Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:23 pm
over my weight. i cried over my weight. i've never worried about my weight before but recently i just i hate my body. i hate stepping on a scale because i don't want to see the number i hate looking in the mirror and not being able to be happy. i just hate myself for letting this happen
Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:49 pm
leetcream over my weight. i cried over my weight. i've never worried about my weight before but recently i just i hate my body. i hate stepping on a scale because i don't want to see the number i hate looking in the mirror and not being able to be happy. i just hate myself for letting this happen Start exercising and eat healthy Find a nutritionist if you can.
Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:10 pm
Exercise, especially so you can start feeling more comfortable in your own clothes, if that's an issue.
Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:41 pm
We've all been there at some point heart
Try to really focus on making feeling better about something other than a number. Try setting achievable goals for yourself like fitting in a little walking or jogging each day, or cutting out food from the top of the pyramid (substitute healthy foods that are tasty,, otherwise it's too hard to stick to and will just create more stress for you.. Or try something like stretching in the morning or at night before you go to bed. I think those are all things that make me feel a little better when I've got low self confidence, because how you feel about your weight is truly like 10% your actual weight and 90% perception.
The other thing I would strongly suggest is to drink heaps of water. Just like carry a bottle of water around at school and drink from it whenever you think of it; I have one on my desk at home and drink whenever I walk past. Drinking water is great because being properly hydrated improves your skin, your mood, reduces bloating and actually makes you less hungry, and most people are not properly hydrated most of the time.
If you feel comfortable to do so, maybe tell a close friend that you're having body image issues? Chances are they are feeling or have felt the same way, and it can help to have someone to compare notes with or even just to remember that what you're feeling isn't abnormal or taboo.
Try and spend a little time each morning (or the night before) choosing something to wear that makes you feel pretty and comfortable. Look in the mirror and think "I love this colour with my eyes/skin/whatever" or "This fit is really flattering on me". I know you can think of something ; )
Most importantly, please don't go on a diet without talking to a doctor or nutritionist first. At 16 your body is still growing and changing, and you want to be eating food that is supporting your development and all that, plus even if you know a little about nutrition it can be difficult to be clear minded when it comes to your own body.
Annnyways, I seem to have gotten a little carried away. sweatdrop But I hope some of it helps x