. Or was it that nobody wanted to watch over her? “Stay put right here. Don’t get off the bed, don’t pick anything up just don’t do anything but breath.” He stated before leaving the room and going to rest against the wall.

Ashlee on the other hand did as she was told and stayed put on the bed looking around the room, trying not to think about why she was placed in the man’s bedroom first. It was something she didn’t want to think of. She continued to look things over till she saw a dent in the wall, she almost thought was a handle for something. She knew what she was told but she wanted to know what it was so she got up and silently walked over to the dent and ran her fingers over it pushing on it from all angles to see if anything would move. She was right it slide to the right, behind the dresser. She poked her head into the room that was behind the hiding door and figured out it was a closet. She noised into the closet running her hand along a wall and happened to find a light switch. It was a rather spaces closet, she had to admit as she looked over what all this Captain Eli had in this closet.

Ashlee was about to walk deeper into the closet till she heard voices so she quickly got out of the room and shut the closet door and rushed over to the bed to take a proper seat so not to spark any bad thoughts. The door opened as soon as she got her legs crossed and hands placed neatly in her lap. Eli walked in with a look that she couldn’t really understand he looked like he was in a sour mood but then again it could have been a bored look. “You never asked me what you wanted with me” she said promptly when he closed the door behind him.

“Ransom, what else. You are worth a lot of money just as you are, Ashlee.” Eli walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of amber colored liquor she assumed was rum- a drink she had learned a lot of pirates were found of. “I have a few rules as I assume you do not want to stay in the brig”

“You are not going to force me to stay there?” The girl almost sounded disappointed, she was actually hoping this was going to be an exciting story to tell her classmates.

“Well if you wanted to stay in the brig, I can lead you down there” Eli had a smirk as he looked down a the girl that rested on the edge of his bed. He was looking her over more of thinking how much trouble she could stir up on his ship. He couldn’t really tell under her frilly poofy blue dress, thing could either triple her size or only be exactly her size. Which he couldn’t tell as even the bosom of it was an odd style to hide any shape the girl had. But she did have a pretty face - that was fact though considering her bloodline. The fact she was a woman really made her a target for any man no matter what her size or looks were. Most certainly to men that sit out at sea months on end no woman in arms reach. “Huh?” Apparently had spaced out.

“I said, If you had a better place I would rather not stay in the brig” Ashlee had been watching Eli and saw his facial expression daze a bit when he was looking her over which slightly worried her. Was his mind really just that bad? “Why are you looking at me like I am a piece of meat or something”

Eli chuckled very lightly more to himself “To most men that is what you are, sweet cheeks.” This comment got a scoff from the woman, which made it occur to Eli that she probably never had been around people that make comments like that. “Calm down, you are on a pirate ship, you will hear worse things by the time Daddy pays the bill.” Eli walked over and grabbed the chair from behind his desk so it was facing her and took a seat, he leaned back as he reclined more into the chair. “I have an offer of where you can sleep. I can promise that it is safe from any of my men ever even coming near you”

This got the woman’s attention as she had started to ignore him, now she was looking at him with watchful eyes trying to see if she could predict what he would offer for her. “Where?”

“My room, My bed. Now before you work yourself up over this” which she was “No place is actually safe for you on this ship, not even the brig. I have a few lock-picks on the crew, my spare rooms are either taken or they know how to get in them if they door is locked. I would rather you be some place I can watch you and make sure nobody comes near you.” As he explained he noticed she looked a little uncomfortable with the option but was coming to understanding that it was better than being at the hands of a crew. “As you see I have a very large bed, You can sleep next to the wal-” she started to shake her head “Fine you can have the edge of the bed, I will just have to really lock my door up good and tight.”

“I-I know a way to do that” She said softly and a tad bit innocently

“How is that? The way you kept my men from breaking that door open and dragging you out?”

Ashlee nodded “I had wooden wedges I placed under the door. They are wood so they don’t slide on other wood and it jams the door really well.”

Eli nodded his approval “I am impressed Sweet cheeks, you might survive any harm coming from my men after all. In order to have the rights to my bed and room” Eli heard her take in a sharp breath as if scared of what else he would add to the rest of that statement “You have to follow my rules which are; 1- stay in this room unless you are escorted by me, my 1st mate, or till I feel like you have enough footing to walk about on your own. You are allowed to walk around my room and my quarters that are outside this room, none of my men are allowed here unless I give them permission. 2 – Listen to my orders. If I tell you to clean something, do it. 3- don’t stir drama up among my crew. 4-Don’t try to kill yourself, I have ways to prevent that. 5- Don’t try to escape, jump over board or any of that s**t when and if we hit a port. If you break any of these rules I will not hand you over to your father but my crew and whatever other man wants to bed you.” Yes he put it a bit harshly but he wasn’t one to be easy one words or beating around the bush.

“Isn’t four and five like the same thing?”

“In some cases yes, but I like the number five so I had to have a fifth rule” Eli said simply.

“So when we share a bed you are going to stay on your side and me on my own right? Possibly a pillow between us?”

“If you wish, I am not here to be a bully Ashlee. I am a fair man, I realize this probably won’t be easy for you being my hostage and all. But I do not believe in treating a hostage wrongly, even if they deserve it. Which you do not, you are just picked because of your birth line.”

“What do you mean? I know that my father is just the head man of Cuba right now. He doesn’t hold so much money as people think” complained the girl as she crossed her arms under her chest.

