I'm very religious. And it shows in my writings. But heres the start of a story i'm writing.

I was never taught the consequences of my actions. Anything I wanted, anything at all, was mine. That was all I had ever known.
People today would point their fingers at my parents. However they fail to realize that with all these rules and regulations, parents can't do much. Children are given to many liberties, far to many liberties.
I sometimes wonder if my parents gave up. How could they have taught me better? How could they have shown me right from wrong?
No, Its not their fault I'm in here. They didn't kill that man. They didn't stab him, didn't paint their faces in his blood.
Wow, I'm crying again. Why am I always crying? I knew what I was doing, I knew he would have to die.
Why can't I stop crying? Wasn't the phone worth it? To take it from him felt so good.
No! It was wrong, it must have been. How could the phone be worth me taking his life?
My parents should have said no. They should have taught me!
Wait, how could they? Simple discipline would have gotten them arrested.
Was there ever going to be hope?
Its getting closer, the day my status as death row inmate ends, and I'm scared. I don't wanna die.
Whats after death? What do I have to look foward too?
Of course my thoughts drifted to when I was a child and at Sunday School. I believed it then, what kid wouldn't? I knew better now. If God was loving He wouldn't have allowed this. He would have stopped this He would have taught me!
He should have taught me! There was so much I never knew! I never knew it!
It wasn't my fault.
I know its drawinig near, my end I mean.
I've tried pleading, I've begged. Nobody would help. I knew nobody would help. Who would want to help me? I wished they would help though. I didn't want to die.
To young. It would be to young. I'm only twenty- six, and soon, I would be no more.
Great, I'm crying again. Why am I crying again? I thought I would have come to terms with this last week? I'm afraid still, I'm so afraid. But theres nothing I can do. Its all over now.
God I'm so sorry. I never meant for it to happen. I never meant for things to come to this. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.