As per Tuluch Choran the enemies have been prototyped by a dapper fedora, and are therefore dressed in quite the dapper manner.
As per Baikal Stanom the enemies have been prototyped with a coconut pirate head, and are therefore dressed like pirates, and occasionally have peg legs and hooks for hands.
As per Lohi Dinysus, the enemies have been prototyped with the Dethalbum, and therefore occasionally wear black and spikes, and have a propensity for making loud noises.
As per Nick Archere, the enemies have been prototyped by a white Husky, causing the imps to tend to have dog-like attributes.
As per Seth Starska the enemies have been prototyped with a DSL connector, the enemies are equipped with better knowledge of computer networks, and can send and receive information over phone lines.
As per Solmie Kieryn the enemies have been prototyped with her lusus, boa constrictormom, and therefore occasionally have snake-like attributes.
As per Malina Fafnir the enemies have been prototyped by a Serge figure and are thus occasionaly dressed as stereotypical young fantasy heroes, and can overcome vast gaps in strength if not turned to grist after their first defeat.
As per Kyanos Elpese the enemies have been prototyped with a Full-sized Rocketeer statue, and as such the enemies tend to wear fancy jackets and helmets and occasionally have jetpacks. Thank you, Kyanos. Thank you.
As per Canisa Renees the enemies have been prototyped with a lit oil lantern thereby making the enemies occasionaly give off a bright, warm light that continues to burn when wet, or occasionally giving them fire based attacks.
As per Jenn Johnson the enemies have been prototyped with a leather vest and are therefore occasionally dressed in a leather vest. I'm really not sure what this will do to them other than that.
As per Cytryn Agrume the enemies have been prototyped with the skeleton of his dead moirail, and therefore occasionally have horns similar to hers, and tend to take on a detached, thoughtful demeanor.
As per Danwer Tarapt the enemies have been prototyped by a pair of fleece-lined jeans, making them extra comfortable, and wearing pants.