The night was cold and the sky was a midnight velvet. The moon was a silver and cast a pale glow on everything. Marcielle had just finished her shift at her work."Damn Thomas should grow a backbone. He needs to learn when people try to take advantage of him."She walked along to make it to the bus stop. She shivered. Damn she should have worn a thicker coat. But when she left this morning it wasn't as cold. Now she wished that she had more on instead of her cotton t-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes. Her brown hair was pulled back into a pony tail. She let it fall down and it fell to her waist. She sighed and waited but not for long before she felt eyes watching her. She turned and saw a man that was wearing a vest, jeans and motorcycle boots. She got a bad feeling from him so she started to leave when she saw more people dressed similarly to the other man and they were all closing in on her. She backed up until she felt someone grab her from behind."The pack has caught another one. She might give us all some entertainment."All the men laughed. She was scared. Then she heard."Let the girl go."They all turned to the voice. The man who that deep voice came from was dressed in a black sleeveless shirt and black long leather coat as well as black leather plants tucked into black Doc Martens. He was also wearing black leather gloves. The men stopped and a tension came over them. But the thing that she noticed was the man had white hair and icy blue eyes.The only time she had seen the same combination had been on a white timber wolf. The leader spoke to the man.What does one who travels without a pack want here."The man smirked and walked forward as a dark aura and a predatorial gait. She watched as the man was attacked but killed each man that attacked him. Then with blinding speed he rushed towards the man holding her. She heard him scream and let go of her. She had closed her eyes as she hit the ground. She was scared then she heard the voice of the man that saved her."Are you ok?"She nodded as his eyes held her vocal cords froze. She tried to get up but also noticed that her body wouldn't respond. He smiled gently and then helped her up."Get out of here more of them are coming."She wanted to leave and as she turned she saw that where the men had fallen there were now wolves. She turned back and saw a white timber wolf. She gaped but then she saw the same eyes that the man had and she could have sworn that she saw the wolf smile.She smiled back and then ran on leaving the wolf behind as she heard more wolves in the distance.