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Digimon: Tamer Island Guild

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#1 Digimon Guild where you can actually be a Tamer with your very own Digimon. 

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:19 pm

Discuss Bethesda Studio's best game yet here.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:26 pm

Tip: When you start a new game head to Iilinata's Deep, (The Sunken Fort Where you go while going through the Azura's Star quest). There is an Arcane Enchanter there to enable you to start working on your enchanting skill early on in the game.

Note: There are a number of necromancers in there so level up a bit before entering.


Luigi Egbert

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:45 pm

Tip: Go with Imperial. Many of the other bonuses for races can be outclasses by other skills or enchantments very soon. Imperial gives you bonus 10-20 coins when looting some things. The only other race I would suggest is Argonian; two words, water breathing.

Tip: The best looking armor in my opinion is Ebony Armor, you can find named and customized Ebony armor named Ebony Mail in a daedric quest involving Boethiah.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:05 pm

Tip: The best way to get your armor skill up? Find some low level bandits and LET them hit you. While they are doing that, dual wield your low level healing spell to counter any damage you take, thus, working on your restoration skill.


Orre Champion Monty

Enduring Browser

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:59 pm

TIP: Start the thieves guild quest in Riften right after starting the game! After a lot of hard work you are rewarded with the Nightingale Armor, which is not only the best looking armor, has great effects for you sneaks out there.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:45 pm

Does anybody think it's weird to have no problem being a killer for hire (Dark Brotherhood), But have a strong moral stance against the thieves guild?

Tip: The best places to work on your enchanting skill are dwarven ruins, kill the automatons to get the soul gems powering them and then once you get further into the ruin use the falmer to fill them.



PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:04 am

Tip: Here is an easy recipie for a restore health potion that you can make right away when you start a new game.

- Blue Mountain Flower
- Monarch Butterfly Wing
- Wheat or Blisterwort
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:28 pm

Tip: If you want to level smithing fast, smith iron daggers, these are the easy to smith items and easy to acquire materials for. You can also go to the standing stone trio, to find them just follow the stone path out of the first village towards the cave from the beginning of the game, pick the warrior stone, while this isn't required it helps it along.
Tip: An easy way to level enchanting is the mace of molag bal, and the black star( and to a lesser extent the white soul counter part to the black star), these are both daedric artifacts, the mace will always have soul trap as part of its enchantment, and the black/ white star is an unbreakable soul gem for its respective color. Recharging a weapons charge gauge does count for leveling enchantment, so this can create an endless loop, since just about every black soul is a "human's" soul and "human" souls are equivalent in power to grand white souls, this is a very easy way to have easy access to enchanting materials. The mace is found in Markarth, check the abandoned house to start the quest, and the star is at azura's shrine, slightly south of winterhold.
Tip: an easy way to level speech is by going to the black briar meadery in riften, bribing the guy at the counter, then continually going through the dialogue that does a persuasion check, this shoul always succeed and will always count as a valid successful speech.
Shout Tip: one of the most powerful shouts in the game is storm call this shout is found in High Gate ruins, Skuldafn and Forelhost. Be warned though, in order to fully get and keep it you have to fight three dragon priests and Alduin himself.
Major warning, if you don't get the one at Skuldafn when you go there during the main quest you may NEVER legitimately get it again (same with the dragon priests mask there).
Warning: when using storm call make sure everyone near you is someone you WANT dead, storm call indiscriminately targets everything but you.
And while I'm at it, a 4th dragon priest mask is obtained through the college of winterhold's quest line, along with the wooden mask(not counted as one of the 8 dragon priest masks, but still needed to get the 9th priest mask)
Random tidbits on some items: a unique( as far as I know you can only get one) weapon called the Blade's sword can be obtained in Delphine's "closet", when this first appears I'm not entirely sure, however it should be there after the Esbern quest.
There is a pick called the notched pick axe which is at the VERY top of the entire game(throat of the world) next to an ebony ore pile, this pick increases the smithing skill if the wielder.
One last thing, if you don't care for the achievement or don't plan to pour skill levels into lock picking, during the thieves guild quest line when you have to go to the twilight sepulcher, stop there, do not go to the twilight sepulcher, at this point you will have the skeleton key, an unbreakable lock pick, and a very useful one at that, it makes it a lot easier for even someone with untrained lock picking to pick a master level lock, and just to put minds at ease, you get the nightengale armor before you get the skeleton key so you can get both this and the armor, which is an incredible armor, however it is also, relatively speaking, one of the hardest armor sets to get in the game.

Now I have a question, in boethiah's quest do you fail if you get detected? I don't know because I killed everyone without being detected, but I am curious, does anyone know? Also has anyone killed a legendary dragon?if so what level and where.

Now on a random note, the college of winterhold seems to be(for me at least) the favored place for dragon attacks, I get like two there every time I play the game.


Unholy Sage


PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:30 pm

To UnHolyFudge: Dragons tend to respawn at the College of Winterhold, just like they do in the skies over Dawnstar.

Tip: Early on in the game an easy way to "hunt" deer cast fury on them and they will attack you.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:59 pm

Pro-Tip: If you converse with the person in the meadery in riften for a long time, the conversation just goes in cycles, but is considered interaction. therefore you can get your speaking skill to 100 in 20 minutes

Sneak behind the monks in the mountain, it gives you levels and you can even attack them with basic melee and bows to grind levels as long as you allow them to heal themselves because they normally wont aggro on you


Beloved Lunatic

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:23 pm

Tip: Best way I have found to level-up your alteration and illusion skills, is to wield Detect Life in one hand and Courage in the other. Go to a trade square like in Windhelm, Markarth, Solitude, Whiterun, or Riften. Keep blasting everyone you see with Courage, and get as many people on your screen and cast Detect Life. I believe the more people you are "Life Detecting" the faster your Alteration skill will increase.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:10 pm

Pro-Tip: Is this a discussion of skyrim or people just giving tips?

Luigi Egbert

Neophyte Tycoon

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:50 pm

You can discuss and give tips here as long as it's about the game.

Fun Fact: The unique location "Bards Leap" and the subsequent plunge you take to get a ghostly bard to up your speech skill is a reference to Assassins Creed.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:49 am

Amazing game, enough said biggrin

I'm a Nord, dual wielding focused and I wear daedric armour like there is no tomorrow!

Here's a tip for leveling up skills!
First find a trainer who can follow you, such as a Companion or something;
Then train in that skill until you cannot train further;
Ask them to follow you;
Ask to trade items with them, then take your money back!


Also I have a Thieves Guild issue, if anyone else does tell me...
My game has a glitch in which I cannot start the quest 'Dampened Spirits'. Just asking in case anyone knows a fix for this, oh and one more thing, I own Skyrim on Xbox so I cannot easily modify it.


Tricky Genius


PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:28 pm

Bah! The Thieve's Guild is nothing compared to the Dark Brotherhood!

Fun Fact: The quest you are sent on to kill Grelod the Kind that runs the orphanage in Riften is a reference to the Annie play.
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