This is the ~ATH shipping grid. It is done through google docs, and I don't know how to put it visually into a post short of constantly redoing it in a photo editing program. Which is so not worth it to me right now. If someone else feels like doing so, feel free, but I will not.

Anyway, how this works:

The ships are listed in how the individual on the left feels about the individual on the right. So that people with opposing feelings don't get misrepresented.

The Ships:

<> Moirailegeance
<3< Kismesitude
<3 Matespriteship
#< Auspictice
>< Friend Zone
== Indifferent
/ Does not like

The Grid

Make sure to request that I add you to the list of people that can edit this. Otherwise, I may not know what email to add to the list.