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[ 1v1 ] Sibling Rivalry. (Senga & Iyari) FIN

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:17 am

Senga found Iyari on most days to be an annoying but ultimately permanent fixture in his life. On some days he even considered her tolerable. But in comparison to the rest of his family, she was a cake walk and they were a treacherous and life-threatening death sentence. The newly formed lair was still mildly unknown to him, and Senga took his time exploring new parts of it that day before finally beginning the long and arduous search for his sister with only one thing in mind.

To be quite honest, he was exhausted. After the return of so many clansmen, the lair and the lost clan reserve had been a beehive of activity. With so many going to the world for the collection of FEAR or otherwise finding themselves tripping into portals or helping out in some way, shape, or form, it was hard not to get swept up in some type of activity the moment one stepped foot out of his or her door. Not to mention that Senga had been hounded, questioned, and smothered by the attention of recently deceased members of his family and members of his Clan in general. His bones were aching and his eyes stung, but he was quite sure the only thing he wanted at the moment was to fight.

So he located Iyari.

The task wasn't at all hard; where there was weaponry, there was usually a vibrantly colored horsewoman working away at either sharpening, forging, or otherwise using things that could decapitate a normal being of Halloweentown in a few seconds flat.

Dredging up enough common decency to not just tackle her right out, Senga gave his wings an imperious flap and leaned over Iyari's shoulder to examine whatever she might have or have not been working on at that very moment. "Sister." He rumbled. "You shouldn't work so long over the weapons or else you'll lose all of your skill in actual battle."

He paused, his wings folding neatly against his sides. "We should spar."

It wasn't a suggestion though.

here you are, darling u v u <3
kuumeii rolled 2 8-sided dice: 2, 7 Total: 9 (2-16)
PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:55 pm

Pounding away at steel kept her mind busy and away from darker thoughts. There had been a lot which had happened and once again the horsewoman found herself moved to yet another location. It had been a chore to stay active and much of her time had been spent alone, brooding silently where others were content with attempting some sort of normal pace.

She hadn't been normal in a long time. Even after some familiar faces had returned she had become far more sullen, internally quaked at her core from the many hardships they'd endured. Somewhere inside she had wanted them to return so badly, but now that the day had come and passed she felt more alone than ever, more content to stare down a sharpening stone and beat metal against metal.

Iyari was never one to talk about her feelings, what sort of use could that be aside from allowing in some sort of weakness? They'd already gotten the better of her before when she had become lost to herself in the search for Senga. Something had wanted to be with him, to talk to him, to be near him. The incident had been strange and Jay shared in a similar experience. Since then she had successfully avoided both of them.

Until now.

Bang. She threw down the hammer as hard as she could on the sword, her wings quivering against the motion and she stopped, turning a sharp gaze behind her. "What use are you in battle without a weapon with such a short arm." Iyari retorted to the chiding tone of her younger sibling, finally laying her eyes on him for the first time in what seemed an eternity.

It wasn't rage, but it wasn't happiness either that he was greeted with. Her eyes were cold, lacking a true emotion. The word spar was a sign, a ringing bell in a match and she was more than willing to oblige him.

Iyari didn't even bother with words and she neared him, eyes ablaze. She made a leap, slamming her blade out towards him.

HP: 40/40
Target: Senga
Damage: 3



Snarky Hunter


PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:13 am

i'm a genius and I forgot to roll shhhh
keiifuu rolled 2 8-sided dice: 8, 1 Total: 9 (2-16)
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:15 am

Senga exhaled and jerked back from his sister the moment she lashed out at him. His wings flared, and the hard bone beneath feather absorbed most of the blow, but it made him grimace all the while. His eyes narrowed, taking in the sight of sister but not rising to the bait of her words the way he might have just recently. He was tired of the grating exhaustion that seemed to put everyone in a bad temper - and up until recently, that certainly included himself. Of course the return of their comrades had left them all in an emotional coma - and of course the Haunted House had done little to ease their inward turmoil.