“Ashlee, do you even know who your father is?”

“Yes. Jacob Howe” at this answer Eli just gawked at her in amazement as his brained tried to figure out if she was lying or not but by her not saying anything or showing it he knew she was telling what she thought was the truth. Oh man. He didn’t feel like it was right to break it to her that her real father was the king.

“Well Miss. Howe” Eli coughed as he sat straighter in his chair and took a drink of his rum, a rather big drink “We are on our way to a port, behave and we won’t have any problems. ”  


Interesting Lunatic

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Interesting Lunatic

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:09 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:14 pm
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The past two weeks on the ship with Eli wasn’t as bad as she was thinking it was going to be, he was actually a very relaxed sort of captain. Sure the first few nights were strange, she wasn’t even sure she got any sleep during those few nights. The pillow between helped as it kept her from rolling over towards him and him towards her though she swore he didn’t move ever in his sleep. Once he laid down that was where he stayed till he woke back up in the morning. He had agreed that before they would go to bed he would step out of the room let her strip down to her petticoat and bloomer and wait for her to say she was under the blankets. And she wouldn’t get out of bed till he left the room with his cloths in hand to change out in his quarter area. The agreement made the girl happy.

She had gotten the chance to make a few friends on the ship as well- the ship boys. There were five of them; Roger and David who were 13, Charles and Elliot were 10, while Benny was the youngest at 8. He was also the smallest and the sweetest to Ashlee. The other boys were nice and protected her when she was up around the crew and snide comments came her way but Benny was her favorite. He reminded her of her brother back home, one who she missed greatly.

Along with friends she had made a few not so friendly people, they were older sailors that seemed to have taken too much salt to the head or something- Always leering at her even though she stayed in her dress that showed nothing. She had gotten greatly depressed when she realized she hadn’t been given a chance to get her own stuff or that Eli had stuff for her… instead she washed her dress every three days and it was already starting to fade from the harsh salt water.

Today was a different day; Eli said she had been good enough that they could go into port. ‘Stay long enough for the men to get their jollies out of their pants’, and short enough not to be found by her uncle. Eli had told her he had her mixed up with her cousin but he would still hold her for ransom. Give or take he wasn’t miss treating her so she wasn’t all that worried, he was a very fair sort of man. There was a slight issue which was the reason she was currently down in Eli’s cabin talking with him.

“You can’t be walking around a pirate port like that. They will either know right away you don’t belong or they will think you are a whore for sale…” Eli paced his room his fingers holding his chin as he thought about what to do about the girl. He had no other female clothes on his ship nor did he have spare ship boy clothes.. not that she could pass for a ship boy she was far too pretty for that.

“Eli I have an idea if you will just give me a few moments” Truth be told Ashlee had been waiting for this moment to come so she got up and went to the sliding wall she found her first day on his ship, and opened up his closet. As she stepped through the threshold she left a bewildered Eli staring at her back side.

“How did you know that was there?” He asked as he was pretty damn sure he never opened that up while she was around.

“I have my ways, now step out of the room” She ordered as she shut the door and turned on the light to the large closet. She moved to the back of the closet digging up the clothes she had found of Eli’s that were small enough to fit her. After some fumbling with her dress she managed to pull on the tight black pants and loose cream shirt. She felt so exposed in this outfit but it would help her blend in, or at least she hoped it would. After adding a belt to keep the shirt from looking to frumpy she used a purple sash as headband to help keep her long blonde locks out of her eyes. Back out of the closet she went. “You can come in now” She called as she tugged a bit at the sleeves so they would hang off her shoulders.

Eli walked back into his room and nearly dropped dead at the stunning thing he saw in his room. His facial expression showed it for a split-second, too fast for her to notice. She was his captive nothing else. That wouldn’t keep him from looking and admiring though. “I see you found my older stuff; along with that outfit you will need a set of boots and a coat”

Ashlee’s face brightened up, he didn’t tell her to change like she had expected. Instead he accepted her idea. “A coat?”

“You expect men to leave you alone with curves like that, uh-huh, I am not rescuing my own captive.” Eli went back into his closet only to return with a light long red coat and a set of small flat boots. “When we hit port we can look for more clothes for you, and some boots if you like” he gave her a small wink as if suggesting she might already like the pirate life.

“Can I get more pants? They could make it easier for me to keep up with my friends” Ashlee wisely asked as she hoped he wouldn’t mind. She really did like wearing the ones she had found, the shirt still took some getting used to considering her girls were just hanging around. Not like she had too much to worry about but enough to feel the difference. She sat down on the bed and put on the boots Eli had handed her. They were flatted which worked fine for her.

“I think that is a great idea, it will also be a good way to keep you safe. Pants are harder than skirts” He leaned against his door as he watched her put the boots on and then stand up to toss the coat on over her thin little shoulders. It was a good thing that he was smaller when he first became a captain. “You look splendid Ashlee” with that the man left the room with a smile on his face as if proud of what had just happened.

Ashlee stood in the room she shared with the captain looking at herself in the mirror, tugging at her clothes a bit. She was really going to go out into public looking like a boy. She then thought on Eli, the man really didn’t seem like a pirate to her. Even his crew loved him, every single one of them did. She had yet to find a spot of hatred for the captain, she was even finding herself liking his company. She took a deep breath and then left the cabin so she could walk up on deck and see the port they were going to be pulling into, she was more than happy that she was allowed among the crew. She learned to ignore the snarky comments she heard normally most of them were consistent with “captain’s whore” or something else trying to mark her as a slut. She hated that she was being judged as such but she had yet to think of a way to prove them wrong, to prove she was only lying next to Eli not with him. Soon she was joined by Benny.

