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Muceni Saltir # Tealblood [Crit pls? 83]

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:36 pm
Name: Muceni Saltir
(Muceni means torture in Czech, and Saltir is based from the Saltire Cross)

Blood Color: ████████ #07A394

Gender: Female

Symbol:User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

On the surface, Muceni appears to be a fairly upbeat, chipper and friendly troll- perhaps bordering on the slightly obnoxious side. She enjoys physical activity, games and meeting as many trolls as she can, occasionally traveling to other parts of Alternia to seek out new learning experiences. With a strict regimen of feeding her lusus, she has developed an affinity with cages and traps used for hunting. While it was once a tiresome exercise she now views it as a sort of sport and enjoys traversing along the mountainsides of her home.

Still, she rarely ever kills on contact, usually dragging her creatures inside one of the entrances to her hive cave. Sometimes Muceni even affectionately names the captured beats she and talks to them, many wander into her hive that she often has more to go around than their original purpose. As she is far away from most trolls, the monsters serve as a sort of replacement companions for her.. that is until she grows bored and moves onto another.

In other cases, her lusus will even go out of her way to break the complex locks to the cages which confine them just to keep the troll on her toes. This sort of constant testing is something Muceni felt particularly traumatized by, but now it is simple part of her routine and is more of a hassle. Especially when there’s an angry, half-starved monster trashing about in your hive trying to get out- or kill you.

Regardless, Muceni quickly leaps to the event with eagerness, having grown thankful of these little surprises as she gets older. Often she compliments whatever she is facing in combat, a habit usually done in effort to soothe her enemy. (This tactic is also carried onto whenever she is dealing with fights between her and other trolls, which possibly is more of an irritation.) Generally, Muceni will treat her peers are if they’re her monstrous pets, especially if they are lower in the hemospectrum than her. In fact, she really sees no difference between the two and will have no hesitation to assert her dominance by generally doing whatever the hell she wants around them.

Despite all the pinching and examining the physical status of her fellow specimen trolls, she’s also quite fascinated with learning about what makes them tick. Bonding, as you may think, takes a nice priority in her life. Muceni is all too overly eager in offering her services of listening to your personal pains, desires and what you ate for breakfast; even if you don’t want to divulge this information to her.

However, the mood changes completely when interacting with trolls of her same caliber and higher. Sometimes, she will feel comfortable enough to challenge some blue bloods but, if ever faced with a purple blood she will quickly sweep down to one knee. Muceni would rather form an alliance or servitude to them than do something completely stupid and endanger herself.

Because of living in such an intense lifestyle, free time and hobbies are approached with the same manner as anything else would be. (Who would find comfort by sitting still, anyway?) Muceni enjoys planning and locking herself into dangerous, ridiculous traps to escape from. Which she usually never does the way she had planned to. Time spent afterwards usually involves a lot of swearing and breaking of said contraptions, along with vows to never put herself through another stupid trap again. It never takes long before she is busy building diagrams for yet another plot.

Muceni also has an affinity for acting and likes to make puppets of sorts from the corpses and bones of leftover beasts. Its pretty gross and sad too, because she really doesn’t have anyone as an audience besides things in cages. Sometimes her lusus steps in too but it never forgets its damn lines and ends up hopping everywhere and breaking EVERY ******** thing.

When Muceni starts a project, she finishes it; never one to back down on her word if she’s made an effort to say she’s going to do something. Not only that, but if she finds even the slightly flaw in something she’s worked on, she will have no qualms over totally scrapping it only to rebuild it even better than before, and it shows. Organizing schedules is also an activity she spends a great deal on time in, even if it isn’t one she particularly enjoys. Muceni seems a bit compulsive about documenting every ins-and-outs of her daily life, even if it’s absolutely boring as hell. (Which, it usually is.) It is questionable if this routine really benefits her in the long run, but patterns like this are hard to break, much like the iron chains she uses for her cages.

Adaptable: Having benefited from all the traumatic experiences of her youthful early days, being repeatedly abandoned by her lusus to test her survival instincts; Muceni has developed a very useful skill of bounding back from whatever is thrown at her. Whether that is emotional or physical stress; she usually finds a useful and effective way of locking up all those obnoxious, weak little feelings in a box deep inside of her. Where it can properly rot and slowly kill her from the inside! True moments of emotions and pain can be spent elsewhere, preferably deep inside the maze of her cave hive where she can do all the primal screaming and venting she wants. Of course, she has to be sure her lusus doesn’t see her meltdowns or Muceni will definitely be in for some good ol’ fashioned spanking. (Note: Its not really all that good)

Focused: With the experience of scaling up the side of windy, barren cliffs where one false move would send you on a trip to becoming a little pile of goo; Muceni has learned not to get off guard, easily distracted or confused. If someone is being evasive over a topic, she will drill on it until some answers start spewing out. Or, adversely, she can serve as an effective subordinate for following orders, no matter how extraneous or bizarre they may be. This skill also comes in handy when she is on her excursions in the wild, where she will hunt and challenge beasts of many kinds to test her own skills, as well as feed her precious Koalaroomom. The Hunt is about paying attention to wind patterns, noticing patterns in foliage and taking note of the subtle footsteps of her prey, even in harsh terrain conditions. A small step can determine whether you have the upper hand, or something else lurking just beyond your sight does.