Still though. It bothered him. Jay was avoiding him and Iyari - oh, clever, tough Iyari, was sulking about like a child. "Pitiful." He rumbled thoughtfully. His fingers stretched and curled, and Senga gave a considerate pump of his wings, gusting the ground around them. He'd intended for this to take place in the training grounds but, well... it wasn't uncommon for fights to break out all over the lair anymore, it seemed. "You seem to have declined into a sulking child as of late, sister. That sullen expression looks very unappetizing on you." Light on his feet, Senga let himself fall back, considering his choice of movement. Iyari was taller than him, older than him, and probably physically stronger than him as well.

But that didn't mean he didn't have a few tricks up his sleeve to play.

Sighing, Senga lunged forward, eyes a brilliant amber gold, claws extended. While Iyari played with her toys right away, the Executioner didn't go straight for his own weapon. His mouth opened into a quiet rumble, and he vaulted up and above her as soon as the blow connected landing in the dry sand next to the workshop his sister had just been slaving away at. He frowned, glancing back at her, languid and graceful in his movement.

He was beginning to grow tired of both Jay and Iyari's acts, and this time it was his turn to play the mature b*****d in the relationship.

HP: 37/40
Target: Iyari
Damage: 3
FEAR: Y2 Battle Cry.



kuumeii rolled 2 8-sided dice: 3, 2 Total: 5 (2-16)


Snarky Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:54 pm

This was not the same Senga she had seen before the few incidents which had brought them to where they were now. He'd taken her blow but ignored her words, something which from a smaller age Senga was likely to do, even if the comment was utterly harmless.

"Don't assume to know me so well, brother." She retorted, her eyebrows creasing further into a scowl. The warrior was tired, so tired of it all. Nothing was going back to normal, and never would. Iyari snapped back, feeling the cut of his claws but merely stood, gazing at his movement. She felt it, the warm rush of light blood coming to the scratches on her arm.

Bright eyes followed the fluid movements of the younger. Her wings quivered as they opened and she leaped into the air, her aim was to strike but felt the force fueled by anger too far. Her body twisted away and she landed with her back to him, turning and staring him down - though grunted to herself that she hadn't managed to land a blow to him at all.

There wasn't much more to be said between them. Every emotion locked up breaking free at once could only be solved in the way the War Clan was well known for - with battle.

She held her blade up to him, the same cold expression not fading. As if to say, Is that all?.

HP: 37/40
Target: Senga
Damage: 0

keiifuu rolled 2 8-sided dice: 3, 4 Total: 7 (2-16)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:26 pm

Senga gave a shrug, his wings fluttering gently. "I've known you for hundreds of years," He responded simply, "I think I have the right to assume by now." He moved in correspondence to her own acts, watching and calculating and avoiding when it was necessary. He raised a brow when the Queen's Soldier twisted away from him and landed on the ground below.

Wasn't he the one infected by Insanity? And yet Iyari and Jay seemed so much more affected by the events around them, and so much more cracked beneath the pressure. In the wake of Iyari's emotional display, Senga seemed almost calm, landed with a soft thud on the balls of his feet, his dagger weighted in his left hand.

His eyes lifted to his sister's own cold expression, and he shrugged. He'd risen to the bait so much in the past; now it all seemed childish to him. It felt like he was shedding off the remains of his tendencies, forcing himself to move forward to a new self. If that meant that he could no longer by Iyari's younger, impressionable, overshadowed brother, and Jay's unyielding friend -

Then that was a sacrifice he had to make.

Lunging at Iyari again, Senga caught her briefly with his dagger before twisting away again, as though simply teasing her, refusing to draw himself into her angry charades.

HP: 37/40
Target: Iyari.
Damage: 1
FEAR: Y2 Battle Cry.



kuumeii rolled 2 8-sided dice: 4, 2 Total: 6 (2-16)


Snarky Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:58 pm

There was a silent release of air from her mouth, which was as close to a response that Senga was going to get out of her. The grip on her blade was tight enough and she gazed at it, taking her attention away from him as she was struck again. There's nothing left. It was a bitter thought and she turned slowly, merely staring at the other.

The Soldier was slower, a lot slower than she'd been before. Instead of backing from the hits she was taking them without much of a fight. Pain meant little to her, the visions of her mind moving back to something else, back to something darker.

Never had she been one to crave affection or attention - often she was alone by her own seclusion. But there was an unyielding sense of lost mixed with other emotions she often ate away, keeping to herself. Her mouth twitched and she tossed a knife on her pouch at Senga to get his attention back as she stared him down.