The youngest of the ship boys was dressed in a lose white shirt and tan short pants, all with enough growing room for the boy. “Ash? Is that you?” He asked as he approached Ashlee and soon was at her side looking up at her in awe “Wow, if it wasn’t for your hair I wouldn’t have known it was you!” He said promptly looking her up and down. “You look good though” he added quickly as he wasn’t use to talking to women still, though he was getting better at it.

Ash chuckled lightly at the young boy “Thank you, Benny. Captain Eli wants me to blend in well when we hit port.” She toyed with her sleeves once more as she was thinking about what the port might be like “Are pirate ports, scary?”

“No, they are like normal ports. They are just so pirates don’t get arrested by the crown.”

“Oh, I see. So they are not dirtier? Or anything?”

“Every port I have been too has been dirty, just depends on which docks you dock on I suppose.”

“Yeah I guess that makes perfect sense.” Ashlee leaned against the railing of the ship as she watched the horizon as the land came closer. In the distance she could see a city forming. From the looks of it, it seemed normal like her friend had said.

Benny leaned against the same rail smiling some “Is the Captain going to let you explore with us? Or is he gonna make sure you stay within his reach?” he asked looking up at her wondering if she knew the answer

“I don’t know, but I am sure he won’t have an issue with me joining you guys. I have no reason to run, and you guys protect me enough on the ship so I don’t see why he would deny that.” To be truthful Ashlee would rather be with her friends than Eli… he was a man and she had heard of stories of what men do when in port. “We can-” she was cut off by the sound of her other friends joining them. They were first unsure who the woman was on deck till Ashlee turned around and they realized it was her.

“Benny, who is that”-Roger stumbled a bit once he got a look at the woman “Ash?! You look like a pirate!” he sounded shocked like the other boys looked. By the way she had talked for the past week he or well they never thought she would dress as such… though she had complained a lot about her dress getting in the way of her joining them.

“Got a problem with it Roger?”

“No, I sure don’t Ash… you just look wow. But what is with the coat?”

“Captain says I need it”

“Wa for? It is steaming hot out here? You should be cookin in that thing!”

Ashlee rubbed her arm as if uncomfortable to answer this as she understood why, Eli had made her put on the light coat. “Because I am a woman” she replied sheepishly looking away.

“Ya, so what. You want to become a cooked woman?”

“Roger, he said I cannot go out and about dressed like this.” She slid the coat off a bit so to show what she looked like underneath it, and it got the reaction Eli had thought it would. The men that were around whistled while the two older boys’ eyes went wide, under the stares she put her coat back on still feeling strange in such little clothing.

“What on earth is going on here?” It was Eli he had seen the boys approach Ashlee and came closer just encase, he knew the boys treated her right but with her dressed like she was he wasn’t sure how they would take it. Roger had done what he thought they would do, cause her to explain why she had the coat.

Roger jumped straight back up as Ashlee tightened the coat around herself “Nothing Captain Sir” Replied Roger looking like he was about to sweat some bullets.

“And here I expected you all to respect Miss Howe on her choices. In her knew attire she can actually join you guys in the rigging on the ship.” Eli huffed as he looked at each of the boys mostly Roger though.

“Speaking of joining them, Captain, do you think I could go out with them on their liberty call?” Ashlee asked being bold as she could, after all she had yet to see if Eli ever even exploded in rage.

Eli looked at the woman clearly not liking this idea at all, how was he suppose to know if the boys would keep her safe like she is going to be needing? After all they were from 13 down to eight and she was seventeen, yet there were five of them so possibly someone would mistake Benny as her child… nope not possible. “I do not think that is such a good idea…” was all he got out before Ashlee jumped his gun.

“Please, Eli. It won’t be any fun for me if I am to be at your side the entire time we are in port, you can have your fun while I spend time with them” she begged “I promise I won’t run, non of the people in that port would treat me as nicely as you do even though I am your captive” she added hoping to sway him.

“We still need to get you clothes and stuff, and for that you need me there as it will be my money that will be being spent.” He said all cool like as he looked at the boys.

“We can go do that after I get a little bit of time with them, or we can even do it before. Please Captain Eli”

“Begging isn’t pretty for anyone to do, Miss. Fine, first all of you will come with me to a tavern then I will give you boys your pay. After four hours I want Miss. Howe back at the very same tavern, do not leave her side until she is back at my own. Savy?”

There was a round of ‘Yes, sir” from all of the boys and even a happy one from the young woman. She felt like a child again considering she didn’t really get the chance to have a childhood she planned to make up for it while Eli was still being nice to her. Why he was being so nice she wasn’t sure yet.

The ship docked and the crew dispersed like every other crew does once pay has been given and liberty call rang, Eli had his first through third mate at his side and a team of boys plus one woman going down to a tavern. At the tavern Eli handed each boy a bag of coins, along with a small knife he didn’t want anything to happen to any of them, he even handed a bag of coins and a knife to Ashlee. “Don’t get lost.” Was his only order before he nodded his head for their dismissal.

The group left smiling wondering what they should all do first, Charles was the first to make a real suggestion “Now that Ash is able to join us, she is officially apart of the brotherhood” there were sounds of agreement from each boy.
“The Brotherhood?”