Optimistic: Even in dire conditions, Muceni is the type of troll to always try and lighten the mood by pointing out a silver lining, sometimes resorting to relishing in the shortcomings of others for comfort. She hopes that this point of view will be reassuring to her company but it could very well only isolate even more from those who she could get close to. In some cases, her attitude is more of a front for her intense compulsions and fears rather than a source of genuine confidence. However, as the sweeps go by, maybe Muceni can one day become the type of troll she aspires to be. One that her peers can rely on and go to for support, admire and kiss her toes. For now she has to make due with her prisoners, er, gently forced company!

Intrusive: Personal space isn’t really a concept known to Muceni. Usually upon meeting she will find her way to get as close as possible with whoever interests her the most. She is attracted to muscles, large horns and grumpy, aggressive attitudes. In any case, this kind of obnoxiously-forced interaction is more likely not beneficial to her well being. Challenges only seem to promote her desire for the hunt even further. Unfriendly rejections (or outright violence) to her advances sometimes causes her to make assumptions and misinterpret meanings and lose sight of what might have been originally intended. Perhaps this is the result of her upbringing, but Muceni seems a bit desperate to mean something to a troll, in any kind of way.

Shallow: It is fairly obvious that the only troll that Muceni cares about is herself, despite her efforts to prove her attentiveness and understanding of others. Pointing out her faults never really goes well in the long run, even if she laughs it off at the time with her usual up-beat and perky attitude. If ever faced in a situation where her safety is compromised, she will attempt to pull any card from her deck like a desperate coward. True loyalty is not a virtue that she will commit to in the end. So if she knows a secret that will save her from an untimely fate, you can bet that she will use it for for her advance. And if she doesn’t know a secret, lying is always the next best option! Bartering her tactical hunting and gathering skills is also a common tactic used if under serious threat, as well as something she will offer when making a bond with a superior troll. Muceni recognizes dominance and respects hierarchy, if she can make a worthwhile connection with a troll who could ultimately prolong survival, the better. It doesn’t even mean she has to like them or not, as long as Muceni can make the act convincing enough!

Possessive: After setting her sights on her prize, Muceni will not let go of the hunt so easily. Keep rejecting her, however, might result in a good ol’ huntyoudownandnetyoulikeananimal where you can wakeupinacolddarkholetiedupwithchainsandgagged. Maybe the best defense against this pesky troll is just to act downright too boring for her to want to play with you! (But that’s no fun, right?) She will scale large distances to just lurk outside your hive, plant unsuspecting traps and stake out in your closet. If she continues to be denied what she wants, that will make her quest imperative for her to achieve and her controlled attitude will become all the more unhinged and unpredictable. It becomes more about the challenge of getting what she wants and less about the prize. If a troll has any sort of Achilles heel she will prey on it; often resorting to blackmail, emotional manipulation or you know, don’t make me spell it all out for you! Of course, even with the most strenuous of efforts, she can still fall short of her goal. Instances like these usually cause a huge impact on her mental status, causing her to go on private rampages on her free time. If the topic ever floats up to the surface again, she will easily put on a front of a chuckle and a shrug. It really makes one wonder if living in such a remote location and hermit-like conditions has been for the better for others, or worse on Muceni's obsession with needing them.

Weapon: Net [xxx]
While Muceni’s weapon of choice might be unusual, don’t let its appearance deceive you into thinking it is harmless! This large butterfly troll net has been her trusted tool of choice since she first started hunting for her lusus. Using a fighting style which appears similar to Bojutsu, Muceni adds another level of surprise when she can utilize the actual net end of her staff to grab hold of her opponents. With a quick twist of her handle, the circlet can tighten its grip on her foe, which can allow her to flip, trip, drag, lift or swing them off their feet. It can be especially dangerous if she can manage to get it around her opponent’s neck in an attempt to strangle.
Her limbs are quite strong, but her technique is to keep you as far away as possible so that she doesn’t have to endure many direct blows. Without her weapon, she can feel rather vulnerable and will probably resort to capoeira-esque style of fighting, where she will use the support of her arms on the ground with her legs as the replacement weapon.
While the mesh of the actual net lining is very strong fiber, in the event of rips and tears, Muceni’s first course of action upon returning to her hive will be fixing her prized weapon. She also has larger sizes, but these can be quite heavy and she only uses them when on the hunt for particularly …dangerous beasts.
Another note, is that when in serious bouts or when she is on the hunt, Muceni has a particular habit of wearing a sort of mask/hood for intimidation, modeled of course after her terrifying lusus. Yes, the fluffy koala ears ARE included.