What was this feeling now, staring at him? She closed her eyes and let her blade vanish. There wasn't much point in it, something about her blade was wrong. It was all wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. Her eyes seemed to click open and she continued to stand, not even into a stance but to just look at him.

HP: 36/40
Target: Senga
Damage: 0

keiifuu rolled 2 8-sided dice: 8, 4 Total: 12 (2-16)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:12 pm

Senga watched his sister react with something akin to curiosity, his gaze fathomless and dark. What was wrong with her? Why did she seem so empty? It was like he was looking at a shell of a creature he'd once known. A husk of a horseman that had once been proud. His muscles pulled beneath his skin and he let himself fall into a light stance for a long moment, watching and waiting.

When Iyari barely even responded, didn't even take the opening he'd given her, he frowned, his wings folding with a snap to his sides. "What's wrong with you?" He asked finally, his tone imploring but not accusatory. He flicked the dagger between his hands, the skulls clicking against the hood of his pelt. This wasn't the usual Iyari he knew, and somewhere in him, he felt himself grow cold at the notion that the sister he'd known had somehow disappeared.

Since the destruction of the Clans, they'd barely seen each other. Iyari was a reclusive individual, and it seemed that she'd drawn in on herself enough now that it seemed almost a shame. Senga's lips pulled thin. But why? Why was she doing this? It irritated him. He wanted to yell at her to grow up, that she was old enough to deal with these things without being such a kid about it. Wasn't he supposed to be the younger sibling in this relationship?

He shook it off though and pushed forward; if Iyari was going to be like this, he would snap her out of it in the only way he knew how - a down and dirty fight.

HP: 37/40
Target: Iyari
Damage: 6
FEAR: Y2 Battle Cry.



kuumeii rolled 2 8-sided dice: 8, 5 Total: 13 (2-16)


Snarky Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:26 pm

Inside of her own head was something of a festival of shrieking as her inner voice pounded away at her from the inside. She was ignoring it, her body swaying idly. Where had it gone, that ferocity... Iyari shook her head, taking the sting of his dagger again. He wanted this, maybe had for a long time. It would come down to this. Her mouth tasted bitter and her gaze dulled.

Her wings had folded in, hugging onto her body. A breeze moved through the feathers on her head and she felt her hair sway with it. What could she say to him? It wouldn't matter, the end result was something even in this state she could see happening. "Nothing." She muttered, her body moving clumsily into a defensive way, expecting him.

The animal inside shouted as he neared, and for a second she felt that spark, something back from the dead as she turned her body, smashing both wings into his face when he got close enough, spinning to add to the blow to get some distance back between them.

Watching him fall she blinked, her focus only at half-attention and she released another sigh, her wings folding back neatly to her body.

HP: 30/40
Target: Senga
Damage: 7

keiifuu rolled 2 8-sided dice: 3, 7 Total: 10 (2-16)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:37 pm

Senga picked himself up from the dirt with a quick, elegant motion, staring back at Iyari with a frown. That was better but --- it was just instinct. His wings snapped shut, and he rubbed the back of his hand against his sore cheek. "Hmph." If this battle was going to degrade into an action-reaction phase, he was going to lose interest quick. "Liar." He rumbled quietly.

But it was Iyari's choice whether to tell him or not, and he wasn't about to pry.

Sighing, he kicked the dagger up into his hand and threw it at Iyari, watching the silver and bronze blur as it struck home. "If I'm going to be fighting a statue, I'll find someone more interesting to deal with." He said coldly, rubbing the back of his neck.

HP: 30/40
Target: Iyari
Damage: 4
FEAR: Y2 Battle Cry



kuumeii rolled 2 8-sided dice: 8, 5 Total: 13 (2-16)


Snarky Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:45 pm

Adrenaline had spiked slightly and she grabbed for the dagger, pulling it from where she'd been hit, staring at it stained with her own blood. "You always do." She muttered, holding onto the dagger and glaring back at him. Maybe it was time, but it was still wrong.

She huffed and began an attack, her wings finally unfurling from her body, though there was still hesitation in her joints as she jumped into him, slamming the dagger into him. It was a clean blow and one that was actually intended and she rolled away from him, leaving the dagger where it struck.