“It is like our own little group, one where we watch out for each other since none of us actually had brothers.” Explained David “Only one thing guys.”
“What?” – all answered

“She is lacking the tat. And since she is a girl she can’t get one.” A round of oh’s were going around.

Ashlee didn’t need an explaination for that, she knew why. Because it wasn’t lady like. “What if I tied my hair back like a boys and kept my coat closed, do you think they could tell?”

“I don’t think so, actually. You have to think of where you are going to get it though Ash”

“I can put it on my hip… Why do I need a tattoo?”

“Anytime we make an oath we place our right hands on our tat to swear on. You are also missing a golden ring in yer ear.” Spoke up Benny as he was getting excited that they might get away with this.

“I have my ears pierced, I can just get two golden hoops so it won’t look out of place. Well come on let’s find a tattoo shop for me” Ashlee was excited as she had found something that would make her officially one of the boys. She pulled her hair back in a low sloppy pony tail, tying it back with a leather band, and snuggled into her red coat hoping it would hid her chest enough. They all walked around looking at shops while she was actually wondering if she should do this. If she ever got married she would have to explain this to her future husband…course that was a big if. What man would want a woman who spent god knows how long on a pirate ship?

“I found it!” Chimmed Elliot as he found the same tattoo as they had, which was his prime reason for searching. “It is an anchor. Come on Ash, he said he wasn’t busy” The boy tugged on her arm and lead her into a shop that was owned by a big harry man, she wanted to run at the sight of the man and his golden tooth smile. But know she was posing as a boy.

“Tis ye first ink, kid?” Asked the man

“Y-yes sir.”

“Clim in da chair and show ol’ Chester where ye wan it”

Ashlee did as she was told and sat down in the chair, undoing the bottom button and rolling up her shirt and her pants down slightly to show him her right hip. “Right there, Sir. Same one as they have”

“Alright, don’t squeal like a little girl, boy.”

During the whole ordeal Ash bit the inside of her mouth at the sharp pain of the needle nicking her skin. When he was done she was sure her body was throbbing from the strange pain it felt. She gently covered it back up and then paid the man while also purchasing two golden hoops from him.

“Wow, Ash! When I got mine I passed out! You are so brave and strong!” Benny commented with cheer as he walked next to Ash, he was so amazed that she did that good.

The rest of the time they spent roaming the town visiting stores or playing games throughout the time, just having a good time. With her coat, Ash didn’t get into any trouble with anyone most people thought she was the older brother of her friends, which worked perfectly fine with her. She didn’t want to be seen as something desired in these parts. She just wanted to have fun.

Four hours after liberty call was struck the gang walked back into the same tavern Eli had let them go, the man was resting at a table enjoying the company of some of his crew and the ladies his crew had found. Though he did not have a woman on his lap like his mates, he was woman free which struck Ashlee as strange. He was a very attractive man and at that a captain why was he without an attachment. It wasn’t her problem to solve though. When they joined the group all of the men welcomed the boys only a few of them greeted Ashlee. Eli being one of them.

“You ready to go shopping? Or do you want to wait a little longer?” Eli asked as he sipped at his drink he had noticed that her hair was up, which he found slightly strange.

“We can go now, we already ate and stuff”

“Alright then, men, I will see you all in two days time back on deck sober as a new born babe. If not sooner.” Eli nodded to his crew mates as he stood up and then left with Ashlee in tow. Together they walked to a line of shops “Get whatever you want Ashlee, just make sure you do get a few womanly things.” He advised as they entered the first shop.

Shopping with Eli was more fun than Ashlee would have thought it would have been. He wasn’t good at picking out women’s fashion but when it came to sailor wears he knew plenty so she would be ready for anything. By the end of the shopping she ended up with; three dresses, two skirts, two blouses, four petticoats, one woman coat, two pairs of black pants, two sailor shirts, two corsets, enough bloomers for a week, a sailing coat and two night gowns. All of that along with all of the womanly stuff she will need like; hair brush, hair ties, makeup, hand mirror… small stuff like that. Eli even went as far as getting her something called a sea bag for her very personal belongings. She couldn’t think him enough for the stuff but also the great time he gave her. Without his crew around he talked, laughed and made jokes with her creating a connection they had yet to form.

Eli carried all of her stuff with ease as it was all in large bags and followed her back to their cabin. Once inside he set the stuff on the bed and went into his closet and cleared plenty of room for her stuff. “Thank you Eli” Ashlee’s voice could be heard as she looked into the closet to see what he was up too. “You know you didn’t have to do this for me at all.”

“No, I didn’t have to. But I wanted to as repayment for you being so good while on the ship and in town. Other captives would have tried to run when they hit land… hell they would have killed me in my sleep. Yet you don’t. Why is that?”

“I-I..” Ashlee looked away as she didn’t really know how to answer this “I see you as the one that keeps the crew in line around me. If you died the chances of me not making it home are higher. And if I ran I knew you would find me or someone worse would. It is safer with you than the rest of the people out in that port.” She explained as she looked back at her clothes. Even though she was his captive she was lucky. At her answer Eli only smiled and continued to move his stuff.

“You can move your stuff in there now, I am gonna go up on deck and do a few checks.”

