I know this place is all but dead, but I'm bored, so why the hell not!

-MurasakiNoKoneko, one of the first things I translated ALL BY MYSELF in WAPPONEESE when I was a wee otaku. Since then I spent 4 years learning to speak/read/write moon speak, and promptly forgot it when I left college crying My more active Gaia main avy is spacekitten.

- I have a BA in Fine Art from PSU. My concentration was in 'New Media' (CG art), but I also studied metal smithing. I also have a CA in Contemporary Craft Marketing from HACC, where I studied more metal smithing but also how to sell it. I'm trying to make a living selling jewelry at local art shows and anime cons (if you go to a con in the mid-atlantic area, look for MageWeave Designs!) and do a little CG commission work on the side.

-I'd like to think that I'm forever 17. That said, I will be celebrating my 10th anniversary of BEING 17 later this month!

-I live in the 'burbs around Philly

-Mura + "the boy" (aka THE LAWYER now biggrin ) = 9 years this December! And we're gettin' hitched next Feb xd

- I also have a pet flying squirrel named Ichigo. She's 4, and thinks I am a tree.

-I <3 old school (late 70s/early 80s) punk. The Clash, Sex Pistols, Ramones. When I'm not listening to that I like random jpop/kpop XD

-I am an Anne Rice fan-junkie. I wish I could channel Lestat's "I'm awesome, eff you" attitude more often. And of course I like HP, because I don't live under a rock (despite what my music tastes say)

-when I'm not a 'net-surfing potato, I make things. Knitting, chainmaille, drawing, CG Design, and random other things. But those are the biggies.

-My favorite Gaia items are my kitties (Kiki, Coco, and Rufus), all on my other account. Mura started as my dumping ground/holiday item dupe-getter.

-I'm also a tumblr addict! chainandlace.tumblr.com. Fair warning, its full of lolita clothes I wish I could own, vampires, and random woodland things. And the occasional whine about stuff that sucks.

- Oh and I play LoL sometimes, and TSW. Username on both is Amorice. In fact if you find an Amorice on ANY online game, its probably me. "the boy" is Audustum. If you see him and want to talk to me, tell him to poke me. 99% likely I'm sitting right behind him.