Story line: (this will be long!)
It all happened about a year and a half ago when, in my art class, this guy sat right next to me, and I instantly knew it...I was in love.
So I wouldn't call it love, maybe like a crush...
But it's been past 4's been nearly 2 years.
I mean, we've always talked a lot, always laughed a lot... until one day...
That one day, in about 7 months in my crush relationship, I sat down at my art table, and the first words he said to me were..."I know you like me." I instantly stopped what I was doing (I mean, who wouldn't?) and I said, "what?"
I even remember his reply..."I mean, we're great friends and all, but I don' know what I mean?"
But all I could do was just nod my head.
So 1 1/2 years later, I still like him...and my friends say that he might like me. One of my closest friends says that when she asks him who he likes, he says 'I can't say' and then he mutters, 'because she's a friend of yours'. (luckily, she has good hearing!)
But that's not all.
Sometimes, when his hair is all messy from his physical education class, he'll come to me and start giggling about how silly he looks, and when I ask to smooth it down for him, he'll just bow down his head as an invitation. Sometimes, when I do that in front of my friend, she'll talk about how this is the first 'stage' to being a good girlfriend, and he'll just say "Don't you mean 'step' to being a good girlfriend?"
But when he says's just like he's not embarrassed by it at all, as if he doesn't care that I'm patting his hair down as a first 'step' to being a good girlfriend...he's all like,
Yes, a girl is patting my hair. Yes, I don't care that a girl is patting my hair. Yes, I will let her pat my hair and Yes, I don't care that I'm talking about 'stages/steps' to being a good girlfriend in front of her.
So what do I do!?!
Do I confess again? Do I wait for him? Should I ask to talk to him in private while he's around bunch of his friends? Should I give him something for valentines? Will that make me look silly?
I'm so confused and lost! TT^TT
So please help don't have to but if you do...
Thank you very much.