With that Eli left the room which was alright with Ashlee as she needed time to herself as well. She had spent at least three hours with Eli, seeing a different side of him. A side she really was growing to like but she was sure she wouldn’t see again. As a captain he was serious and hardly ever actually talked like he had today. Thoughts ran through her mind, thoughts of what the rest of this trip was going to be like and what her parents might be doing right now. She missed them deeply. By the time she was finished putting her clothes away it was plenty late so she went ahead and started to get ready for bed while in Eli’s closet.

In the middle of her changing she stopped for a moment to look at herself in the mirror she was getting so tan being out on deck so much now. Her pale skin was all over excluding her arms and neck up. This bothered her a bit as she never was one to tan. She continued to examine her complexion in the mirror so much she didn’t hear Eli enter their room.

Eli poked his head into his closet to see if she needed any help with her stuff, instead he got a view of a full moon. He leaned there for a moment to long as he was a man and was admiring the skin he was seeing till he leaned back out of the closet and coughed loudly. “Ashlee are you still in here?” He asked as if he didn’t know she was in the closet completely naked looking into a mirror.

Ashlee jumped straight back up and looked back at the door her hands covering what she could “Yes…Umm stay out there for a moment please” She hurried to pick up here night gown and toss it over her head. She then placed her clothes in the basket she had been using for a while now. When she stepped out she seen Eli’s back turned at her. “Everything okay?” She asked shyly as she was embarrassed that she almost got caught when she shouldn’t have been.

Eli turned to face her his face not red, he had plenty of time to regain his composure, “Of course, I was about to ask you the same thing. It is getting late and I am going to go on to bed” he spoke softly as he felt his cheeks heat up slightly at the sight of her being in her now in her night gown. He pulled his shirt off and went to lay on his side of the bed and would attempt to not see the images of her in his head.

Ashlee nodded in agreement she was tired too and once he laid down she got into bed herself curling up with her pillow.  


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PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 8:25 pm
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PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 8:27 pm
Chapter 3: Stupid. Just Stupid.  


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:22 am
Ashlee woke up with a burning pain on her hip causing her to make a loud hissing sound mixed in with a small like scream. The girl’s hands went right to the location of the pain as it continued to throb. All of her noises and moving around woke Eli up in a fright, the man shot straight up looking over to where Ash was. His eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness “What is wrong?” He asked in an almost panicked voice, his hand reaching over to her shoulder wanting to help.

Ashlee continued to move from side to side holding the burning side

“Something feels like it is burning my skin” she answered still hissing as the pressure she was putting on her hip made it worse. It was then she realized it was the same side she got her new tattoo on. How could she tell Eli that she had branded herself? Course if she didn’t ask for his help something could go drastically wrong, most certainly if it was infected. “Eli…” she paused as she struggled to tell him.

“You are burning up!” He interrupted his hand touched her shoulder for a moment. After that moment he jumped out of the bed to turn on a light of some sort.

“Eli… I …” She didn’t finished as she soon passed out from the pain and the heat of her fever.

The man stood there dumbfounded as he looked at the woman who had passed out in his bed, he struggled with what to do for a moment but he opted to go get a cool wet rag. The man left their room to the bathroom a bit down the hall and fetched a cool bucket of water along with two soaking rags. Once he returned he began to lightly press them on her forehead hoping she would come to. Eli looked down at her wondering what had happened, it was then he noticed her hands- it seemed like they were holding something against her hip? Maybe? Cautiously he gently poked the area only to find nothing there.

“Forgive me later Ashlee” He whispered as his hand slowly brought up her night gown, thankfully she was wearing bloomers. Even if she wasn’t he was seasoned enough in women to handle himself. He pulled it up over her hip and noticed the red skin under her bloomer’s waist band. “Lordy what did you catch?” He questioned the woman as one of his hands pulled down the waist band enough to expose the infected tattoo. At the sight of the mark he instantly frowned. “Damn it…” was he commented before he got up off his bed and right to a cabinet.

He pulled out a bottle of rum and a few sterile rags, right back to her side he went. Now he pulled her bloomers down slightly so to expose her hip bone. With a rum soaked rag he dabbed at her tattoo, closely he looked it over. The princess didn’t even hiss as the rum came into contact, meaning she was more than out cold. As he looked it over he came to the conclusion it didn’t seem too bad just something her body was not use to. Carefully he poured the rum on her hip watching it bubble the infection out of her skin. At least he wasn’t drawing blood but he would need to keep an eye on it, or teach her how to.

Over the past few hours Eli stayed awake keeping cool towels on her face and apply a lotion to her tattoo so it wouldn’t dry up or get infected again.

Ashlee woke up to the feel of the ship rocking back and forth, ‘We already set sail again?’ She asked as she started to sit up. Her body was stiff as she tried to move. Slowly she managed to get her feet over the side of the bed, at that moment the door to her room opened. It was Eli with a jar of something.

Eli looked surprised to see her awake and attempting to move “Miss. How do you feel?” He questioned as he went to kneel before her.

“Stiff. Why are we already out at sea? I thought liberty call was two days long?”

“It is. You have been in and out of sleep for four days.”

Ash jumped up “What?!” As soon as she stood up she fell back down to the bed holding her head as it throbbed at her. “What is wrong with me?”

Eli chuckled lightly as he reached up for one of her hands “You got up to fast, your blood and body are not use to that sort of movement yet. You have to ease into it Ash.”

“What happened?”

“Your tattoo was infected”

Looking up at Eli in shock “How, How did you know about that?”

