Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:23 pm
Rules-Free Formed Control RP Combat in effect (See Rules database) (6+1 posted required to escape Arena) -Only one digimon at a time -No digivolving Dstdnt (Are you still participating?) Corruption Zero (Go to the Underground Thread) Zadok the 28th (Thank you... [Trophy Awarded])
Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:06 pm
Competitors... LET'S GET BATTLING!!!  Dracmon Starting Position: C8 Guilmon Starting Position: M8
ultimatemk rolled 10 10-sided dice:
4, 5, 2, 8, 9, 7, 10, 5, 10, 7
Total: 67 (10-100)
Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:23 pm
A young boy with red hair entered the stadium to the clapping of hands. He was wearing a Union Jack Jacket as well as a headband and a red and orange sun visor. He whistled as he entered and looked around the field. He wondered if Craniamon was watching at the moment. Unbeknownst to everyone he and Craniamon had been working pretty hard the other day and had made Zero and Blitz two weapons to fight with. GranD on the other hand refused to take it and decided to use his usual tactics in this fight. He sighed as he watched the field and looked around. He wondered who his opponent would end up being and how tough it would be but he came here to win. As he noticed his opponent enter Nicholas smiled and then took out the digivice given for the tournament and pushed the arm holding it forward. The digivice's screen began to shine as a digimon suddenly appeared. GranD would jump around with a smile and said, "That's our opponent? He looks like such a weakling. Come on let me digivolve and take him out right here right now.". Nicholas would sigh and place his hand over his face. He then shook his head and then looked at D. He smiled and then pointed at D with a smirk and said, "Careful Mr. D. Were here to win this battle. Then were going to go get some yakisoba bread!'. Dracmon would then arch his back and raise his hands and laugh before he said, "YEAH!!! YAKISOBA BREAD!!!"  Digimon Name: Dracmon Gran D HP: 60 Position: C8 Attacks (What type of attack and a short description) 1) Undead Fang - Offensive; Normal Attack Damage; roll 1d4 and if number is odd heal self equal to damage taken; Close Range 2) Eye Of Nightmare - Offensive; No Attack Damage; Stunning Effect; roll 1d4 and number you roll is how much turns opponent will be stunned; Close Range 3) Drac Punch - Offensive; Normal Attack Damage; Close Range Special Recharge3/3
Dstdnt rolled 10 10-sided dice:
4, 1, 4, 1, 9, 5, 8, 6, 3, 9
Total: 50 (10-100)
Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:04 pm
D entered the stadium, not phased by the whole lockdown that took place all that much, as he came in the sights of the spectators. His first ever Digimon, and daresay favourite was walking beside him. What point was there to keep his Digimon hidden when they were competing in a one on one battle. As he stood at the Tamer's position, he ran his hand through his hair, slightly arranging it as his black jacket moved so fluidly with him.Guilmon leapt from where D stood to it's battle position, gesturing Dracmon to bring it on. "Looks like something I eat for dinner," the Virus Digimon said looking attentively at it with a gleam in its eyes, like it was stalking it's prey. It laughed at Dracmon's words, "Yes, you would need to Digivolve to have a chance to do that." It stood in a readied stance, anticipating the first move."Sounds like fun, and when we win, we'll go get some shawarma. I believe Iron Man likes it," D said in response to Nicholas. He studied the field once, more, as he remembered the notes he had taken down prior, as he stood in his own stance, as he let out his battle call: "Guilmon, vanquish them."Digimon Name: Guilmon Attribute: Virus HP: 60 Position: M8 Attacks 1) Pyro Sphere - Offensive; Spits out a powerful flame bullet that doubles in power if used in succession and knocks target back by 1; Long Range. 2) Rock Breaker - Offensive; Attacks with tough claws can destroy rocks; Close Range. 3) Pyro Rock Breaker - Offensive; Double Special Attack Damage; Assaults with Pyro Sphere and Rock Breaker simultaneously and engulfs claws in flames and knocks target back by 3, (if Pyro Sphere or Rock Breaker was used prior to this attack, add 8 to this attack's damage); Close Range. Special Recharge 3/3.
Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:39 pm
With the battle commencing Nicholas began to think about a good strategic plan to take out the enemy digimon. He began to think on how to avoid a long ranged attack since he was almost certain that the opponent had one. As he thought GranD was sitting down thinking about something. As the two were quiet the crowd just stared in confusion at what they were doing. All of a sudden GranD then shouted, "Okay that is enough planning!". He then stood up all of a sudden to the surprise of Nicholas who simply said, "Huh?". Then GranD smirked and then shouted, "LEEEEERROOOOY.....JEEEENNNKKIINNNS!!!". He then dashed straight at Guilmon his eyes burning with passion. Nicholas was stunned and stared at the event. As GranD neared Guilmon he raised his arm and began to shout, "DRAC!!!!!!!!!! PU......". He never got to finish what he was saying because suddenly he tripped and began to roll towards Guilmon before stopping right in front of Guilmon. Nicholas just facepalmed and muttered to himself, "I'm doomed."  Digimon Name: Dracmon Gran D HP: 60 *Charged* Position: C8 => L8 Attacks (What type of attack and a short description) 1) Undead Fang - Offensive; Normal Attack Damage; roll 1d4 and if number is odd heal self equal to damage taken; Close Range 2) Eye Of Nightmare - Offensive; No Attack Damage; Stunning Effect; roll 1d4 and number you roll is how much turns opponent will be stunned; Close Range 3) Drac Punch - Offensive; Normal Attack Damage; Close Range Special Recharge3/3 ( OOC: I'm doomed. Note i'm not serious. Just acting as to how they would typically act like )
Dstdnt rolled 4 4-sided dice:
2, 2, 3, 4
Total: 11 (4-16)
Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:27 pm
D smiled as he watched the little Virus Digimon run up to his. "I see your Digimon likes to battle up close and personal. Good thing my Guilmon's versatile," he said as he raised his hand, pointing towards Dracmon for his Digimon to attack, then changing the direction of his hand to instruct where his Digimon would move to. Guilmon side stepped diagonally beside Dracmon, with its eyes filled with determination. "Pyro Sphere!" Guilmon exclaimed, blasting a powerful flame bullet head on into Dracmon's face, pushing it down from L8 to L9. It then moved further diagonally, away from Dracmon, watching its opponent, not letting the way their opponents were acting get in the way.
Digimon Name: Guilmon Attribute: Virus HP: 60 Position: M8 -> L7 (Attack) -> H3 Attacks 1) Pyro Sphere - Offensive; Spits out a powerful flame bullet that doubles in power if used in succession and knocks target back by 1; Long Range. 2) Rock Breaker - Offensive; Attacks with tough claws can destroy rocks; Close Range. 3) Pyro Rock Breaker - Offensive; Double Special Attack Damage; Assaults with Pyro Sphere and Rock Breaker simultaneously and engulfs claws in flames and knocks target back by 3, (if Pyro Sphere or Rock Breaker was used prior to this attack, add 8 to this attack's damage); Close Range. Special Recharge 3/3.
ultimatemk rolled 1 4-sided dice:
Total: 2 (1-4)
Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:02 am
GranD was hit by the Pyro Sphere and was nocked backwards. He screamed in pain before standing up and then he sighed. Nicholas just turned away and lied down on the ground. He did not really care anymore because of his digimons idiotic charge. He would lose all because of the idiotic digimon. He decided to let GranD do what he wanted. GranD jumped up and shook his head. He then smirked and then moved diagonally quickly and then stopped diagonally from Guilmon. He smirked and then raised his hands at Guilmon and said, "Hey hey hey dude. Wassup? Wanna see a trick? Of course you do.". He then raised his hands at Guilmon and said, "Eye Of Nightmare.". The Guilmon was then hypnotized by GranD and became his slave. He laughed and then said, "Now then young Guilmon. I want you to dance!!!!!". Guilmon now under his control began to dance. He laughed hysterically.   Digimon Name: Dracmon Gran D HP: 60 => 38 Position: L9 => G4 Attacks (What type of attack and a short description) 1) Undead Fang - Offensive; Normal Attack Damage; roll 1d4 and if number is odd heal self equal to damage taken; Close Range 2) Eye Of Nightmare - Offensive; No Attack Damage; Stunning Effect; roll 1d4 and number you roll is how much turns opponent will be stunned; Close Range 3) Drac Punch - Offensive; Normal Attack Damage; Close Range Special Recharge3/3 ( OOC: ) DTI TourneyProctor Do you think that this move is too op? If so can you tell me how to edit it? Eye Of Nightmare - Offensive; No Attack Damage; Stunning Effect; roll 1d4 and number you roll is how much turns opponent will be stunned; Close Range
Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:29 am
Dracmon smirked and was about to throw a punch at the dancing Guilmon when suddenly he stopped and turned around to see Nicholas holding a white cloth. Nicholas then sighed feeling extremely bored since GranD was just acting by himself and not letting him in on the fun. He sighed and then threw it done. This was to signify that he was surrendering. GranD growled and began jumping up and down waving his hands up and down swearing since he was extremely pissed. Nicholas sighed and said, "Well you didn't let me instruct you so I got bored. Anyways even if we didn't win lets just get some Yakisoba Bread.". GranD stopped swearing and then ran back next to Nicholas. Nicholas then looked at D and shouted, "Good luck D. Sorry that we couldn't battle more but I get easily bored if I am not in control of my digimon. Anyways see ya.". The two then left the stadium leaving the crowd in shock by what he did.   Digimon Name: Dracmon Gran D HP: 38 Position: G4 Attacks (What type of attack and a short description) 1) Undead Fang - Offensive; Normal Attack Damage; roll 1d4 and if number is odd heal self equal to damage taken; Close Range 2) Eye Of Nightmare - Offensive; No Attack Damage; Stunning Effect; roll 1d4 and number you roll is how much turns opponent will be stunned; Close Range 3) Drac Punch - Offensive; Normal Attack Damage; Close Range Special Recharge3/3 ( OOC: ) DTI TourneyProctor Yeah I forfeit. Sorry about this but after battling I realized that its kind of boring this type of battle style. Though it allows more of a strategic battle rather than luck it still feels a bit boring now that i've played it. Oh well sorry.
Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:55 am
 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬{ Vademon }▬▬▬▬▬ The sight of a white flag would draw the Alien's attention. "Folks, I do believe the left side has conceded to defeat. This is a most unfortunate circumstance, but there you have it folks... the winner by default is... D and his trusty partner, GUILMON!""Now I ask that both competitors take to the stands and that..." The alien would look at his notes to make sure that the next two people's names were legible. "...that Kaizer and James start heading towards the arena!"
Kizadek rolled 10 100-sided dice:
49, 7, 36, 50, 79, 53, 92, 99, 73, 22
Total: 560 (10-1000)
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:44 pm
James walked confidently into the arena. With the flip of his magnanimous red hair, he strode into his place in the Tamer Box. A smile on his face he whipped his digivice and cried out "Delta 1, Realize!" Two beams of light shot high into the air, The first beam formed a seed, and burrowed itself below the soil. The second one shot into the air and exploded into a small cloud. The data began to merge together and as it formed into clumps, Data began to rain down from above and onto a small patch of ground. As the data collided with the ground it quickly began to take form, and from the ground itself, an overly muscular, and very vein like hand seemed to shoot up from the ground, griping the nearest place free of the data fall and appeared to clutch the ground there. A second hand shot up next, its long root like fingers grasping at the ground. Two feet were close behind, each one mutated to look more like a stump than an actual foot. The data began collecting in the middle, and soon a slim body took form, A reptile like appearance to it. The body began lurching back and forth as the hands and feet worked frivolously to 'unroot' the head which had yet to emerge. With a final tug, an onion like red head emerged from the ground and looked out to the crowd waving to it's many fans. As the last of the data was collected from the ground and absorbed into the plant digimon's body, many people in the crowd were surprised to realize that there was no hole in the ground, and realized that the whole cinematic had just been a theatrical ploy. Entralled, many members of the Coliseum stood to their feet and began to applaud. James smiled to himself and crossed his arms, "So it begins" he muttered under his breath. ---------------------------------------------------------------  Digimon: Floramon(Delta 1) Attribute: Data HP: 60 Position: C8 Attacks: 1) Gaia Healing: healing; Floramon heals half of its HP by process of photosynthesis. 2) Petite blaster; Offensive; Special attack long range. Floramon fires a seed from its hand like a cannon towards the opponent 3) Straight Punch; offensive; Special attack short range. Floramon punches the opponent straight on.
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:52 am
 "If we head for the future..."
Kazu Matsumoto
"...Then we can be forgiven for the past." As Kazu entered the Arena he was greeted by an explosion of noise and excitement. Bright lights glared into his eyes. "Urgh, I miss my shades..." He shielded his face from the harsh light and looked about for a seat. The first match was over and now the next set of challengers were getting ready to participate. So far only one contender had appeared, a shock of red hair, drastically contrasting to Kazu's own blue, an uneasy feeling settled over the V-Tamer, he couldn't explain it exactly, something just felt off about the guy in the arena. Shaking his head Kazu laughed, "No reason to be so aggressive towards a stranger I guess." finding a chair, Kazu plopped himself down and looked about for Veemon. The blue scoundrel had found a hotdog stand and was ordering as much as he could consume. Kazu sighed, "Don't stuff yourself before our fight idiot!" with that he turned back to the arena and prepared to watch the fight.
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:23 am
With a great yawn, Marcus and his partner, Gaomon made their way into their assigned arena. Though Marcus would have been fine with sleeping a little longer, he knew that he had to redeem himself and get to where he would be battling Lief again, but this time for real. Both he and Gaomon had come up with new tricks now that they were a little more accustomed to this style of battle, but that wasn't to say that Lief and his Agumon had not also done the same.
Making his way through the raised bleachers of the slightly deemed room, Marcus would have a seat among the other spectators, none of which he actually knew. Gaomon would take a seat next to him and would glance down at the arena, remembering all too well how he'd let his beastly nature and attitude get the best of him. He wouldn't make that mistake again. "Sorry..." The dog would say at a bit of a whisper, refusing to make eye contact.
