I've lit up a dozen of lamps

For I have trouble sleeping

I suffer from my cramps.

Pain-killers aren't working.

They worsen, my heart is broken.

I see blazes flicker and they snicker.

I see flames, they dance and sway

I see the flames, cackle with delight.

I see flames with the brightest ray.

I see the flames in the darkest night.

My throat burns, my spirit yearns.

I watch with envy as the air gets chilly.

I wrap myself with my blankets,

Eyes fixated on the oil lamp's glows,

I grow tired of grand banquets

I grow tired of hunting does.

One blaze start to dim, I feel grim

Fire diminishes, turning to ashes.

The other flames cackle in gloom,

My soul, barren like a great hollow tree,

I have foreseen my passion's doom.

Closed eyes, I'm at the bottom of the sea.

I see no flames, none to tame.

I see darkness, nothingness.