“You woke up in a fit about something burning and then passed out on me, Ash. I had to find out what was wrong. In your fit you held your hip, so that was where I looked and found the problem. The Needle hadn’t been cleaned right, you are lucky though. It didn’t get into your blood.”

“Wait? You lifted my night gown up!”

Eli remained calm while Ashlee seemed to be getting worked up over the matter “Yes I did. No I did not do anything else. I seen your bloomers and then your hip. Don’t get upset with me, if I hadn’t you would probably be dead.” He added in there as he opened up the jar. “Now do you want me to apply this or do you want to?”

“Apply it? Apply it where?”

“It is for your tattoo. If it cracks it can get infected again. Don’t freak out, were you ever seen by a doctor back at home?” The girl nodded “Consider me a doctor, I know how to take care of my men. I have also helped a few women.”

The girl moved uncomfortably as she thought about it but eventually laid back down and moved her night gown and bloomers out of the way so he could apply the medicine. It was cold at the first touch but as his fingers rubbed it in, it warmed up pleasantly. “Thank You, Eli”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“I mean it, you took care of me while I was out cold… any other kidnapper probably would have let me die.”

Eli wouldn’t argue with her on that but he was done talking about the matter, he had always been like that to his hostages. Never being strict or cruel unless it was diserved. Yet he still held one hell of a reputation for being a cruel pirate, at this thought he smirked slightly, people lie about their real time on his ship only to boast themselves. Though they end up boast up his reputation. "Once you get something to eat we will see how you feel to walk around uptop. The boys have been worried about you."

Once Eli finished appling the salave to her tattoo, Ashlee sat back up while putting her clothes back into place. "They have? Umm Eli?"

By the sound of her voice Eli could tell she was about to ask something he may not want to even answer but nonetheless he would let her ask. "What is it?" He just hoped she wasn't going to ask him a question about that one thing women had once a month...

"Once I eat something and before we walk around the deck, can I... take a bath?" She felt dirty, her hair felt like a grease ball but she wasn't sure what her physical shape was for a bath.

Eli coughed not really understanding why she had even asked that, course he then thought about it. "Of course you can. Your tattoo will befine, I will just re-apply this once you are dressed again. While we eat I can ask the boys to draw your bath up." There was a sigh of relief from Ash as there was also a small one from Eli, he was hoping that was all she had intended in that question. He got up and left the room to do as he had said.

While Ash waited on Eli to return with the food she sat up in bed looking her tat over. It was a little red but looked more like painted skin now. She had some sort of pride with the tattoo, now she really was part of the shipboys and had a feeling of belonging. Though when she choose to get married she will have a lot of explaining to do to her husband...if she ever lived for the day.

After they had eaten a small breakfast of oatmeal and fruits, something easy on a stomach that hadn't ate for the past few days-but solid enough to stick- Eli helped Ashlee to the washroom. She only stumbled some and didn't really use Eli for support, she wanted to do it on her own. Eli was weary about her taking the bath on her own but there were no other women on his ship to help her or boy young enough. "You sure you are going to be alright?"

"Of course I will be. It won't be that hard to ease myself in a tub and sit and take care of myself."

Eli chuckled at her reply, maybe spending time on a pirate ship was a bad idea for a princess, she seemed to becoming rather lippy. Not that he minded, it showed she actually did have a personality unlike the noble women known among the crown. "Okay fine then. I will be outside the door encase you need something." with that he took his leave.

Eli had been waiting very paitently for the young miss to leave the bathing room but to him it felt like forever when only a few minutes had passed. He then resolved to go uptop and look over his ship. He was sure by the time he had finished that she would be out of her bath and ready to walk around the deck.

After his check Eli had returned but unlike he had assumed Ash was not waiting for him. He looked to the door to the bathroom and it was still closed. Why was she not done yet? His walk took about an hour and he knew from her past baths she never took a whole hour to get clean. He went to knock at the door "Miss?" He asked through the door but got no response. He couldn't even hear the water splashing around. What if she had finished and was in their room? No, he had a feeling- a bad one at that. Slowly he opened the door peeping in to see if she was still in there. He saw her clothes still on the floor but when he looked at the tub there was no pause as he rushed to the side of the tub. She had blacked out, thankfully her head stayed above the water. He scooped her out of the tub and rushed her back to their room to cover her up with a sheet only. Her skin was too hot, he cursed himself as he left to get a cool rag.

Ash woke up with Eli pressing a cool rag along her face. "Eli? What are you doing?" Her mind started to clear as she recalled the last thing she remembered. She had been taking her time in her bath, fully enjoying the heat of the water. Once she started to feel light headed she tried to rinse off and then everything went black.

"You miss are more trouble than you are worth. You passed out during your bath. You are lucky that your head was still on the side of the tub and not under water." He didn't want her to die, that would never be his intentions. Infact he had full intentions to return her back to her parents. Course with how much of an air head she was turning out to be he just hoped she would live to see it herself!

"How did I get back into our bed?!" She sounded rather alarmed as she tried to sit up only to be gently be held down by Eli's hand.

"Miss you are in the nude still. I got you out of the tub."

"Ahhhh~ So you...you seen?"

"Don't be silly. I was more worried about your health than seeing your bare self." Or to really feel how soft her skin was, course Eli would never share that with her. Though he did like the silky smoothness of her skin, much softer than any other woman that he had held.

Ash looked at him through squinted eyes, she was unsure if that was an insult or a compliment. Not that she wanted him to see her bare but it also sounded like he didn't want to see her like that either. "I am sorry. I had no idea one tattoo would cause so many issues. Did the boys have any issues when they got theirs?"

