In countries that were once in the Greco-Roman sphere of influence or countries that are offshoots of such countries... fame/shame and honor/dishonor mostly went to the individual in ancient times, and still do. Also, they tend to favor a person's personal name over his family name.

If a person goofed up, the blame and dishonor went to him. If he did something good, it was possible his group or family might be praised and honored by association. But all in all, it more was about personal responsibility, not family or group honor.

In Asian countries, in ancient times, fame/shame and honor/dishonor belonged to the entire group or family and the actions of one person could mean the downfall of everyone associated with him or her. Also, the family name is still favored over the personal name even though such things like personal and/or family honor are no longer stressed so much in modern times.

Quite an interesting contrast in how 2 kinds of cultures approached responsibility. I'm kind of happy I was not brought into a culture where I and every member of my family was responsible for my family's standing and reputation. As a kid I would have been my family's downfall. xD