A Restricted Digimon auction exclusive for Digi-Christmas!
Info: A Virus Attribute version of a special Digimon whose entire body is made up of special plastic bricks. A very pretty sight to behold, he took on his Agumon-like appearance and personality when he was created by a child on the Internet. Out of battle, he enjoys to communicate with children through the net, as he enjoys being appreciated by them. His special attack is "Toy Flame", which transfers flame-shaped toy missiles. Despite its simplistic appearance, this attack is quite strong.
Starting Bid: 2,500g
You may bid at least 1,200g to the current price. Cancellations of bids is not possible, we need you to be serious in bidding.
chatting is not allowed in this thread.
The one who has the highest bid when no one wishes to bid anymore wins the Digimon.
*This auction is purely optional, only for those who want an additional partner and who have gold to spare.
Won by Christian13000 for 700,000 Gold.