Eli ran his hand through his hair with a sigh "Roger and David did fine with it, Charles' only got a little infection, while Elliot and Benny both passed out frequently. None of theirs got as bad as yours though. They were all picked up off the streets so they are use to illnesses and have stronger immune systems than you do. You grew up in a world of medicenes and other healing treatments, they grew up in a world of if you got sick you either survived or died." Eli got up off the bed "Get some more rest, I will go get your clothes for you." with that he left.

Ash thought hard on what Eli had said as to why she was more effected than the boys and she was unsure why it upset her so much. Not only was she upset that she was weaker than the boys but also the fact that she was needing Eli's help so much as of recently. She didn't like the idea of being so helpless not that she could really control it. Was it possible she also felt a twing of hurt when Eli didn't want to see her bare self... "Why should I care so much. I should be greatful that a pirate doesn't see me in such a manner." She huffed at herself as her thoughts were getting to her.

Eli had been outside the door when he heard her comment, he wanted to knock or entire the room but found himself unable to. It wasn't the fact that he didn't want to, it was that he knew better. She was his captive and at that royalty. If they ever were to say- have a fling she could be hung for being involved with him... plus he did not want to see himself getting attatched to the young woman. Though it was becoming impossible considering how much time they spent together. Also she was at least seven years younger than him.  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:43 am
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:47 am
Chapter 4- All dreams comes to an end  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:55 am
Two weeks had passed since Ashlee had awoken from her small comma and things had grown rather boring on the ship. Even Eli had started to grow bored and been tempted to turn into a port a few times. It was strange if the King had gotten word that his daughter had been kidnapped then were in the hell was the royal fleet at? Not a single navy ship had been near them, hell not even a merchant ship.

Eric approached Eli with a rather bored look "Sir, the men are growing restless. What are we suppose to do?"

"They are growing restless? They are not the ones sleeping next to a woman everynight that can't be touched nor can I satisfy my own self" It was a little TMI but Eli was in no real mood to beat around a damn bush.
Eric could only cough at his captains remark as he really had no idea how to answer to that.

"Follow me Eric, maybe we can find something down in my office that will satisfy some of the thirst the men hold." Eli walked on to his office along with Eric following a few paces behind. In Eli's office he searched his bookshelf only to pull out a few and then look through them. "We could go on a treasure hunt, or look into seeing Virdia?"

"That is a good idea, there are people to satisfy the mens' needs and it is a good place to keep Ashlee safe from the king finding us. But are you sure
Sisten will agree to you showing up on her island?"

"Nay to that thought. If I want to show up on the island I would have to reck my ship and that is not a question. We need to find Sisten and talk to her about it."

"How do we do that?"

"Go to her favortie place in the world and just hope she is attending. New Orleans." The plan was set now it was to get the ship towards the correct direction.~

Ashlee was up in the rigging with her friends, she mostly healed from her infection. She only had to stop to take a few more breathers was all. The ship took a turn making her wonder where they were going? Eli was calling orders for them to get as much air as possible in their sails. Swinging down onto the Deck she went to Eli "Where are we going captain?"

Eli looked towards his captive with a found smile "New Orleans"

"Why there?"

"I am in search of a certain person and that happens to be one of their favorite ports."

"Do you think that is such a good Idea? That is a French port isn't it?"

"Only the finest. I am a wanted Pirate, no port is safe. Besides I really need, her."

Eli had drawn out that 'her' and it bothered Ashlee, who was he talking about? Did he have a mistress? She couldn't see why he wouldn't, he was a very fine looking man but she didn't want to believe it. "Will she mind me?"

"Hardly. Well maybe you are related to the king...we will just skip that part of the introduction."

Ash made a weird face at that, who exactly was she meeting?


Five days later the Ruslka came into port at New Orleans, parked deep in the ships to blend. The men were paid -half went out for the night the other half waited their turn. Roger and the ship boys went up to Eli "Eli? Can Ash go on call with us?"

At this question Eli turned to the boys slightly annoyed "Last time she went out with you she came back with a tattoo on her hip and couldn't stay awake for five minutes."

"It wasn't fully our fault, she wanted it."

"I thought I told you boys to protect her. Is letting her get a tattoo protecting her?"

"No, Sir." All of the boys replied together, all in a row they stood looking down at their feet realizing their wrong.

Peeved Eli looked out at New Orleans "You PROMISE to protect her? No more tattoos, no piercings, and no letting her waste her maidenhood on some low life? Savey?"

"Yes Captain Sir."

Benny Stepped up "Sorry Captain, We didn't know we were not suppose to let her do that stuff."

"Benny" Eli looked down at the boy "She is a princess. Not any Princess but the Kings. Don't let it happen again." He rubbed his temple as the boys agged on a headache. "Go Find Ashlee and take her out for a good time, by dinner time meet me at 'The Sunrise'. Dismissed" The boys ran off to go collect Ashlee as Eli left to go visit The Sunrise.

The Sunrise was a whore house but was also a great place for gambling, Which happened to be Eli's target's favorite game. Once he got to the building he was greated by two beautiful women way over dressed and bathed in purfume. One Blonde and one Brunette "Oh it is Eli! Welcome back Eli, we have missed you." called the Blonde

"Afternoon Beauties. It has been far to long though Sadly I am not here to enjoy your lovely company"

"Oh Eli, you are no fun. Can you just leave business behind for a few hours?"

