I know we have a subforum for this, but this topic would be inappropriate for that forum.

So, my friend is the middle child, and shares a room with her younger sibling. They`re seventeen, fifteen and twelve. She`s lived in this area for almost seven years, and has lived in this state for an accumulative ten. Her mother and father are still together, and she`s shared a room forever.

When she first moves here, she had a couple months of her own room, and then switched with her older sister when she started to develop in life. Since then, she has shared a room with her little sister, who loves to go through her stuff. She has even gone as far as purchasing a lock for her closet to keep the twelve year old from prying through her belongings.

Several months ago, her and her siblings got in a spat over something weird, I`m pretty sure it was over their morning routine for school starting. Seventh and tenth grade, they would be awake around the same time, and to avoid any uncomfortable changing in the same room, whether or not the other was sleeping still or not.

The end result was the door being removed from the hinges, and it`s been gone since late July. Now, she`s constantly complaining about having to duck under her bed, cower in the corner, and change in her super dark closet as her little sister is still sleeping. Not only is her room dark as is, but she can`t turn on a light to change, and has absolutely no method of illuminating her closet.

Is it unfair of her parents to unbolt the door and prevent her from having privacy, or is it perfectly fine?