Iyari watched carefully and her wings remained out, quivering with the rush of it.

HP: 26/40
Target: Senga
Damage: 7

keiifuu rolled 7 4-sided dice: 2, 3, 1, 1, 4, 4, 1 Total: 16 (7-28)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:05 pm

Senga grunted at the impact, though his Fear Shield staved off any lasting damage, it still hurt like hell. In a flurry of wing flaps, he was up above Iyari before she could strike again, vaulting gracefully through the air with the intent to destroy hidden beneath the calm facade. Back in War, Senga had always been known as a silent opponent - a strange sort of sight, really, considering his brethren were known for being.. well, loud.

Re-summoning the dagger to his hand, Senga sighed out. At least it seemed as though Iyari was putting up some fight - and he was starting to feel it as well. With a low rumble, Senga summoned up a surge of strength and folded his wings in a quick motion, diving at his sibling with the intent to push her further and further into her former, proud self. His blows were quick and sharp, from all sides, a sleek tawny blur of muscle and lean, long limbs.

Now it was her turn to respond.

HP: 23/40
Target: Iyari
Damage: 14
FEAR: Y2 Battle Cry using



kuumeii rolled 9 4-sided dice: 4, 1, 2, 1, 4, 2, 2, 4, 2 Total: 22 (9-36)


Snarky Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:31 pm

Iyari hissed in pain and her eyes sparked back into life at the sensation. She gasped, grabbing at his wings and pushing herself off. It was different, that was for certain, but painful all the same. She felt a roar inside of her and her blade reappeared as she stood. Her body was reeling but a small smirk managed its way onto her face.

She leaned back, kicking off from the ground with her blade out, striking at him quickly with her signature move, finally moving fluidly rather than slowly.

She seemed to be enjoying herself

HP: 12/40
Target: Senga
Damage: 17 (rounded down because decimals suck)
Fear: (Which I totally forgot about duuuurr iyari~ ) Swift Strikes

keiifuu rolled 2 8-sided dice: 1, 1 Total: 2 (2-16)
PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:28 pm

Senga grunted at Iyari's sudden flury of attacks, twisting backwards into a flip and crouching just out of her range. He exhaled painfully, his wings rattling as the long feathers brushed over the dirt and the grit of the lair ground. "That's more like it." He rumbled, rolling his shoulders backwards to stretch out his muscles. He could feel the places where she'd landed blows, and for a moment it almost felt like they were back to normal.

But of course they weren't. Everything had changed.

His body twisted and he darted at her in a tawny blur, his blade flashing through the air. At the last moment though, he feinted to the side, skidding to a halt behind Iyari with a sigh. "This isn't what I was looking for." He said, his voice laden with irritation. He de-summoned his weapon and glanced at Iyari, his sharp eyes narrowing. "Whatever's wrong with you, figure it out and get over it." He said, his voice callous and tired. "And come and find me when you're finished sulking for a rematch. I'm tired my own kin for reasons other than a good spar."

HP: 6
Target: Iyari
FEAR: Y2 Battle Cry

we can either finish up or do sibling confrontation if you want? o v o


kuumeii rolled 2 8-sided dice: 6, 4 Total: 10 (2-16)


Snarky Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:04 pm

Her breathing had picked up, then slowed after she had managed her attack and she watched him. Inside she felt a little better, but it ended quickly and she stopped as he attempted an attack. She had gone to defend herself but there was little need as he feigned and she was left standing there, staring at him with a puzzled sort of look.

"Figure it out and get over it."

Iyari growled as he began to walk away and her blade vanished. What did he know about it? What could he know? Iyari grabbed at a dagger held in a pouch and took it, throwing it at his head, attempting to grab his attention again.

The warrior watched as it managed to slide across his cheek as he was walking away from her. He didn't turn, didn't even look at her. Her wings ruffled and became rigid. Senga was walking away. Fists clenched her eyes became narrow.

"Don't you turn your back on me." She started low with a snarl. "SENGA!" And with a run she was after him.

The battle may have ended, but she wasn't done with him yet. He started it, he was going to have to be there to finish it as well.

HP: 12/40
Target: Senga
Damage: 4
Fear: Y2 Swift Strikes
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