Smiling Eli but his arm around the Blonde that was making his head grow "Few hours? You think you can handle me that long, Lannala?"

"Eli I can hand you for longer" Lannala

Smiling Eli coughed "You are getting me off subject, I need to find someone. Is Sisten here?"

"Of course she is here, She is upstairs." Said the brunette

"Upstairs? She doesn't swing your way ladies"

"Not with a woman silly. You are right she doesn't wish to give us a try"

Lannala played with Eli's ear "But you are here now Eli, you can have what she doesn't want."

"Whoa?! Who is she With? Madam doesn't house men."

Lannala pouted at Eli "She is with an admiral of some sort. Now come with me, by the time I am done with you Maybe you will want to leave my bosom for Sisten." She took his hand and lead him away- not that he put up much of fight.


The boys and Ashlee had a splinded time in the City of colors and smells but soon they arrived at The Sunrise. Ashlee looked the place up from the roof to down to the last step. "Eli is in here?" She asked very unsure if it was true

"Yep, We always find Eli here." Answered Elliot.

As they reached the steps Charles, Elliot and Benny stopped. "Guys are you going with us?" Ash asked

Benny shook his head fiercly "No." He received an annoyed look from Ash, "We are not allowed in there. We are much to young. Roger and David are the only ones who can go with you."

"To young? How old do you have to be to get into one of these places?"

"Thirteen" Both of the older boys answered giving eachother a high five. "Now lets go"

The three entered the building with no real welcome only a smile for the boys and nod to the young girl. Ash hung close to her friends as she felt really uncomfortable. Soon they entered a room with tables along the walls, each of them holding a different sort of card game, in the middle of the room were just normal tables for meals and such. At one of the middle tables happened to be Eli, with a woman on his lap. At this sight Ashlee's jaw ticked, it irritated her to no end that the woman was sitting on Her Eli. not that he was really hers but she like to think that way. Before she would be noticed she cooled her look and approached rather calm.
Eli was in the middle of a conversation when three faces caught his eye

"Ah Lads you made it. Thank you for bringing her here, go on now back to the ship. Can't leave the other two waiting alone." The two boys bolted.

"Have a seat, Ashlee and order something to drink."

The Brunette perched on Eli's lap looked Ashlee over with a raised eyebrow "This is her? She doesn't look like the part, Eli."

"Yes, she is what I was after."

"Eliiii, It is to dangerous What if she doesn't want to?"

"Nonesense! She is my captive she will go where I go and She has to."

What was it she had to do? Ash wanted nothing to do with the tramp. "Eli, would you mind introducing me to your pet?"

The woman skufted at that remark "Listen here young lady, I belong to nobody and most certainly not my dear friend Eli."

Already off to a bad start...yay..."Ashlee this is my friend Sisten, Sisten this is Ashlee. Ash play nice, We are going to be going to her island.

"Sisten who?" Ash was still not convenced

"Captain Sisten Ann Arrow, to you Miss Priss." Sisten narrowed her eyes at the blonde

This bothered Ash she new of Jack Arrow but not of a Sisten. "How are you related to Jack?"

"He is my father."

"Why do you perch yourself on my captain's lap?"

Sisten seen were this was going "It is rather comfy. And Eli has never minded in the past. Maybe one day you will give it a try"

"I am sure he hasn't." Ashlee stood up "I am going back to the ship." without being excused she turned and left.

"Well that couldn't have went any smoother, Sis. Thanks."

"Any day love. Not my fault she has the green eyed monster showing."

"The green eyed monster?"

"She was jeoulous of the fact I was in your lap. How blonde are you really?
Are you sure your hair is just an extra light blonde?"

"It it isn't like you are straddling me...you are just simply using me as a chair."

"You are stupid."


Back in their room Ashlee sat fuming... she wasn't sure why seeing Eli with another woman made her so furious... possibly it was becuase the woman screamed tramp. She had already changed into her sleeping clothes, it was obvious Eli wasn't coming back to the ship anytime soon.

No sooner than she had thought that Eli came through the door. "What was all that about, Ash?"

"What was what?" She avoided looking at the man

"You targeted Sisten like she was an everyday fluzy, that is what"

"Well she is."

Eli gauked at the girl "Sisten is no Fluzy. She is my friend"

"I am sure she is a very special friend to you then" She got on herside of the bed and and gave Eli the cold shoulder.

"Women.... She is just my friend Nothing is going on between me and her and what if there was? How does that matter to you?"
Why did it matter to her? Ashlee didn't even know how to answer that so she didn't.

Eli's jaw was ticking as he didn't get a response, really?! He had shown her unconditional kindess and THIS was how she repaid him. No. Not on his ship. He pulled her out of the bed "My crew does not get to treat me as such and Neither will you Miss." Ashlee faught his tight grip but couldn't break it. He pulled her down into the belly of the ship and into the brig where he locked her up. "Your fairy tail cruise comes to an end."
Eli left Ashlee alone and in the dark cell, she felt tears welp up as she sank to the cold damp floor and held herself. After she had calmed down enough she got up and went over to the bench that served as a bed and curled up with her back to the door. She hated this, why couldn't she have answered Eli?

Back in his room Eli looked at his bed with some sorrow but the girl needed to learn he wasn't to be pushed around. He took care of her and her enjoyment of the journey had come to an end, until she learned some respect.  


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