While not overtly feminine, Muceni takes great pride in her meticulous and elaborate makeup and hairstyle, often taking a good portion of her time to prepare and plan. Her long hair is entwined into braids, which is usually collected and clipped up in the back with a shiny hairpiece which also features her symbol. The ends, as well as some strands in her braids, feature highlights in her teal blood color. While she assures that vanity is not an issue and her personal flair is mostly out of efficiency, it could be thought that perhaps she goes out of her way to compensate for her build: her waist is thick, short and chiseled with abs, her shoulders are wide, arms thick and legs lanky. Her standard wardrobe also rarely changes, usually only wearing (slightly) damaged tank tops and gruff teal cargo pants which are stuffed into her black, properly laced mountain boots.
(basic ref doodle here)

Home: [cave/mountain]
Her hive is meticulously built, filled with confusing maze of tunnels. She finds the level of security of her traps and pitfalls really helps with a good nights sleep. Even if something does manage to get past, this sort of excitement will only encourage her to grow and get better. Although in her younger days, the surprise wasn’t all too welcoming.
Muceni’s actual respiteblock is hidden deep inside her hive, guarded with a puzzle of many false entrances that will lead trespassers to various kinds of unhappy results. Besides that, her respiteblock is actually quite ordinary, if you consider a cluttered room of cages and weapons to fall under that kind of description. A large work table wraps around the wall of her circular room, with diagrams and schedule pinned on a board above. Adjoined with her respiteblock is a smaller one, which features an elegant therapist chair, complete with chains and restraints for all her friends to enjoy!

Lusus: Koalaroomom [kangaroo body w/ koala head] (sketch doodle here)
You think that something looking like this wouldn’t be so goddamned terrifying, but that’s where you fall short. Truth is, this Koalaroomom takes parenting her young troll to the most serious degree. Despite her comforting, soft pouch which would be the ideal place of protection for a little wriggler to climb and nest in from the harsh climate of the mountains; this lusus would practically forbid Muceni from getting anywhere close to it. Instead, she would often force the little wormy troll to scale outrageous distances for no other reason than to build up meat on its young bones while hopping around in big goddamned circles.
That's not even touching on the other aspect of this parenting style, namely, the intense psychological conditioning. More terrifying than a human mother on menopause, Koalaroomom will suddenly switch to acting sweet, affectionate, and downright adorably playful with Muceni. This change was so drastic at times, it would seem that the lusus was replaced with an identical, but polar opposite twin. In the times when Muceni felt secure enough to lower her guard and accept the warm embrace of her lusus, that’s when the deception really started. Sometimes she’d even be allowed to ride in her Koalaroomom’s awesome pouch, but a quick joyride often resulted in her being dumped in the middle of some unknown terrain. Clearly a method of punishment for Muceni to find her way all the way back to her hive again. As bitter and cruel it may feel to a young troll, those few moments of bouncing high in the mountaintops were sure fulfilling and exciting while they lasted.. hey.. wait, why the hell is there a kangaroo thing living in the mountains anyway?
Power: nope chan dramallama

hi I'm Kosmic/Chelsie and this is my first time doing this sort of thing!! dont laugh too hard, okay! weh! but yeah hey everyone! crits, corrections, suggestions and whatever are welcomed and greatly appreciated! ;D  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:42 pm
rite!! let's see HM!! assume everything i don't mention is okey-doke, hunkey dory, etc. mostly it's just moving things around so that they are in parts that make more sense.

first off the second paragraph confused me a little, does her lusus break open the cage locks?? it's kind of like 'woah why does it do that ...' so i would reccomend moving the info about what a bish kangawalla-mom is to above this part?? its fine to have lusus info in this section, and it'll cause less confusion i think.

things that would be super good to add to the personality blurb - her views on the hemospectrum, any hobbies apart from pinning things in cages, and how she interacts with trolls when she's not trying to kick em in the face >:3 (which is kind of covered below -- keep readin)

Despite all the pinching and examining the physical status of her fellow specimen trolls, she’s also quite fascinated with learning about what makes them tick. Bonding, as you may think, takes a nice priority in her life. Muceni is all too overly eager in offering her services of listening to your personal pains, desires and what you ate for breakfast; even if you don’t want to divulge this information to her.

this part isn't negative at all! stick it up n her personality section, then i would recommend putting the part below (what happens when people reject her advances) in the possessive flaw, since that's what it's describing.

for the part where you say she uses a style similar to bojutsu, if you could either describe what this style is (like how you describe capoeira below) or link to a video/page that talks about it, that would be great.

When Muceni starts a project, she finishes it; never one to back down on her word if she’s made an effort to say she’s going to do something. Not only that, but if she finds flaws in something she’s worked on, she will have no qualms over totally scrapping it only to rebuild it even better than before, and it shows.

again, while it is kind of related to the section its in, this bit would fit much more neatly in her personality blurb at the top!

respiteblock cat_talk2hand  

Vice Captain

Versatile Vermin


PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:18 pm


kk, pretty sure that I got everything! I hope it pleases you, chans ahhhn OW~  
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