"It's no biggie. Besides, I should have known with you being so used to being fueled by... you know what, that you would be bound to act out at least once." The tamer would look around to make sure that there were no others around that may or may not have frowned on the use of Dark Soul. "Still have you picked up any others like us?"
"Besides that Marco kid, nope... though that one guy down in the arena seems to give off a hint of it, though it's very faint."
"I see... I guess we'll have to keep an eye on him... James."
-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
Kizadek rolled 10 10-sided dice:
2, 4, 3, 10, 2, 6, 10, 5, 10, 5
Total: 57 (10-100)
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:41 pm
Corruption Zero rolled 10 10-sided dice:
2, 9, 3, 5, 8, 6, 4, 5, 9, 1
Total: 52 (10-100)
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:06 pm
((OCC: Sorry I'm late every time I tried to get on my family made me get off)) As Kaizer runs into the stadium, he is starting to pant with a high sigh. "Sorry I'm late, there was a large line for the popcorn and drinks.""Kaizer! I told you we will be late. See what you have done you have lfet the audience waiting. Tell them you sorry."With a quick sigh, Kaizer bows his head. "Sorry I'm late dude. But the snacks could not wait. I hope that you could forgive me for this long wait for my entrance."Kaizer suddenly then reaches into his pocket, and then grabs his Card and Digivice. With a smirk on his face, he brings out his partner Agumon(BM). Twirling his card in hand showing that he has confidence, his partner Agumon(BM) starts the stare down. "Yo I know that you are ready so since I have wasted our time, lets kick this show on the road. Ready Agumon!?""Ready Kaizer! Lets win this thing.""Alright Neo Modify!!""You are not ready for these claws! Get ready for a hardcore battle."Tamer Data Digimon Name:Agumon(BM) HP: 60 Attribute:Vaccine Position:M8 Attacks 1)Pepper Breath-Offensive: Small burst of fire only use for Long Range,Double attack, Long Distance 2)Claw Uppercut-Offensive: Sharp claws aimed upward towards the enemy,Double attack, Short Distance 3)Fire Punch-Power Ups: Short Distance attacks involving the fist or claws are powered up with fire. Will only last for 1d4 turns
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:59 pm
James was confident about the battle. Overconfident? Possibly. But at the same time, this was simply the first match of a long tournament, and he knew he had it in the bag. Even if he didn't he was just scouting talent today. "You know what, I probably am not ready for those claws, I am gonna lay down and have a quick meeting with my eyelids about strategy, until then Delta one will take good care of you. And remember Delta, you are a host, make your guest feel welcomed and be sure to get to know them very well before you give any special deals. Cater them to his specific needs." And with that, James layed down on his platform, and promptly fell asleep. Floramon Stood for a few moments staring blankly at the lizard IT glowed an odd red color and reminded the plant of blood. Although a vegetable, The digimon did enjoy some nice blood here and there. If it was lucky, It may get to enjoy a bit now. Reaching down to the ground, Floramon took a runners set up position, then took off full speed, After three pacees it jumped high into the air and launched a seed the size of a coconut from its left arm with the velocity of a small cannon. The shot was aimed low towards the right leg of the lizard. As Floramon soared through the air it did a theatrical flip simply to please the audience, landing directly in the middle of the arena. Bearmon strode between rows of the coliseum. He was searching for a seat, but more importantly, he wanted to find another competitor so he could get a scoop on them. As he walked into one of the narrower isles designed for smaller digimon and their tamer,s he noticed a blue haired man sitting near a veemon. "Bingo" the bear said under his breath and began wading through the cluster of people that separated him from his mark. Reaching a better view of two of them, he noticed no empty seat, but a small gap between the man and monster which he may be able to slide into. Climbing nonchalantly up the female who was to his right, he ignored the shrieks of indignation and walked upon the back of the bench using peoples heads in order to stabalize himself. Careful not to touch the blue haired man himself, he promptly jumped from the bench and into the space, and began wiggling his butt so as to force both the tamer and digimon away and create more room for himself. "Well guys, how is the match going?" he asked as though he had known them both for years.--------------------------------------------------------------- Special attack used: 2) Petite blaster; Offensive; Special attack long range. Floramon fires a seed from its hand like a cannon towards the opponent Position: C8->H8  Digimon: Floramon(Delta 1) Attribute: Data HP: 60 Position: C8 Attacks: 1) Gaia Healing: healing; Floramon heals half of its HP by process of photosynthesis. 2) Petite blaster; Offensive; Special attack long range. Floramon fires a seed from its hand like a cannon towards the opponent 3) Straight Punch; offensive; Special attack short range. Floramon punches the opponent straight on.